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"Life's too serious to be taken seriously." - Ali |
"At the end of the day, I don't really care what people think, just so long as I feel strong enough about myself." - Ali |
"Bono always says that he feels like a bit of litter around the house, that I just want to tidy him away." - Ali |
"Yeah, Bono's always talking about how he's half Catholic and half Protestant. Now we know which half is Catholic." - Ali, about her pregnancy, on The Late Late Show, 12.15.00 |
Bono: Ali. She's so sane although she chooses to live with me. |
"They are kinda hip kids. They are great. But, I have to say it is their mother that has to take the credit for this. I love Ali and I adore my kids and I want to be there for them. But, I probably don't have the ummm..the actual mental capacity. Ummmm...to look after them as well as their mother. She kinda runs the show around here and I am just you know kinda tidied up occasionally and thrown out to work. They have parties here when I go on tour." - Bono, in a radio interview |
"After introducing these beautiful women to my wife they all lost interest in me! They're her friends now." - Bono |
BP: Do you believe in flying
BONO: In my kitchen they're an everyday thing. BP: Have you ever seen one? BONO: She's a good shot. |
"Ali, my missus says "We are not 50,000 people...SHUT UP!" - Bono on Radio 1 |
"He's the perfect rock and roll baby. He sleeps blissfully all day and roars all night. Ali is a saint; I try to do my bit, but I don't have the right breasts." - Bono, about Elijah |
"The best thing about Bono is Ali. She is calm and rational and able to see beyond individuals to policies." - Eamon Dunphy, U2 biographer, about Ali's influence on Bono's political development. |
``It was my missus's Ali's birthday at the time which I'd actually forgotten about, so I thought I can write her a song as I didn't have time to get a gift. When it came to be released, Ali said 'I own that'.'' - Bono, about the song Sweetest Thing. |
"After Live Aid, Bono and his wife Alison, spent 5 (unpublicised) weeks in Ethiopia, working as volunteers for World Vision on an educational relief project, where they attempted to educate people about health and hygiene through a series of songs and short plays." - From a U2 Interview CD/booklet by Mark Taylor. (Thanks to Jim for this information!) |
"Somebody has just walked in and poured me a glass of wine...one of the most beautiful women I've ever met...she happens to be my wife....I'm a lucky man!" - You-know-who during an online chat on March 12, 2000. |
"During the writing of "War", Bono suffered from writer's block and one of his abiding memories of making the album relates to how his wife, Ali, helped him through this traumatic period, especially in relation to "Sunday, Bloody Sunday". "She was literally kicking me out of bed in the morning, " Bono recalled. "She literally put the pen in my hand."" - From Into the Heart : The Stories Behind Every U2 Song by Niall Stokes. (Thanks Jean!) |
Interviewer: "What does your wife call you, does she call you Bono or does she call you Paul?" Bono: "She calls me 'Baby'." (Thanks to LuminaVox ) |
Q. Do you believe in love at first sight? A: Yeah, I fell in love with Ali the first time I saw her. Absolutely. And the last time. - From an interview with Bono on 2CR FM, 18/11/00 (Many thanks to Annie Vox for transcribing that interview) |
"One day, a guy came to my house and said: 'I'm the angel of death.' My wife didn't let that confuse her. She said: 'How nice. Can you come back in, say, 40 years?' " . - Bono |