Carina, my twin sister. Claims herself to be adopted to escape the fact that she is related to me. Seems to have a constant opinion that everything I do is weird. (I'm not saying either that she is right nor wrong, but she isn't. Hi hi.) Her greatest fear in life is that someone would officially state that she resembles me in any way.
Ha ha, I can't say that I blame her. No, I may be exaggerating just a little bit, but this is my analysis - I can write anything I want.
Now, lets begin the actual analysis. In reality, Carina and me form the ultimate tag team. Sort of like Chip & Dale, Beavis & Butthead, Humpty & Dumpty, get the picture? I think that my contact with my sisters in general goes beyond that of an ordinary family, and naturally, I have even better contact with my twin sister. I consider myself to be very lucky, regarding both my parents and my sisters, since all of them is of great help to me, always. Furthermore, I think that being a twin is a very special thing. You might think that I defend my twin sister at all times, but this is a project which I abandoned rather quick. The reason is partly that Carina is impossible to guard at all times, running around making trouble, but mostly because her abilities to defend herself goes way beyond my capacity as a guardian angel. Now, lets move on to general information: Carina is a bouncey party-freak who tends to worry a little bit too much about what to do with her life. She loves to sit in her room for hours, glueing pictures in her albums...I wonder if it is the hobby or the glue that interests her... =) In similarity to me, she is a true sports-freak, practicing activities such as floorball, football, spinning and much more. I find it very unfair that she stole most of the floorball-playing talent when we were born. She has been the top-scorer in NIBK for several seasons now, and she has a very interesting technique. Something like "don't mind the opponents trying to tackle you into the floor", she is tough as a T-rex with a toothache. Has a very weird way of shopping clothes, selecting 3-4 different garments, sneaks into a fitting room and comes back 1½ hour later and chooses something else instead, repeating the procedure. Argh. Doesn't listen to my expert opinion either, if she asks me what to buy and I tell her, she does the opposite and buys the clothes that I rated down. Strange, strange. She is assistant coach for a gang of junior floorball players in NIBK.

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