Swedish poem, the saddest poem I've ever written.
This I wrote after someone I loved and I thought I had a
chance with turned out to already be together with someone else.


This poem might possibly be the most pride-ish poem I've ever written,
and was originally even written in rainbow colouring!
Not in the version here on this site, though, but feel free
to rearrange colours as you prefer. Definitely not one of my best poems.


This poem's first verse and final ending has parts
of the lyrics of a Pet Shop Boys' song (Forever in love) in it,
but for some reason still remains one of my favourite own-composed poems.
Obviously quite a pride-poem, this probably can refer to anyone
having a tough time or a crisis in life.
Originally was written in two different versions,
this one is the version featuring both versions,
intervened, thus the "extended version" comment.


Yet another pride poem, this though with quite
a darker tone than the others... Not much else to say about it, I guess.


This poem, if nothing else, has quite an interesting
theme to it - the rhymes with "I".
This, of course, lead to some rhymes that obviously are more
than desperate trying to fit everything in, but in my own
humble opinion I still like the concept of it.
Another one of the pride poems, by the way.


A poem in Swedish, again, this one describing the King of the Earth
in for some people quite a disturbing way.
Anyway, this poem was originally written for Swedish class in school
when the assignment was to write something sarcastic and with criticism,
though I also let this poem be one of the two poems I competed with in a poem
competition in school the following year, and I won second prize,
the poem got published in the local paper and I understood
from the reactions from people that it was highly appreciated.

KONTRAHENTER a poem in Swedish about general confusion.
Not a very sophisticated nor stylishly original poem,
it still catches the idea of total confusion quite well, in my own opinion.

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