"He stood in the shadows to prevent me from getting a clear look at his face....what a vile disease this is...... I must balance my feelings of mercy and  compassion for this poor man and the revulsion of  the thought of a leper colony only a mile distant. - Father Patrick Malone  (1880)
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Midnight until one, belongs to the dead
BLAKE, from John Carpenter's "The Fog" is one of our favorite horror icons, and even though he didn't get much screen time, what we did see of him was unforgettable. Because his facial features are never seen, no one has ever based a mask upon him until now. We decided to take the challange and create a one of a kind state of the art latex mask worthy of the most finicky collector. 
American renowned artist and sculptor Siris has created a masterpiece of lepercy and  rot, and has brought 121 years of horror to life for the first time.
BLAKE's  features include RD407 latex and latex paint, synthetic/monocrylic hair, super high intensity red LED lit eyes, wiring  and replaceable "C" batteries with an easily accessed battery pack.
Welcome to Antonio Bay, and remember.....
"What you can't see won't hurt you.....it'll KILL you!"