
D'Real Sharmaine

Hi ! Thank You for taking the time to get to know me better. Most people know me as Sharmaine Arnaiz, The actress ! Ive been around in the Philippine entertainment world for almost 10 years . I'm making this page for those of you who want to know the other side of me.

My real name is Sharmila , I was born on All Saints Day, Nov.1,1974.Davao City,Phil. I think i have a very unique birthday! I love it ! ha ha.Ive got dark brown hair and eyes, i weigh 110 lbs. I stand 5'4". My dad is Indian but grew up here in Manila, My mom is a mix of German, Chinese, and Filipino.Damn! What a combination, I think I look more indian .

I only have one sister and her name is Saira Bunny. We both studied in St.Theresa's College from grade school until 1st yr high school. We spent most of our childhood years in that school full of girls and run by nuns. It was fun ,we usually dont get to see boys and everytime we do ,everyone starts giggling . I was very shy and not with the popular crowd. I bet most of my teachers and schoolmates were shocked to know I joined the entertainment world, but I do know that they are proud of me.

I am still studying at the moment fullfilling a childhood dream to become a veterinarian, because of my love for animals, mostly cats,dogs and tigers. (I was influenced by Disney movies , especially "Born Free".) I know it is not a lucrative job but my goal is to educate and help the Filipino people care for our animals and recognize how intelligent dogs are and that they are not for us to eat.By the way thats my precious baby dog "Shane" with me in that picture.

I love Japanese food,corned beef and the native dried fish (daing). *giggles*

Ive had the biggest crush on Ricky Martin ever since he started with the group Menudo! (first crush) I dream of meeting him one day,just to say hello (with a big ass smile :) ha ha ha

I dream of making at least one movie in Hollywood .

My favorite actors are Robin Williams, Bruce Willis, Al Pacino, and Will Smith.

My favorite actresses are Julia Roberts, Meg Ryan, and Bette Midler.

I watch "Pretty Woman" every time I'm sick in bed,Cheers me up ya know! I dig the movies "The Saint", "Twister", "E.T", "Devil's Advocate", and most especially , "City Of Angels." I love the soundtrack too!

I watch MTV ,even while studying anatomy , histology ,even embryology. (LOL) It just keeps me alive , kickin and stops me from falling asleep. Music is a big part of me ,I can't live without it. If given the opportunity ,I'd love to be a VeeJay! Im just scared Iwon't be talkative enough to be one.. *sob *sob* But one day I'll overcome whatever it is thats stopping me from trying it out.

Well, thats all i can share with ya all right now, come back and ill be adding more info.

