"The newsies were a ragged army" --okay they made some mistakes too!!! well anyway Check out these BLOOPERS!
1) In "Santa Fe" when Jack is riding his horse, his hat is off, then when he turns the corner it is suddenly back on!

2) When Les says, "All this for one sip of beer" his lips don't move.

3)The newspapers that the newsies sell aren't the right style for that time period.

4) Throughout the movie, Medda's sweedish accent disappears.

5) During "The World Will Know" Swifty's hat falls off.

6)Shouldn't there be people on the strrets during the song "Santa Fe"?

7) At the end, when all of the newsies dance in those small groups, one of them drops their paper

8)After Jack, Dave, and Les are running from Snyder, when the boys stop off at Medda's Theater, Jack is smoking, but how could he have lit up while he was running?

9)Noone is the Jacobs family has a New York accent except Les!

10) During the raid in the theater, Jack gets puncheed in the chin, but when he is in the courtroom, he has a balck eye.

11)How did the newsies suddenly get the tomatoes, when they rip up the papers? Besides, weren't they poor? they should have eaten them!

12) Someone right before Carryin' the Banner is sleeping with their glasses on.

13) Mush is really late in Carryin' the Banner during "We need a good assasination"

14) Blink misses the begining of the dance during "Sieze the Day Chorale"

15) Davey doesn't have a NY accent during the whole entire movie, but suddenly in "King of New York" he has one! It's Magic!

16) Teddy Roosevelt really has a southern accent, but in the movie, he doesn't.

17)When Jack and Sara are printing
The Newsie Banner, Jack and Sara whisper, because Weasel is right above them, but then they continue to print the papers. In 1899, the presses, must not have been quiet.

18)The newsies share clothes!!! I swear! Mush wears a that white shirt during Sieze the Day, and the Dave wears it at the end when they go talk to Pulitzer.

19)When Dave defends his sister, he gets beatup, but there is no blood or bruises

20)When the newsies first wake up in the lodging house, the guys don't have anything to shave off, but they shave anyway. I guess they wanna look like MANLY MEN!

21) At the end of the movie, why did someone hand Jack that bag? What was in it? He's not going to Santa Fe is he?

22) ok, this is a funny one:
Davey looses clothing during the movie! it's wierd! ok, he starts out with like a million layers of clothing all buttoned up with a tie and all, then at the end of the movie he's got nothing on but pants and an undershirt! hehe!

23) In the begining of "Sieze the Day", Davey helps Crutchy up, then they show a shot of Davey, and Crutchy in the backround, and he's not using his crutch!

24) In "The World Will Know" someone hands Jack newspapers- WHY? he's goin' on strike! he doesn't want them anymore!

25) I hate Sara, she always looks like she's ready to throw herself at Jack-- especially when she says "So, What makes a headline good?"

23) The newsies had no money right? well then how did they get the cigaretts, and "Havannah" cigars?

24)This is really annoying! When Crutchy goes to remove Snyders food, right before Crutchy goes in, Snyder goes and stuffs his napkin up his sleeve! WHY?

25) During the Sieze the Day Chorale, all of the boys' accents dissapear, but right after it, they magically reappear!

26) Right after Specs says "a baby born with three heads" you can tell the sky is a painting!

27) In Santa Fe, Jack has a rope tied around his waist then when he jumps off his horse, it's gone.

28) During once and for all, Jack magically changes clothes!

29) What a coincidence! When Dave finally stops Jack, they are right infront of Medda's place!

30) I wonder how their hats stayed on while they danced!

31) I love Spot, but I have to admit, he has no singing or dancing ability! I mean he has a really good voice and all, but he never dances! At the end he even rides out in the carriage because he can't dance!

32) Jack does wierd things with his mouth throughout the whole movie! It's soooo annoying!

And the Best Blooper-or at least the funniest:
33) At the end of the movie Blink has this thing on his hand. Well it turns out that that he was going on the costume closet and he just forgot to take it off! hehe!!!
Hey look everybody, It's a Visual Blooper! Yea!
Check out Race's feet! They're different!
If you have any other BLOOPERS, then Please Please
e-mail them to me, because I still have tons of room on this page!
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