We decided to take the best and worst of Yo Mama and throw them up on the this Wold Wide Web Page from Geocities. There are over 400 jokes here for your laughing pleasure. If you know anyother "Yo Mama Jokes" and don't see them in here, please e-mail and we will be putting your jokes on the web. We have also added a link page for you to check out. This will also be updated daily. PLEASE, DO NOT COPY. Thank You.
Part of the BadBoyJ723's Web Page located at
It's taken us years to come up with some of this stuff so if you've heard it, it was probably true. If you haven't heard it, it's time to use it on somebody. Just because we needed to make this place look bigger, we broke things down into the following catagories:
Yo Mama's So..
Please click on the link to go to the joke you want to.
Last Updated April 11, 1999
Please Feel Free To Send In Your Jokes to
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Visitor To Check Out This Site Since March 28, 1999.
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