Welcome to the Anakin Argument. Even before Episode one went into theaters, the buzz on who will play Anakin Skywalker in Episode Two was every where. Every big named teen idol was being mentioned. I kept hearing the same names over and over. Just about every name that is currently in the limelight is being mentioned. No one seemed to realize that there and many talented actors out there that could be perfect for the part. That is why I created the Anakin Argument to show people out there that there are more great choices out there

I have collected many of today's young actors for the Anakin Argument. Some actors may seem totally wrong for the part of Anakin, and some may be totally right for the part of Anakin. You might even see an actor that you didn't even think about that would be perfect for the part. Some might make you angry that I even put them on this list. But I assure you this is only suggestions and in no way this can effect the judgment of the new Anakin. I invite you to look around, make some judgments for your self. Feel free to write to me if you know somebody that should be on this list. Or if you know of a better picture I could use. E-mail me with your vote on who should be the next Anakin and I will post them on a later date.

PLEASE NOTE: some pictures may be a few years out of date and that the actors in the pictures may be older.

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