Awards That Saving Private Ryan has Won

-Best Director
-Best Cinematography
-Best Sound
-Best Sound Effects Editing
-Best Film Editing

My Opinion on The Movie: These awards are well-deserved. At last a good movie that I can sit down, watch and cry over.  It has everything that a good movie needs : good actors, good crew and a great final product. This movie has basically two aspects: to educate on WW2 and to entertain a plot to find the last-surviving Ryan.  This movie did an extremely good job when it came to educating its audience about the war because there were graphic scenes in real life, there were killings in real life and this just gave people a taste of their past and why most of us should be more than thankful for all of the soldiers who sacrificed their lives to save the Jews and put a widespread plague of hate to an end.  In other words, this was an excellent movie with an excellent cast, crew, plot and morality.

If you have an opinion about the movie, please feel free to e-mail me and share it.  I will put it on the page only if it applies to this movie (saving Private Ryan). Contact me at