This page is for the webmaster's comments and remarks to those who have signed the guestbook or made an entry on the message board. Please feel free to express any opinion about the page and we will post a response if we feel the need.

Please feel free to EMAIL us so you are sure to get a response!

We received this item from "None of your F&%$king business" :
I think that you people are the lowest form of life in the universe. You have nothing better to do with your time and effort than waste it bashing a character that you obviously hate!!! Grow the hell up and get a life!!!

Our response:
Dear Potty Mouth: Of course, we bash someone we hate, silly goose! We certainly wouldn't bash someone we admired such as a REAL PERSON and not a FICTIONAL CHARACTER.
We are grown up and have nice lives, thank you. We would be happy to recommend a few online schools to help you with your grammar and syntax.

P.S. Hey, we're just having some fun. Anyone who has such a violent respone to a site that makes fun of a character on a t.v. show should take her own advice to "Grow the hell up and get a life." B.A.D.

We received this item from Unkown fraidy cat:
You all are just so mean to the charactor of Chloe Morgan. Nobody ever gives these new actresses a chance to do anything. Everybody has to critize before they see what good she is. You creators are such a descrase. How could you do this to anybody it's not fair. And yea I know not everything in life isn't fair but you have to goive people a chance. After all who knows you may end up liking her. So just don't put Tava/CHloe down untill you get a chance ot get to see what her charactors like. Does anybody even care if shse goes blind on the show. Well I do and good for you people who suport CHloe just as much as I do. Thats all I have to say for now but I will be comenting more often!!!

Our response:
Dear HalfWit: Thank you so much for the compliment! I have no idea what language you speak but I am sure that "descrase" means "marvelous"!!! It is so uplifting when someone appreciates and supports my creative endeavors in parody and irony. I am a bit puzzled though. Where exactly do you see Tava's name on this fun webpage? Also exactly how long does it take for an actress to "prove" herself? I only have one lifetime. It's time for Chloe to join that other pointless character in Neptune's castle.
Ta! B.A.D.
P.S. As for Chloe going blind, who gives a ratzass! LMAO!!!

We received this item from Sheri:
I'm truly sorry your idea of fun is to promote such hatred for a character. You can disclaim all you want --- you are by extension also bashing a young actress who is only doing a job.If you are going to have a site like this, then you have to accept the criticism as well.

Our response:
Dear Sheri, If that young actress was doing a good job, this site wouldn't be any fun! LOL! I don't know why you think I cannot accept criticism or are you referring to the nasty messages from the gutless wonders who don't leave an email addy? Thank you for taking time to read not only my webpage but also my guestbook! Ta! (B.A.D.)

How about this one from Karen?:
It is an absolute shame that you are wasting such obvious talent at webdesign on the subject of this page. It truly is upsetting. Honestly, creating a webpage on the basis of your hatred of a fictional character? Focus on the positive things, instead of harping constantly on negativity and you'll have a much happier time. But obviously you get your jollies out of making fun of people. It's sad.

Our response:
Dear Karen, Obviously you get your jollies by putting down those who don't agree with you. I have been to your website. It was not my cup of tea but I didn't bash you (a real person) in your guestbook. Shame on you! Thanks for taking time to add another hit to my site though! Ta! (B.A.D.)

Mina, Mina, Mina!:
This site is too much fun. I can't stand Chloe, or anything about her. I don't like Tava, either. GREAT job! Gotcha bookmarked & I look forward to visiting you often. Will you have a Chloe dartboard game?

Our response:
Dear Mina, Thanks for the suggestion! Hee hee hee! (B.A.D.)


Don't Come Around Here No More, Courtesy of Tom Petty