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                    My Page~
Hi, welcome to my page. It'll forever be in construction, because I'm still trying to learn how to design webpages using HTML because Pagebuilder is a damn nuisance!
Anyway~a little about me:

I love music. I love rock, swing, jazz, classical, soundtracks, musicals, whatever. I love to sing as well and am taking lessons for Carnatic music. About time I started taking proper lessons...long story that I won't bother ya with.

I love to read...mysteries, fantasy, biographies, historical fiction...i like to read a lot. Yeah I loved fantasy books a while back and over the summer I read the entire Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy books and it was awesome. I love humourific books hehe. Bridget Jones's books are incredible. I can totally relate to her! Ummm, must start reading "Emma" and something or the other. Since I don't have assigned reading, I just read whatever whenever. Mwaha.

I love to write...yeah. Am still working on my novel that began in SP01. Hehe. I have time but I never think of writing. It's sad. But ah well. I'll get to it soon...I guess.

Movies: I watched
Love Actually a while back and I loved it. I love Hugh Grant even more now and Colin Firth! He's so good. I love him. I can't wait for LOTR: ROTK. The third one is the best, with the best love story ever! Yeah I'm a romantic freak. Hehe.

Tennis: I love Lleyton Hewitt. And to all the guys going 'ewww ' out there...you have problems. He's going to beat Spain out of Oz this coming wknd (please! please!) and he'll return to #1 next year. Hopefully. He's my favourite but I love lots of other players...mostly the European ones. Yeah, I'm biased. Hehe.

So anyway. Enjoy. Um. Yeah. Enjoy. I don't care on expanding the good old Audrey and Cary sites 'cos well...it's all over. Enjoy the bios tho, eh? hehe. That's my offer for you, this is a primitive site and if you want to look at my pictures, go here:

That's it. Laters!

Check it out! It's my Audrey Hepburn page! Click on her crown to see the page.
HaRiNi'S column~
To see Cary: Click on his handsome face!
If you love Lleyton, click on his trophy. If you don't, the same goes for you.