I've set up an email list so that we can keep in touch with each other. This is a moderated list for SW Volunteers only. There are four steps to this process.
- Email me with your name. The reason to do so is in step 4. To join you need to either
- be in the SW Volunteers Directory or
- answer these 3 questions
- What was the office key attached to?
- What is the "special" highligher color?
- Name 3 things that were on display in the office. (Like who were the cardboard standups, or what Star Trek toys did Roger bring in?)
- You need to go to the Onelist web site (See link below.) and register as a user.
- After you've confirmed your registration with Onelist, then sign up for the SWVolunteers list. (Again see link below.)

Click to subscribe to SWVolunteers
- Once you've registered I get a "peneding memebership" notice from Onelist. If I recognize the name (See, this is where that first email comes in.) then I approve it & you get a little welcome message.
Back to the SW:TMOM Volunteers Homepage
Email me about Star Wars: The Magic of Myth