as of 6th May 2002

All prices include postage throughout the world.
All prices in Australian Dollars.
All CD's guaranteed.

Refer to archives for information on each release.
Cassettes that don't appear in this catalogue but do appear in the archives are available, on request, but only with simple packaging,
ie. B/W photocopy.

Cassettes $5

End Show - Perverted and Proud

StreetKid Jake - Artschool

Karen Carpenter - the Bathroom

Ben Consumer - A Cook and His Hat

Ben Consumer - Prince Dirt

Various Artists
- Dogmatics in Wotopia
(Page 27, Empusa, Prosthetic Gland and The Invisible Barbed Wire Fence)

Compact Discs (CD-R's) $10

Various Artists - Consumer Productions 2002

Kind Winds - Mercury

Infrasound - s/t

Crossfire - Up Close and Personal

Human Host - s/t

End Show - Perverted and Proud (+2 bonus tracks)

End Show - s/t

Rent Boy - Metronome

Streetkid Jake - Artschool

Compact Discs $15

Rent Boy - Clocktower

Various Artists - Consumer Productions 1999



HMAS - A Series Of Accidental Movements (video) $7