I've set up an email list so that we can keep in touch with each other. This is a moderated list for SW Volunteers only. There are four steps to this process.

  1. Email me with your name. The reason to do so is in step 4. To join you need to either

    1. What was the office key attached to?
    2. What is the "special" highligher color?
    3. Name 3 things that were on display in the office. (Like who were the cardboard standups, or what Star Trek toys did Roger bring in?)

  2. You need to go to the Onelist web site (See link below.) and register as a user.

  3. After you've confirmed your registration with Onelist, then sign up for the SWVolunteers list. (Again see link below.)

    Click to subscribe to SWVolunteers

  4. Once you've registered I get a "peneding memebership" notice from Onelist. If I recognize the name (See, this is where that first email comes in.) then I approve it & you get a little welcome message.

Back to the SW:TMOM Volunteers Homepage

Email me about Star Wars: The Magic of Myth