Welcome to my fan site to Jake Gyllenhaal!
Welcome to my fan page of Jake Gyllenhaal, the star of October Sky. Jake isn't really that well known but hopefully the few of us out here that love him can change that!
Jake starred in a movie last year called October Sky. It was based on the true story of Homer Hickem, how he grew up in a mining town and his love for building rockets. The movie was really good and if you ever get a chance to see it, please do.

Jake also starred in some other movies, and when I get the a chance to make a list, I will write it.

Jake is really a great actor and he is also a muscian. He did have a band named Hole Shot, but they have broken up. Right now, Jake is a freshman at Columbia University in New York, NY. He has already mentioned that he wants to be known for his acting and not for his pretty face(and what a great face it is.)
Jake is a really great actor and he is also a muscian. He did have a band called Hole Shot, but they broke up. Jake is attending Columbia University in New York City as a freshman. Jake has said that he wants to be known for his acting and not his face.(what a great face it is)
Jake is starring in a new movie coming out this summer. It's about a roadtrip and Kurt Cobain's suicide. I'm still looking for Info to keep you posted!
City Slickers (1991) ... Danny Robbins Josh and S.A.M.(1993)...Leon
A Dangerous Woman(1993)(as Jocob Gyllenhaal)...Edward
Homegrown(1999)...Blue Kahan October Sky(1999)...Homer Hickam

Jake also had one tv appearence. Homicide: Life on the Street (1993) as Matt Ellison in espisode Bop Gun (episode#2.1) 1/6/1994
There is more to come, I just started this page.
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