Hi, I have made a webpage.. I am cool.
This is my page, this stuff is mostly new to me, so it isn't the greatest. I have working on this page for almost 1 week now, and it seems that I have run out of ideas, for the page. So, I now have a new idea. A sports section! It will up to date with all the scores from last night's Baseball Game to tommorow's Football Game. I hope to complete the new section, sometime around August 1st. { SINCE I LIVE IN TORONTO, I WILL BE SHOWING THE STATS FOR TORNOTO BLUE JAYS, TORONTO RAPTORS, TORONTO MAPLE LEAFS, AND THAT'S ABOUT IT.} THERE IS A POSSIBILTY THAT I HAVE MY PAGE UP BEFORE AUGUST 1st, BUT I DOUDT IT.
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