As Ashley was about to leave the lumber office,
Scarlett strolled in merrily with a brand new bonnet on. To her surprise
Ashley said, "Why aren't you helping Melly get ready for my surpise birthday
"Why, Ashley Wilkes, you aren't supposed to know a thing about it! Melly will be so disappointed if you're not surprised," she said indignantly.
"Oh, I won't let on. I'll be the most surprised man in Atlanta...But as long as you're here, let me show you the books so you can see just how bad a businessman I really am," he said as he started for the books.
"Oh don't let's fool with any books today! When I'm wearing
a new bonnet all the figures I ever knew go right slap out of my head," she
Taking her hand, Ashley replied, "Scarlett you get prettier all the time. You haven't changed a bit since the day of our last barbecue at Twelve Oaks when you sat under a tree, surrounded by dozens of beaux."
Shaking her head, Scarlett replied, "That girl doesn't exist anymore...Nothing's turned out as I expected, Ashley."
Ashley reminisced on the old days, a tear fell from Scarlett's eye and they
embraced. All of a sudden, Ashley's face changed in expression. When Scarlett
turned around, she saw India Wilkes and Mrs. Meade in the doorway with a
triumphant sneer.
When it came time for Ashley's party, Rhett dragged
Scarlett out of bed and said, "If you don't show your face tonight you'll
never be able to show it in this town as long as you live...And while that
wouldn't bother me, you're not going to ruin Bonnie's chances!...You're going
to that party if only for her sake. Get dressed."
Rhett thrust a gown at her that was rather revealing.
"Nothing modest or matronly will do for this occasion," he said. "And put
on plenty of rouge! I want you to look your part tonight."
When they arrived at Melanie's stoop, Rhett said,
"Good night, Scarlett. You go into the arena alone, Scarlett. The lions are
hungry for you."
When Rhett left her at the door, she walked in as a fiddler played "For He's A Joly Good Fellow." Ashley was about to blow out his candles, he stopped short, for he saw Scarlett in the middle of the room.
The singing stopped and everyone stared at Scarlett standing alone.
Melanie strode over to Scarlett and said, "What lovely dresss, Scarlett, darling! India wasn't able to come tonigh. Will you be an angle? I do need you to help me recieve my guests.
She walked her over to the people and Scarlett shook all of their hands stiffly. When she came to Ashley, Melanie said, "Ashley, aren't you going to get our Scarlett a glass of punch?"
When Scarlett got back home, she went to bed and woke up around one o'clock craving a drink. When she entered the dining room, she found Rhett, seated there, quite drunk.
"Come in, Mrs. Butler," he said thickly.
"You're drunk, and I'm going to bed," she said coldly
after he poured her a drink.
"I'm very drunk, and I inted gettings till drunker
before the evening's over. But you're not going to bed-not yet. Sit down!"
he commanded,
and Scarlett sat down.
Finally, he said, "So she stood by you, did she? How does it feel to have to women you've wronged cloak your sins for you? Miss Melly's a fool, but not the kind you think. It's just that there's too much honor in her to ever conceive of dishonor in anyone she loves. And she loves you-though just why she does, I'm sure I don't know. Of course the comic figure in all this is the long suffering Mr. Wilkes who can't be meantally faithful to his wife-and won't be unfaithful to her technically."
Rhett circled behind her and said threateningly,
"Observe my hands, my dear. I could tear you to pieces with them-and I'd
do it, if it's take Ashley out of your mind forever. But it won't. So I'll
remove him from your mind forever, this way...I'll put my hands so, on on
each side of your head...And I'll smash your skull between them like a
walnut...and that'll block him out," he said, as he did just this.
"Take your hands off me, you drunken fool!" she
As Scarlett stode out into the hall, Rhett grabbed her arm and said, "It's not that easy Scarlett," and kissed her violently. "You turned me out while you chased Ashley Wilkes-while you dreamed of Ashley Wilkes. This is on night you're not turning me out."
With one move, he swept Scarlett off her feet, and
despite her cries, carried her up the stairs, and into the darkness.
When Scarlett awoke the next morning, she would have though the entire
night a dream, had it not been for the rumpled pillow next to her. She stretched
luxuriously and began singing as Mammy removed her breakfast tray.
Rhett entered the room bashfully and said, "I would like to extend my aplogies for my conduct of last night."
Scarlett sat up in disappointment and said, "Oh, but, Rhett-"
"I was very drunk and-quite swept of my feet by your charms," he finished.
Her expression changed and as far as she was concerned this
was the old Rhett. "Well, you needn't bother to apologize. Nothing you ever
do surprises me."
Rhett sat on her bed and said with a change of tone, "Scarlett, I've been thinking things over, and I really believe that it would be better for both of us if we admitted we'd made a mistake and got a divorce."
"A divorce?" said an amazed and hurt Scarlett.
"Yes. There's no point in our holding on to each other, is there? I'll provide for you amply. You've plenty of grounds. Just give me Bonnie and you can say what you please and I won't contest it," he said.
"Thank you very much, but I wouldn't dream of disgracing the family with a divorce," said an angry Scarlett.
"You'd disgrace it quick enough if Ashley were free! It makes my head spin to think how quickly you'd divorce me! Wouldn't you, Scarlett? Well, answer me. Wouldn't you?" he asked.
"Will you please go now, and leave me alone?" she asked.
"Yes, I'm going. That's what I came to tell you. I'm going on a very extended trip to London. And I'm taking Bonie with me," he informed her.
"You'll never take my child out of this house!" protested Scarlett.
"She's my child too, Scarlett. And you're making a mistake if you think I'm leaving her here with a mother who hasn't the decency to consider her own reputation!" he cried.
"You're a fine one to talk! Do you think I'll let that child get out of this house, when you'll probably have her around with people like-like that Belle-"
Rhett strode across the floor furiously and snapped, "If you were a man, I'd break your neck for that! As it is, I'll thank you to shut your stupid mouth. And as for you giving yourself pious airs about your motherhood, why, a cat's a better mother than you are! You have her things packed and ready for me in an hour or I warn you...I've always thought a good lashing with a buggy whip would benefit you immensely!"
Rhett tells Scarlett he's going to London
Rhett reached Bonnie's room and took her up in his arms and said, "Uhm-hmmm-Bonnie, I'm going to take you on a long trip to fairy land."
Where?" exclaimed Bonnie.
"I'm going to show you the Tower of London where the little princes were...and London Bridge..." he said.
"Will it be falling down?" she asked.
"Well, it will if you want it to, darling," he laughed.