Latest News:
- 04-29-00 South China Morning Post: Cruise Loses Faith on Scientology!
- 04-29-00 Montreal Gazette: Is Travolta ducking tough critics!
- 04-29-00 National Post: 'John! I Love You' (incl. Picket)!
- 04-29-00 Jam Movies: Battlefield Earth Travoltas's labour of love.
- 04-28-00 Picket Report (Toronto): Assaults and Street Thuggery!MUST READ!
- 04-28-00 Courier Mail (Australia): Travolta, critics face off over cult friction.
- 04-26-00 Boston Herald: John was less than civil to press!
- 04-23-00 Las Vegas Sun: Movie Premiere May 11 in Las Vegas!
- 04-21-00 Ironminds: Sci(entology)-Fi Thriller!
- 04-19-00 Ifuse: SET REPORT. 'Battlefield' set creeps out the crew! MUST READ!
- 04-19-00 Battlefield Down.
- 04-16-00 AP: Travolta Warns He's a Villain.
- 04-06-00 Berliner Zeitung: John Travolta brings Scientology founder's novel into the movie theaters!
- 03-24-00 Wall Street Journal: Elia Samaha (the Retardist) + Battlefield Earth! MUST READ!
- 03-19-00 L.A.Times: Hubbard, the Satanist!
- 03-15-00 CHUD: 'Battlefield Earth' Set-Report!
- 03-02-00 Sun Times: Big Hairy deal: Travolta as alien Terl.
- 02-29-00 L.A.Times: Report Urges Dissolution of Scientology Church in France! MUST READ!
- 02-20-00 Robert Vaughn Young: L.Ron Hubbard's Mission Earth: The rest of the story!
- 02-20-00 Pioneer Planet: Travolta film may boost Scientology!
- 02-20-00 Arkansa Democratic-Gazette: Famoues Quotes from L.Ron Hubbard.
- 02-20-00 FAB!(L.A.): Paul Baresi article...on outing Travolta!
- 02-19-00 The Times (London): Travolta's Faith in the Movies.
- 02-18-00 Boston Globe: Silent Birth.
- 02-17-00 ET Online: Interview with John Travolta.
- 02-17-00 EON Mag: Pictures from 'Battlefield' Toys.
- 02-16-00 N.Y.Daily News: An L. Ron Hubbub Over Flick! MUST READ!
- 02-15-00 Variety: Scientology to get 'Earth' toy money! MUST READ!
- 02-15-00 SciFi: Scientology Scores 'Battlefield Earth' Toy Bucks.
- 02-15-00 Holly.Rep.: Travolta Faces Off With Self On Toy 'Battlefield'.
- 02-13-00 N.Y.Post: Travolta promotes 'Battlefield' Toys.
- 02-12-00 MOPO Online: Clinton as Scientology Lobbyist!
- 02-11-00 RPD Presse: Sect experts concerned about Scientology's influence.
- 02-10-00 CHUD.COM: Report about the Washington Post (Nov. 29, 1999) article!
- 02-08-00 BBC: France Urged To Ban $cientology! MUST READ!
- 02-07-00 AFP: Parisian Agency classifies Scientology as 'totalitarian'!
- 02-07-00 Report Mainz: Scientology and the Artist.
- 02-05-00 WAZ: Hammer man attacks ARD team while filming! MUST READ!
- 02-04-00 CINESCAPE: 'Battlefield' Prequel Talk.
- 01-28-00 Variety: Sequel - Prequel.
- 01-08-00 L.A.Weekly: Scientology Chia Pet!
- 01-04-00 Washington Post: The Reliable Source! Co$ Fraud Exposed! MUST READ!
- 01-03-00 ET Online: Interview John Travolta.
- 01-03-00 CHUD.COM: The War for "Earth" Wages On!
- 12-29-99 The Express (UK): Out of this world role for Travolta.
- 12-27-99 N.Y.Post: Travolta's Big Bite on Movie Set.
- 12-23-99 Eonline: Barry Pepper - Battlefield Earth.
- 12-16-99 NEWTIMESLA: Dopple Crossed. The dirty Tricks from Co$. MUST READ!
- 11-28-99 Washington Post: John Travolta: Out on the 'Battlefield'. MUST READ!
- 11-15-99 AP: Scientologists Convicted in France! MUST READ!
- 10-10-99 Mean Magazine: Travolta: The Star Who Ate Hollywood! MUST READ!
- 10-07-99 Reuters: Russia Scientologists face Moscow teaching ban!
- Scientology Raided in Belgium!
- 09-27-99 Hollywood Reporter: Viva la France!
- 09-24-99 The Telegraph: Travolta leaves France 'to avoid cult questions'. MUST READ!
- 09-23-99 Independent: Travolta fled France.
- 09-11-99 The Guardian: Battlefield Earth.
- 09-03-99 Mr. Showbiz: Battlefield Worth! MUST READ!
- 08-29-99 Arkansa Democratic-Gazette: BOOKS: The teachings of L.Ron. MUST READ!
- 08-05-99 NOW Magazine: Battlefield Travolta. MUST READ!
- 07-29-99 CINESCAPE: Travolta Talks 'Earth'.
- 07-23-99 Mr. Showbiz: Travolta Talks Numbers.
- 06-23-99 Calgary Herald: Travolta looking forward to playing 9-foot alien.
- 06-20-99 Rocky Mountain News: Travolta's on Roll of a Lifetime.
- 06-19-99 Ottawan Citizen: Ottawans get set to battle Earthlings.
- 06-13-99 Calgary Sun: General John.
- 06-10-99 Variety: Thornton talks "Shipping News" after Travolta exits.
- 06-07-99 N.Y.Daily News: Image-tenders at Co$ should be on high alert.
- 06-07-99 CINESCAPE: Travolta Talks 'Earth'.
- 06-06-99 AP: Travolta Can Now Fight for Film.
- 06-01-99 Premiere:The power list: The 100 most powerful people in Hollywood.
- 05-25-99 Aint-It-Cool-News: Weirdness on Battlefield Earth.MUST READ!
- 05-25-99 Showbiz: Bowfinger's Little Tweck.
- 05-25-99 CINESCAPE: 'Earth's' 'Phantom' Team.
- 05-24-99 L.A.Daily News: Another Alien Heard From.
- 05-19-99 Biography: The Travolta Effect.
- 04-13-99 Yahoo: It's Scientology first, singing second for John Travolta.
- 04-13-99 Hollywood Reporter: Battlefield Earth Update.
- 04-12-99 Variety: Travolta Puts 'Earth' First.
- 04-07-99 Hollywood Reporter: Pepper in Final Negotiations.
- 03-31-99 CINESCAPE: 'Battlefield' Casting.
- 03-23-99 CINESCAPE: 'Battlefield Earth' Shooting Details.
- 03-23-99 Montreal Gazette: Travolta alien flick to invade the city.
- 03-25-99 SPIEGEL: Scientology Problem. MUST READ!
- 03-05-99 Intertainment: Intertainment Buys Rights to Films.
- 02-07-99 Sunday Herald (UK): 'Battlefield Earth'
- 01-24-99 Boston Herald: Battlefield Earth News.
- 01-23-99 Premiere: 'News' break: Travolta is 'Earth'-bound.
- 01-22-99 Stern: Battlefield Earth.
- 01-21-99 Sci-Fi Wire: Who Called Hubbard A Hack?
- 01-21-99 Hollywood-Reporter: Hollywood-Reporter attacked by $cientology!MUST READ!
- 01-15-99 Variety: Travolta's 'Earth' land director.
- 12-28-98 Time: Is It Science Fiction or Is It Scientology?MUST READ!
- 12-11-98 Die Welt: Scientology conquers Hollywood. MUST READ!
Other Resources: Aint-It-Cool-News or Corona 'Battlefield Earth'
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Note: This Website is NOT affiliated with the official Website from Warner Brother or Author Services Inc. (aka. the criminal cult $cientology)!
© 2000 Copyright by Don Flubbard