Possesses enormous organisatorial skills, combined with many years of experience trying to keep not just me and my sisters out of trouble, but our
beloved father as well...he he. Skilled in cooking and baking, and in the same manner as our father unhealthily nice and helpful.
Shares the previously mentioned tendency to worry a little bit too much about various things, or the family to be more specific.
An endless source of wisdom and advice about nearly everything that you can find in a house except the fuse-box.
Is famous in Nykroppa because of her insanely popular cakes.
Enjoys shopping more than I would refer to as normal, and can spend hours walking through store after store, examining clothes without bying anything.
Is not as much a dedicated sportsfreak as most of us in the family, but enjoys swimming, walking and bicycling rather often.
Gets up at 06.00 some mornings to visit a sports centre nearby and go for a swim in the pool before going to work in the local store, this is something that I wouldn't do even if someone pointed a loaded gun at my head 06.00 in the morning! Spends time reading books and solving crosswords sometimes as well, a more pleasant hobby in my opinion.

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