This profile will be very brief, and there is a particular reason why. My sister Maria has her own homepage with lots of information, and I will therefore direct you there rather than stealing everything and writing it here. Anyway, lets proceed with the profile. In the same manner as Ann, my second oldest sister Maria has always been a great support to me and my twin-sister. After all, it was our big sisters who initiated the foundation of our intellectual development by playing school with us at an early stage of our lives. Actually, me and Maria have also had uncountable fistfights during our childhood, but that learned me to take a beating...ha ha! This fighting ended a long time ago, the reason may be that I grew taller and stronger than her, but why speculate about such things? We haven't had a fight for many years now, and none of us are the same persons that we were in a previous stage of life. At least I hope that I am not who I used to be. No further comment. Maria has always protected me with all her might against any thinkable obstacles, even myself sometimes. Because of my diabetes, that is. Even today, I can't understand how everyone managed to keep control over themselves and me at the same time. Let us now move on to more recent information: Maria has fled all the way to Lund, where she lives with Sebbe (check out Sebbe's homepage) and studies in Ronneby. My dear sister has always been a true nomad, I tried to count how many times she had moved once, and I think my result was nine(!) times. Her greatest interests are computers, she used to be the family's party-freak, but I think that my twin-sister has taken over that title recently. Opposite to Ann, Maria is horribly disciplined when it comes to cleaning her apartment. She actually folds her plastic bags before placing them in a drawer! Help! This fact is rather amusing, because at the time when both of them still lived in Nykroppa, their personalities were quite the reverse. Ann cleaned, Maria didn't. And now Maria is the one that keeps every belonging in her apartment in the right spot while Ann fills her apartment with flowers and a disgusting dog. Hi hi.

Maria by the way has been of great assistance during my work with this page. I doubt that it had been created at all if it hadn't been for her. Thankz!

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