Ram Vikash Tiwary
18 Maurice Street Embleton/Perth Western Australia 6062

Telephone (HP):      0414154570
                 (Home):  94711192

E-mail: RamVikash@gmail.com


CAREER OBJECTIVE : To obtain a challenging and fulfilling IT position, with particular emphasis on software development and programming, in a progressive organisation which expects a high level of performance and commitment from its executives.



  • As an Operation Charge Engineer, I have supervised a team of technical staff in the safe, smooth and efficient operation and maintenance of a waste-to-energy refuse incineration.
  • Supervised the annual overhaul of the boilers as well as the overhaul of the turbo-generator equipment which is performed every three years.
  • Developed a database using MS Access 2000 & Visual Basic for Applications to automate the process of computing & generating daily & monthly operation reports for Senoko Plant.
  • As leader of Work Improvement Teams, participated in QCC and WIT conventions and won 3 Gold awards.
  • Acted as Secretary of the National Preparatory Process Focus Group that discussed the Singapore Green Plan 2012 Report for the World Summit on Sustainable Development.
  • Participated in a ‘Waste-To-Energy Biomass Power Plant project in Malaysia in 2002. This project required producing a Feasibility Study Report.
  • Worked on the organising committee of the launch of the Clean and Green Week in Singapore in 2003.




  • Microsoft Office XP (Word, Excel, Access & PowerPoint)
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • CAD/CAM (Pro-Engineer), AutoCAD 2000
  • Microsoft Certified Specialist for Access 2000
  • Lotus 123, D-Base IV, Harvard Graphics


  • C ++
  • Linux / Unix
  • Java
  • Visual Basic
  • Fortran 77
  • GW-Basic, D-Base IV, Lotus 123


  • Typing at 37 WPM
  • Filing
  • Database management and related work


  • English (Excellent spoken and written)
  • Malay
  • Hindi



Dec 1996 - Mar 1997


Matsushita Refrigeration Industries of Singapore


Nov 1998 - Sep 2005

Operation Engineer

National Environment Agency




Masters of Science (Computer Science) with Distinction, University of Wales at Aberystwyth, Wales, UK, 2004.
Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) with Honours Class 1, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, 1997.
Diploma in Information Systems, Technology Management Centre, Singapore, 1994.
General Certificate of Education, A-levels, Temasek Junior College, Bedok/Singapore, 1989.



References are available on request.