Welcome to The Jennifer Connelly Webring official web site,
a web site representing a community of Jennifer Connelly web sites and there owners!

| What is it? | Web site Requirements | Joining the Webring | Webring form | The Navigation Device |
| You have questions? | Webring Credits |
| Index of sites in the webring |

What is it?

  • Increases traffic to your site!
  • Using a simple navigation device you link to lots of Jennfer Connelly sites!
  • Creates an online community of Jennifer Connelly sites!
  • Allows web surfers to find concentrations of JC sites quickly and easily.

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    Web site Requirements

      In order for your web site to be accepted into The Jennifer Connelly Webring, your site must meet some basic requirements. The requirements are fairly simple and adding your web site to the webring is very easy!

    • Your site must be a Jennifer Connelly Web site (or have closely related information to her)
    • You must paste the Webring Navigation Device to the web site URL you submit to the Webring.
    • Your web site may contain no pornography, including links and banners to it.

      Click to go back to top

      Joining the webring

      To join the Jennifer Connelly Webring, Please fill out the Webring form below.
      If you choose not to use the form, you must email your name, email address, and web site url to:

      You will recieve your personalized HTML for the Webring Navigation Device only after the ringmaster has accepted your web site to the Jennifer Connelly Webring. In the case that your site is accepted, which it most likely will be as long as your site meets the easy requirements, you'll get your HTML in a "Webring acceptance email" from the webring's ringmaster.

      Click to go back to top

      Webring Form
      All information you provide is personal and it will not be disclosed to ANYONE except the Ringmaster.

      Required: You must fill out your name, email, and url for your submission to be read.

      Your name:

      Your URL:

      Your Email Address:

      If your site a Jennifer Connelly web site?

      (Check box if "yes")
      Yes! Ofcourse my site is a Jennifer Connelly web site!

      How often do you update your website?
      (Optional: This won't decide whether your site is accepted)
      Every Day
      Once per week
      Once per month
      Once per year

      Site Description:

      Comments, Questions, or Suggestions?:

      After submitting: You will get a response from the webring within atleast 4 days (if not sooner). We will alert you of whether or not your site was accepted.
      Any questions?

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      The Navigation Device

      You will recieve your personalized HTML for your navigation device only after the ringmaster has allowed your Jennifer Connelly site to join.
      The following example of "The Jennifer Connelly Webring" navigation device is not an actual working device. It is for show only....visit some of the Webring sites to see a working device. Fonts may also alter from site to site(I give the option to you choose you own font).

      Previous site - Index of sites - Next site
      Do you have a JC web site? Click here!

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      You have questions?

      If you have any questions....or comments....or anything you'd like to bring to my attention....
      My email address (Mark Gleason - The ringmaster) is:

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      Webring Credits

      The Jennifer Connelly Webring was created, is owned, and operated by Mark Gleason.
      It has survived because of the many special Jennifer Connelly web sites and there owners who have participated in it.
      Ofcourse this site would not be open unless Jennifer Connelly exsisted, so this webring is a dedication to her.
      Also a disclaimer.

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      Website re-created: April 16, 2001.

      ©1997-2000 The Jennifer Connelly Webring and Mark Gleason. Unauthorized use or duplication is prohibited.