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OK - this is really out of date, but I haven't had the time to spend on it lately. I've put down some information about me, and notes about movies I've seen that I think are worth catching, mostly from around 1999. I'm hoping one day to fix this up and make it more up to date, but so far .........



 Personal Information
Movies Seen Recently
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Personal Information

I am an ex-student of Biology now working and living in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. I have a long term interest in science fiction and science fantasy, both in the print and visual media. As a movie addict I try to get to a new release at least once a week. I enjoy most flicks - from the abysmal to the sublime. Dark themes such as witchcraft/vampires are a particular fancy, and I have been a Dracula fan since the early 70s. Fave TV shows include Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the X Files, the Addams Family and British comedies such as Red Dwarf and Fawlty Towers. Some of my favourite authors are Sheri S. Tepper, Barbara Hambly, Anne Rice, Terry Pratchett and I love the plays of William Shakespeare. The most eloquent book I have read in recent times was 'Raising the Stones' by Sheri S. Tepper.

My musical tastes are also quite broad, with particular current faves being Dead Can Dance, Kate Bush, Type O Negative, and Sisters of Mercy. Other personal likes are computer games (I am currently working my way through the expansion of StarCraft and Red Alert), my pets (2 cats), my friends, jigsaws, roleplaying (when I get the chance), the paintings of the romantic era (especially John Waterhouse), and travelling (when I can afford it).

My Biology background is in Microbiology, Molecular Biology, and Zoology. I lucked into molecular work and it seems to have stuck, though new to this field. I work with Leptospira (hope to start a PhD mid this year). In my current workplace I have been taught to eat huge amounts of Yowies (chocolates with plastic animals inside) to enable the laboratory to extend its animal collection. Not that they had to twist my arm too much.

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Movies seen recently

A Midsummer Night's Dream - Michelle Pfeiffer, Rupert Everett, Kevin Kline, Stanley Tucci, Calista Flockhart

OK, I admit it - I just love Shakespeare anyway. But this is good - Kevin Kline is great as Bottom, as is Calista Flockhart (Helena), the fairies are excellent and the play of Pyramus and Thisbe is a corker. Very pretty version. Worth seeing for Shakespeare buffs

American History X - Edward Norton, Edward Furlong

Disturbing, violent (cringed a bit at a few scenes) but Edward Norton is brilliant. Recommended viewing tho is a bit preachy.

Still Crazy - Billy Connolly, Stephen Rea

This was a 'feelgood' movie - ended with a huge smile on my face - maybe because I can remember the seventies???? Recommended viewing.

 The Matrix - Keanu Reeves, Hugo Weaving, Laurence Fishburne, Carrie-Anne Moss

Very entertaining. Dunno why anyone whinged about too much special effects - I would have liked more - there were times where things got a little ordinary. Actors suited - I particularly liked Hugo Weaving and of course Keanu. Carrie-Anne Moss also fitted her part well. Good fun. Good effects. Good final sequence.

8mm - Nic Cage

Very dark, deals with unsavoury topic, tends to get a bit messy at the end. Not as good as Seven, but I enjoyed the movie. If you didn't like Seven stay away - this is a nastier subject.

 Cruel Intentions - Sarah Michelle Gellar, Ryan Phillippe, Reese Witherspoon

Very well done modern young version of Les Liaisons Dangereuses, very well put together and acted, sort of targeted for the teen group but very well crafted. Up-to-date and catty, most entertaining. This character is nothing like Buffy. Recommended.

 The Thin Red Line - loads of big names

Put this one off for so long because of the 3 hr time but this was excellent. A bit indulgent with the inserts about nature, but very good characterisations. Indeed worthy of nomination - worth seeing. Excellent battle sequence.

 Pleasantville - Reese Witherspoon, Tobey Maguire, Joan Allen, William H Macy

Very clever artwork, and a feelgood movie - left this one with a smile on my face. Very enjoyable.

 Shakespeare in Love - Gwyneth Paltrow, Joseph Fiennes, Geoffrey Rush, Ben Affleck, Colin Firth and Judi Dench.

Any Shakespeare buff should love this movie - it is full of wonderful puns and word play, the acting is good, and the comedic moments are well paced. Recommended viewing.

 Hideous Kinky - Kate Winslet.

Loved the soundtrack - especially the Jefferson Airplane tracks (love White Rabbit) - the views were picturesque, and the characters were endearing, but found it confusing in parts. Overall, I enjoyed it, but got a bit frustrated at times with the fragmented flow, and it did have a happy ending of sorts!

 Practical Magic - Sandra Bullock, Nicole Kidman, Aidan Quinn, Stockard Channing and Dianne Wiest.

Enjoyed this more than I had expected to after reading critiques. Loved the aunts, the house and the photography was good. Liked the characters. Worst thing was sitting in front of some kids who chattered and giggled thru the whole thing while their mothers ignored the discomfort of everyone sitting around them (despite a few polite requests to shut up - maybe we were too polite). Missed the actual wording in a few bits, tho since this was what most critics slated, maybe it improved my viewing.

 Elizabeth - Cate Blanchett and Joseph Fiennes.

Excellent movie - well worth nomination for best actress. Reminded me of the Elizabeth series done by the BBC many years ago with Glenda Jackson, very strong characterisation.

 A Simple Plan - Bill Paxton, Billy Bob Thornton and Bridget Fonda

Excellent also - originally went because of the good actors, but found it great - very 'Fargo'ish though not as comic. Good characters, plans gone awry big time again, some comic relief and lots of serious moments. Recommended viewing.

Other movies seen:

Celebrity - Kenneth Branagh, Melanie Griffiths, Winona Ryder, Judy Davis, many others

Enjoyable enough but the Allen-clone Branagh was sooooooo annoying - what a jerk! What is it with Woody Allen - can't he make a movie without his character in it (even by proxy???). I liked the ending tho

A Civil Action - John Travolta, Robert Duvall, William H Macy

Very good, though would be as good on video. Comes over as sincere and real (no happy Hollywood endings here, no heroes). But I still can't look at William H Macy and not think of Fargo!

200 Cigarettes - Courtney Love, Ben Affleck, Martha Plimpton, Christina Ricci, Janeane Garofalo, Paul Rudd

Enjoyed this, but think there may be an age problem - deals with 80s (I remember this music too), but style of movie is more along lines of Mallrats so those who lived the period may not enjoy the movie (could be wrong too). Bit all over the place, but fun enough

 Paperback Hero - Oz flick and shows it - all the caricatures are present. Some cringe value but the 'lovable larrikin' hero and the leading lady save it. Predictable storyline, etc. Enjoyable despite the cringe, but probably only for romance watchers

 The Faculty - fun enough flick - I enjoyed it tho it wasn't too testing. Standard fare

 Meet Joe Black - ditto pretty actors, but way too long (about an hour too long) and too many cloying looks at each other, etc. Could get a tad nauseating, but apart from that OK

 Disturbing Behaviour - pretty, young actors, some interesting bits, fun enough, as desribed elsewhere, 'Stepford Teens'.

As yet, gotta go see: The Mummy, Star Wars, Tarzan (when they come out).

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Contact Information

Email address: pelaire@geocities.com

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Type O Negative: Unsuccessfully coping by Dave Burger

John Waterhouse paintings: Brian Yoder's page

Dark Horizons (excellent movies page by Garth): Dark Horizons

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Last Revised: Sunday, May 30, 1999