Welcome to my
Wargamers info and  Beautiful women Homepage.
( Not nessasarly in that order )
Welcome! Life is great. We should take the time out to say thank you to all the beautiful women that make life so worth living..  So, please take a look around and enjoy yourself.  I add new material regularly to keep my site fresh, so check back often!
This is the I.S. Crew where I work.  I am the MANLY man in the front row next to the Sun Flower girl.
Here are some Pictures of me and the Knights Of Columbus at the Los Gatos Ca. holiday Parade.
Sir Guy

Color Guard
This is Blanca Nieves. Una angel bella  ( a beautiful angel ). My present girlfriend, opps. now wife. Beautiful inside and outside. Yes, her parents called her Snow White.  More of Blanca

Baby Veronica ( Princessa De la Pooh )
Some good friends...
To see Thalia click here. Since she is going out with the Sony guy I can no longer date her. Now she is married.

The lurker's Guide to Babylon 5
- Babylon 5

Total War-  Total War ( Real time gave during the age of war in Japan )

Parque de THALIA
- Thalia Fan site

3D files .com      - For your 3 D Vidio Card needs. ( real men cards) or
                                    starving poor people with nice cards.
KofC.org             -The Knights of Columbus web sit
To see the most wonderful and cutest baby in the world... 
  Click here for the Princessa De la Pooh
Being so happy, that I get sent in for drug testing every week.
( Randomly , ya right ! )
Want to get in touch with me? 
Like my page? 
Email me! guyvii@frontiernet..net