After 30 years having my skin and senses burned right off of me in Arizona, I decided to move to Oregon.  I now live in Estacada, a very small town compared to Phoenix.

I have added Zonie's Cats page.  There you will see my kitty family.

I would like to note that I have been computerless for about a month now and am awaiting for my computer to come home.  It was a victim of hackers.

The following are some items I hope to be placing on my web pages as soon as I can: 
(Sorry to take so long Barbara in Florida!)
Yahoo! Games
Yahoo! Greetings
This picture was taken from Larch Mountain in Oregon.  All three snow-capped mountains in the distance are in Washington.  The far left mountain is St. Helens, the middle is Mt. Rainier and the far right is Mt. Adams.
Contact Zonie
My husband and I see the forest roads of Mt. Hood almost every weekend and travel to California virtually every other month.  In the summer, we ride trails on mountain bikes.  I will add pictures of where we have been and information on trails.
I love television and I love LOST!  I will have a web site with my favorites, fall schedules and general television information.
These are just a couple ideas of the pages I hope to create.  I hope to see you back here to see the changes that will be taking place.
You are number:
Each of my web pages will have a guestbook to sign.  Please sign it and let me know what I could do to make my pages better or what you might like to see!
Last updated November 13, 2006
Zonie's Cats
A lot of people who are on computers love games.  I found the same true with those at Vegas, Reno or even at Indian Casinos!  I would think that 95% of the people on the Earth love to play games, so one of my pages will have games for all.
Zonie's Games Galore
See Zonie's My Space Page Here
Zonie's Television

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