BIRTHPLACE: Santa Monica, CA
BIRTHDATE: May 14, 1983
HEIGHT: 5'6"
HAIR: Brown
EYES: Brown
PETS: Two cats Wally, Lilly
COLOR: Green
TV SHOW: South Park
ACTRESS: Jodie Foster
ACTOR: Matt Damon
MOVIE: Labyrinth
HOBBIE: writing poetry, listening to music, playing the piano
BAND: Sublime
PASTIMES: talking on the phone, shopping, rollerblading, and skateboarding
Amber Rose Tamblyn originated the role of Emily Bowen Quartermaine in January of 1995. As the youngest member of daytime's most dysfunctional family, the character of Emily holds her own, thanks to Amber's strong and sensitive portrayal. Amber once said about Emily, "I love the emotional stuff. It gives you a sense of security. I love yelling at the Quartermaines, too. I love doing those kinds of scenes where you bawl somebody out -- where it's just my nature."
Amber's love of the creative arts runs in the
family. Amber is the daughter of "Twin Peaks" and "West Side Story's" Russ
Tamblyn. Coming from a show business background, Russ allowed his daughter
to pursue an acting career only as long as he could oversee it. "I'm kind
of her manager/mentor. Being in the business, I know the things that are
important: know your lines and
be on time," Russ says, adding that he and his
wife, Bonnie, share the duties as Amber's set-side guardian. Bonnie herself
is an artist.
At first, Amber didn't want to be an actress. Then when she got the starring role in her sixth grade school production of "Pippi Longstocking," she had a change of heart. "You know what it is? When you get onstage or in front of a camera, you get this rush. It's a rush like no other." From there, Amber was given the green light by her dad to pursue an acting career and landed two movies in a row - "Live Nude Girls" and "Rebellious." Russ even helped Amber out with her 6th grade production of "West Side Story." Her leading role in the upcoming film, "Johnny Mysto-Boy Wizard," is Amber's most recent project outside of "General Hospital." She also recently received her first nomination from the Hollywood Reporter Young Star Awards for her portrayal of Emily.
In her time away from the set, Amber enjoys keeping pets, going to the mall and the beach, rollerblading, and seeing movies. She also adds, "I love to go to parties with my friends. We just dance and show off." Amber appreciates having quiet time alone, too. "We live close to the beach. I like to sit outside - especially on sunny, windy days - and write poetry."
Johnny Mysto: Boy Wizard (1996) .... Sprout
Live Nude Girls (1995) .... Young Jill
"General Hospital" (1963) TV Series .... Emily Bowen-Quartermaine (1995-)
Amber Tamblyn
c/o General Hospital
4151 Prospect Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90027