Welcome to the Realmet Pokemon centre! I suppose I ought to treat this section like the others. Very well, an introduction! Pokemon is a derranged thing that sprouted in, yes, the mid or late seventies... It was turned into a video game in 1995, with a promotional comic in 1996. This was all very successful... It was brought to the US in 1998, and henceforth... Everyone seems to know something about Pokemon, whether they recognise in either cheer or ire the popular sunny coloured Pikachu, or they've delved into the vast pool of overanalysation of it. There's the games, the cards, the toys, the movies, and the tv show. I personally prefer the games, movies, and toys my self. I haven't watched an episode since forever, and I've stopped collecting the cards some time ago. Not that I'll turn down a mewtwo card, still go nuts for Mewtwo cards... Or Mewtwo anything for that matter. Mewtwo is cool...
However, there are some things here for Pokemon fans to do... If you need to know the prices of items on the games, consult the Nyaa store. Silver Tips provides some tips for Silver, though some can be used for Gold, as well (such as for the legendary beasts). When the Advance games are released (Sapphire and Ruby versions for the US), I'll have tips up for one of those instead. It depends on which one I get. Of course, the button will change accordingly, and the tips will be practicle more than anything else. Like to find certain things, or so on. Now, I just got to thinking about adding a breeding guide, since that's been a pastime of mine on my Silver version lately. But it'd be simple things, like how to choose the optimum parents, and so on. Something else I've been doing on my games is investing in building a very naturally strong team-- Catching multitudes of the same pokemon, and then training the ones who are the strongest in their natural stats... Of course, that takes forever, since it's suggested that the creatures be young, and not be traded to be boost-trained on a different pak, and of course, Rarecandy is detrimental, too.
Oh, there's also some Pokemon fan art of mine in the Art section, and fanfics in the fanfic section. Both of these accept submissions, so feel free to email me them. DO make sure that you are explicit in the subject line what you are emailing me about, since I delete suspicious email constantly. If i don't recognise the adress or name, I look at the subject line... If it makes no sense to me, I delete it... Right! ((The contact informatin, like my email, is in the LInks section))
All of that aside, do Have fun!