Saving Private Ryan
The Unnoficial Site
This page was basically designed to strengthen your knowledge on one of the greatest movies of all time "SAVING PRIVATE RYAN" and on the generals of World War II.
The Plot:

After the bloody D-Day, Captain John Miller of the 2nd Rangers is assigned to take his troop and find Private James Ryan because his three brothers had died in combat, and he was able to go home to his mother. Miller goes because if he saves him, he gets to go home and so do all of the other privates in his troop.

After going through several battles and deaths, Ryan is found. Another battle is fought and, basically, Ryan goes home.

The Cast:

Captain John Miller.....Tom Hanks
Private James Ryan.......Matt Damon
Private Reiben...........Edward Burns
*Sgt. Horvath............Tom Sizemore
Corporal Upham...........Jeremy Davies
*Private Caparzo.........Vin Diesel
*Private Mellish.........Adam Goldberg
*Private Jackson.........Barry Pepper
*Medic Wade..............Giovanni Ribisi
Captain Hammel...........Ted Danson
*Lt. Col. Anderson.......Dennies Farina
Sgt. Hill................Paul Giamattio
*Corporal Henderson......Max Martini
*Captured German.........Joerg Stadler

*who dies in the movie
~Full Length Movie Trailer~
~Basics of WWII~
~Opinions and Awards~
All information on this page was gathered through much research and by viewing "Saving Private Ryan".