As the oldest and most responsible sister, Ann has suffered a lot of environmental
damage trying to keep us younger children on a straight course through life.
This is no easy task for any human being, but Ann seems to have passed this challenge
without too many psychological disorders.
Sometimes I can't help but wonder though if our influence has messed up her mind
just a little bit, you'll soon realize why when I tell you about her greatest interests.
Lets begin at the bottom, so to speak. My dear sister loves fishing.
She actually enjoys sitting in a leaky rowing-boat in the middle of nowhere,
piercing worms on a sharp metal object in the end of a long string tied to a thin pole
which she points at nothing in particular, hoping that a little slimy fish will be
stupid enough to swallow the bait and decide to stick around long enough for her to
gesticulate with the rod until the sucker lands in the boat just to get
throwed back in the water to grow for a few more years, while my sister starts
the procedure again from the beginning, over and over again...
When she realises that her efforts are in vain and that no fish of size is going to
fall for her cheap tricks, she starts to admire the nature instead, she might find a
nice rock to study for a couple of hours before she heads home to her dog.
(More about the dog in its own section, see family --> Sister's dog.)
The next interest is flowers and plants. She is slowly transforming her
apartment into a jungle, with flowers on the floor, in the ceiling, on the walls,
in the air and everywhere. I have made up a very good business proposition for my
sister, she could arrange adventure-trips from the kitchen to the living-room...she doesn't
like this idea however, as it would force the visitors to use machetes on her precious plants.
But enough already, we must all have the right to do what makes us happy. I like my sister anyway.
Ann has always been a valuable source of experience to me and my twin-sister. Our parents may be
experienced, but their knowledge lies a few years away from our generation's reality.
Me and my twin-sister have learned a lot of things from our two older sisters in our youth,
and they are both still an appreciated moral support for us in my opinion.
I will finish this analysis with some general facts about Ann.
She practices several sports - floorball, football, walking and more.
She is a feared power-forward in NIBK.
A handy interior decorator with forest/jungle influences.
Doesn't like vacuum-cleaning or cleaning at all very much.
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