DATE: BBY= Before Battle of Yavin ABY= After Battle of Yavin |
7,500,000,000 BBY
Yavin System formed
25,000,000 BBY
First Hyperdrive invented
Jedi Knights appear
896 BBY
Yoda born
200 BBY
Chewbaca is born on Kashyyyk
92 BBY
Qui-Gon Jinn is born |
57 BBY
Obi-Wan is born
45 BBY
Qui-Gon Jinn takes over Obi-Wan's Jedi training |
Obi-Wan: 12 Qui-Gon: 47
41 BBY
Anakin Skywalker is born on Tatooine
0 |
32 BBY
Episode 1 (Phantom Menace) Anakin meets Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon
Senator Palpatine rises to power
Qui-Gon Jinn Dies
Yoda: 864 Anakin: 9 Obi-Wan: 25 Qui-Gon: 60 Padme Amidala: 14
29 BBY
Han Solo is born on Corellia
0 |
19 BBY
Anakin Skywalker, impatient with his jedi training methods with Obi-Wan, allows himself to be led astray by Senator Palpatine for a quicker path to power. He betrays and kills all the Jedi knights except Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda, resulting in a bitter duel with Obi-Wan and falling into a molten pit, becoming Darth Vader
Anakin: 21 Obi-Wan:38
18 BBY
Learning that Vader had survived the battle, Obi-Wan takes Padme's newborn twins (Luke and Leia), into hiding
Darth Vader: 22 Obi-Wan: 39 Padme Amidala: 27
13 - 14 BBY
Padme Amidala dies
Darth Vader: 27 - 28 Padme Amidala: 32 - 33 Luke and Leia: 4 - 5
Battle of Yavin (Episode 4: A new hope)
Luke and Leia: 18 Obi-Wan:57 Han: 29 Yoda:896 Chewie: 200 Darth Vader: 41 Emperor Palpatine: 62
Episode 5 (Empire Strikes Back) Luke meets Yoda
Luke: 21 Yoda: 899
4 ABY |
Episode 6(Return of the Jedi) Yoda dies Darth Vader dies Emperor Palpatine dies
Darth Vader: 45 Emperor Palpatine: 66
Han marries Leia
Han Solo: 37 Leia: 26
Leia gives birth to twins, Jacen and Jaina Solo
Leia becomes President of the New Republic
10 ABY
Leia gives birth to her third child, Anakin Solo
11 ABY
Luke establishes a Jedi Academy on Yavin 4, but is nearly killed by the reawakened spirit of the ancient Dark Lord - Exar Kun, who had been the very first student in history to fall to the Dark Side and become the first Dark Lord of the Sith
Luke: 29
15 ABY
Luke achieves the ability to cloak objects
Luke: 33
19 ABY
Luke marries Mara Jade
Luke: 37
22 ABY
Anakin Solo begins his instruction at the Academy
Anakin Solo: 11 Luke: 40 Han: 51
23 ABY
Jacen and Jaina Solo begin their instruction at the Academy
Jacen and Jaina: 13 Anakin Solo: 12