Jewel Lyrics
of you what we call human nature
in actuality is human habit
Who Will Save Your Soul This was Jewel's first single in America and also over here but it didn't go anywhere on this side of the Atlantic.
Foolish Games This is one of my very favourites. The music is really pretty. This song was in Batman and Robin, the film with George Clooney, Uma Thurman, Chris O'Donnel, Alicia Silverstone, and Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Near You Always This is a really lovely song. The words are really pretty and so is the melody.
Morning Song This was the first Jewel song I ever heard (thank-you Sue) and it's still one of my favourites.
I'm Sensitive I still love this song. It was originally my favourite but that has changed since I got her second album.
You were Meant for Me This was the first of Jewel's singles that got anywhere in the UK. She got to number 34 in the charts. The two B-sides for this single were really cool (see B-Sides). She sang this in concert with Steve Poltz, her co-writer on this song, and also her supporting act and they got a couple of lines mixed up on stage and giggled about it for the rest of the song!
Deep Water This is a pretty song that is the first on her second album.
Hands This is a song about faith that means a lot to a few people I know.
Down So Long This is probably the song of Jewel's that got the farthest over here. It was quite big for a couple of weeks and then it just kind of dropped out around May last year, just after I had seen her in concert (yay!). She performed this song brilliantly.
Do You I really like this song. I'm not exactly sure why though, I just do.
Absence of Fear This is a lovely song. The piano part is really pretty and it is just a gentle and sweet song. This was how she finished her concert here in Manchester and it was brilliant.
were meant for me
Cold Song This is just a really, really cool little song. It is only just over a minute long and well worth listening to. I love it and it always cheers me up.
Rocker Girl This song is cool too, and also quite short, it's just one to sing along to.