Having found a scarcity of information
and photos about this versatile and
creative man's life and career,
I decided to take it upon myself
to put together a site of all
things Orbach, in tribute to his
talents and character.
You probably know Jerry Orbach
from his role as 'Detective Lennie Briscoe'
on the hit NBC-TV show "Law & Order".
I'll bet you didn't know that you also
know him from Disney's Animated films,
Van Damme/Segal action movies and
the man who put "Baby in a corner"
in Dirty Dancing.
He has untangled mysteries with
'Jessica Fletcher' on "Murder She Wrote"
as 'Private Investigator Harry McGraw'
which then spun off his to his own show
"The Law & Harry McGraw".
But wait!
You say you are more of the
Broadway type?
That you lean more toward
"Promises, Promises" and "There's No
Business Like Show Business" ?
Well my friend, you too have probably been
obsessed with Orbach!
Do you find yourself humming
"Try to Remember"
or "Lullabye of Broadway"?
Yes, Jerry was the man who sang them
on stage. He's the director who stopped
the gal from going home to "Allentown!"
in "42nd Street" and the
dangerous, deadly "Mack the Knife"
in the "Three Penny Opera". In
"Chicago" he Razzle Dazzled as Billy Flynn
long before Richard Gere ever thought
about the part!!
Billiards are more your game??
How 'bout the Jerry Orbach
Celebrity Charity Billiard
Try the Jerry Orbach Golf
Classic for charity.
You are an animal lover
and an intellectual?
Jerry holds the record for the most
money won by a celebrity
contestant on "Jeopardy"
and he donated his winnings to
"Bide-a Wee" Animal Shelter,
the Animal Medical Center, and
the Berkshire Humane Society.
So you can see, Jerry Orbach has
had a varied and prolific career and
life that touches people across all
ages, classes and interests.
And we've just gotten started!!
Click the menus on the
left to explore the
Orbachian World of Jerry
(He sang that, too!!! It's from Disney's
BEAUTY and the BEAST!)