Hi Alex,

Nicola's doing fine, but can't get comfortable at all. Only a 6 or so weeks left to go - end august - and the baby is some size. Its amazing when you see her (we think its a she but not sure) move about in there!

No problem on the email front, Symantec were a bit less than helpful, just suggesting you check out their website. I've included this below. I've never been a big fan of symantec, because you can get equally good products for free, and they don't take over your pc like symantec does.

I was chatting to Laura about this, she tells me she thinks you've got a BT voyager wireless router. These all have a built in hardware firewall which is much more effective than a software firewall at blocking incoming traffic, and it's usually set to be on by default.

Windows also has its own software firewall which blocks software on your machine from sending stuff out unless you want it to

That's the setup I use at home for my pcs, and i've never had a virus or had my computer attacked. For Virus protection I use the free software AVG (from http://free.grisoft.com/) which like the paid for virus scanners (symantec, mcaffee etc) have daily updates and cover the same viruses in their lists

from what I've read about Symantec internet security centre, i'll try to give you some tips myself, can I ask a couple of questions though?

-is all internet traffic blocked or just email? (i'll assume all)
-does any message come up to say if its the firewall or virus checker (I'll assume firewall)
-was anything changed on the computer prior to everything being blocked? -have you tried simply turning the security centre off? what happens then?

don't worry if you can't answer these, its just to see if I can narrow down what I'm looking for. Just a bit tricky when I'm not actually sitting in front of the PC!

one thing you can try
1. Go to "Start," then "Programs."
2. Choose "Norton Internet Security."
3. Select "Personal Firewall" > "Configure" > "Programs."
see if the programs like internet explorer and outlook / outlook express are blocked, if so set to "permit all"

also from looking at the manual, there could be a problem with firewall rules

Why won’t a program connect to the Internet?

You might not be able to use a program to connect to the Internet for any of the following reasons.
-The program might belong in a category of programs that is restricted for this account. Determine if the program belongs in a restricted category, and then block or permit category access.
-There is no firewall rule that lets the program create a connection to the Internet. Add a firewall rule for the program.
-There is a firewall rule that blocks the program from creating a connection to the Internet. Modify the firewall rule for this program to permit it to connect to the internet.
-Norton Internet Security could be blocking your account from using this program on the Internet. Use Parental Control to adjust account settings.

Using Automatic Program Control
By default, Norton Internet Security uses Automatic Program Control. This means that when Norton Internet Security or Norton Personal Firewall detects a Web-enabled program attempting to access the Internet, it searches its list to automatically create rules, giving your computer the highest level of security. Norton Internet Security and Norton Personal Firewall notify you when they do this and give you the option of creating your own rules for the program, rather than using predefined rules.

To enable or disable Automatic Program Control

Open Norton Internet Security or Norton Personal Firewall.
Click Personal Firewall.
Click Configure.

On the Programs tab, select the Network Location that needs to have its automatic rule creation modified in the "Settings for:" drop-down box. By default this is the Network Location that you are currently using.

The "Turn on Automatic Program Control" check box controls whether or not Norton Internet Security and Norton Personal Firewall automatically create rules for Web-enabled programs. Checking this box to enables automatic rule creation, and unchecking this box disables it.
Click OK.

There might also be an issue with the virus scanner

Why am I unable to send email messages?

If you get the message Norton AntiVirus was unable to send your email message because the connection to your email server was disconnected, our email client may be set to automatically disconnect after sending and receiving email messages. To resolve this issue, turn off this option within your email client. Consult your email client manual for instructions on how to do this. If you are using a firewall, it may block access to the Internet features of Norton AntiVirus.

For Norton AntiVirus to scan outgoing email messages for viruses, it intercepts and scans the messages before they are sent to your email provider. To resolve this issue, turn off Norton AntiVirus outgoing email scanning.

To turn off outgoing email scanning

1 In the main window, click Options.If a menu appears, click Norton AntiVirus.
2 In the Options window, under Internet, click Email.
3 Uncheck Scan outgoing Email.
4 Click OK.

Why am I unable to receive email messages? If you are using a firewall, it may block access to the Internet features of Norton AntiVirus and prevent receipt of Email messages.

You can temporarily turn off email protection and attempt to download your email messages again. To temporarily turn off incoming email protection

1 In the main window, click Options. If a menu appears, click Norton AntiVirus.
2 In the Options window, under Internet, click Email.
3 Uncheck Scan incoming Email.
4 Click OK.
5 Download your email messages.
6 Check Scan incoming Email to turn email protection back on.

Your email client may have timed out. Make sure that timeout protection is turned on.

If you continue to experience problems downloading email messages, turn off email protection.

Hope some of this helps, let me know if the email gets through ok. If you are still having problems, feel free to give me a ring



Dear Alex ,

Thank you for choosing Symantec Store.

We're sorry; we are not able to assist you with technical issues at the online store. Please go to the following URL for technical assistance with the product you have purchased:

http://www.symantec.com/region/reg_eu/techsupp/ or call 020 7616

If you need further assistance, please use the following links. You will need to copy and paste the links into your browser's address field.

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If we can be of further assistance, please reply to this message. When replying, please be sure to include this and any other pertinent correspondence in your message.

Alida Carre
Customer Service
Symantec Store
Case ID 14298307

Original Message Follows:

please use: thank you.

-----Original Message-----
From: Alex McKnight
Sent: 10 July 2006 09:48
To: 'Symantec UK'
Subject: RE: Please give us an other email adress if your firm firewall
block our mail (KMM31146855V20578L0KM)
Your email has been blocked by my employer's fire wall software. Please
telephone me on 01228 552208 (office) or 01228 711349 (home)
Thank you.
-----Original Message-----
From: Symantec UK [symantec.uk@digitalriver.com]
Sent: 10 July 2006 09:41
To: Alex McKnight
Subject: Please give us an other email adress if your firm firewall
block our mail (KMM31146855V20578L0KM)
*** This e-mail has been modified by Finjan's Vital Security for E-Mail.

On Wed Jul 12 9:51 , 'Alex McKnight' <> sent:

Hi Richard,

Thanks for stepping in and letting me use your email address.

Not long before the pitter patter of tiny feet ! Hope Nicola is keeping well.


-----Original Message-----
From: Symantec UK [symantec.uk@digitalriver.com]
Sent: 12 July 2006 09:34
To: ; Alex McKnight
Subject: Re: Please give us an other email adress if your firm firewall
block our mail (KMM31194090V93016L0KM)

*** This e-mail has been modified by Finjan's Vital Security for E-Mail.