"The ultimate paradox of modern science, my father."
I guess that I should develop this theory about my father more closely for those of you that doesn't already know him well.
My words are based upon the fact that my father is a very unpredictable person in many ways. His greatest interests for example, read and react: First of all, he likes fishing. This may seem perfectly ordinary and normal to you, but wait...there's more. Here's the paradox: My father is a very crafty and innovative person, and he likes to work with his hands. If he isn't building something, he is probably repairing/planting/painting/irrigating/digging/sawing/polishing or fixing something else.
Ok, this may be normal as well for crafty and innovative persons, but I dare you to explain this: Like I've told you, my father spends most of his spare-time working. The contradiction is that his second greatest interest is sleeping on the couch. And he seems to be able to spend almost the same amount of time on the couch in the livingroom as outside, working. Strange... He claims to lack the ability of logical thinking, but is despite this fact an excellent problem-solver. Further, my father is the family oracle, guru, mentor and endless source of wisdom and advice. The interesting fact here is the contrast between his great capacity to wisdom and his not so great ability to remember things. Hi hi. I guess that too much knowledge can be dangerous as well. Luckily enough, I am nowhere near the twilight zone of total wisdom yet, and I don't expect to get there either. Finally, he worries too much about too many things and is a competent floorball-trainer specialized in tactics.

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