Gary's Movie Reviews and Ratings
1999 Movie Chart

1999 Movie eAwards

All Time Movie Chart

Frequently Asked Questions
What is this site all about then?
This site lists the movies that Michelle and I have seen, along with our ratings (out of 100) and reviews. It also features the Movie eAwards (or Gazzas) that are nominated and awarded every year. Eventually I will add some other features like the All Time Movie Charts.

Why aren't there many old movies on here?
This site only has movies that I have seen since November 1996 which was when I started rated movies. I have decided not to retrospectively rate movies from before this date as time may have clouded my judgement.

What about videos and TV movies?
Movies seen on TV and video do not normally rate as well as movies seen at the cinema. In fact, most movies seen on video or TV are not included in the official ratings due to the huge difference between the large and small screens. In any case, only movies seen at the cinema qualify for the annual charts and the Movie eAwards.

Why isn't there a review for every movie?
I only started this site in November 1999. I have reviewed the movies that I have seen since then, but I have not yet gone back to write a review for the movies seen before then.

Who are you?
My name is Gary Whorwood. I currently live in London, UK although I was born and bred in New Zealand.

Who is Michelle?
Her name is Michelle McWilliams. She is my movie going companion (although it is sometimes hard to get her to go horror movies). She also my web page design consultant and some day we will get around to fixing up the colour scheme and layout of this site to make it look a bit flasher.

How do your ratings work then?
There is not any science to how the ratings work. They are simply a number between 0 and 100 based on how much I liked a particular movie.



All Time Movie Archive

  Last Updated 29 January 2000  

Contact Gary at