Brooke's Who Boot and Want list!

For extensive information on any of these recordings, please visit the bootleg section on All are on one disc unless specified otherwise.

What I have:
Live at Leeds Complete - with cover art (soundboard)
Eternal Mods - have CD artwork (soundboard - live in England, 1970 and 1969)
Alternate Rarities (soundboard - demos, ads, etc - early stuff)
Tommy Demos (soundboard - just Pete playing and singing)
Odds and Sods 2 (soundboard - random stuff - just Pete)
Quadrophenia & Who By Numbers Demos - have CD artwork (soundboard - WBN demos are seemingly so rare I can't find info on them)
Woodstock 1969 (2 discs) (fair soundboard - my copy ONLY includes Woodstock, not the other stuff)
Albuquerque 2000 (audience - I was at this concert - it's awesome!!!)
Gutter Punks in a Warehouse (live Nov 1971) (soundboard)
Higher Education - have CD artwork (soundboard - live 1969 and demos from early and late stuff)
Music Must Change (Who Are You demos) - have CD artwork (soundboard)
Pure Rock Theatre - have CD artwork (soundboard, audience - live 1969 and 1970)
Young Vic Blues (Live Monday April 26, 1971) - have CD artwork (soundboard)
Danish Treat (with cover art) - very good audience recording
Who Put the Better Boot In (Swansea 1976) (soundboard)
Amsterdam 1969 (2 discs)
Chicago 6/25/00 (2 discs)
Shepherd's Bush (2 discs)
Bridge to the Blues, Chicago, Nov 11, 1999 (2 discs)
Madison Square Garden 7/18/96 - Quadrophenia (2 discs)
Odds and Sods Vol. II

Pete solo stuff:
Genius of Pete Townshend (with cover art) - soundboard
Wild Action (live April 1974) (audience)
A radio interview from around 1998 (?) (2 discs)
Odds and Sods Vol. II

Live at the Isle of Wight, 1970 (legitimate release)
Tommy (legitimate release)
Woodstock (legitimate release)
The Kids Are Alright (legitimate release)
Quadrophenia Live at MSG 7/22/96
The Who at Woodstock (pretty much the whole show, but the majority of it is in black and white. Does not include the Abbie Hoffman incident. After that on the tape is other miscellaneous stuff, including footage of them in the studio, on tv shows, interviews, etc. The tape also includes a performance by the Jimi Hendrix experience and the Rolling Stones on Ed Sullivan.)
VH1 Behind the Music: Keith Moon

I also have an extra hardcover 1st edition copy of Pete's book "Horse's Neck"

What I want:
Closer to Queen Mary
Who's Zoo
Who's Zoo 2

If you are interested in trading with me for anything, please email me. :o)

If you somehow got here without going through my main page, here is a link that will take you there. But don't go until you take a look at this wonderful band!!! :D

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Created on April 5, 2001

Last Updated on April 5, 2001 by Brooke