This is the place where you'll find out some B*witching facts about those four Irish lasses...but be warned, you may never think of the girls in the same way ever again!
Lindsay used to sip the froth off of her dads beer when he wasn't looking!
Lindsay stole a pillow from a plane back in July and she still hasn't put it back!
Edele's feet are a size 5 and a half but she wishes they were a size 3
Sineads most embarrasing moment was when she realised she'd been doing an interview with one of her false nails dangling from her hair!
Keavy bites the inside of her cheeks when she's thinking or is nervous
Edele once made an arm bracelet out of a fork but when put to the test, she refused to make one on the spot - are you sure you really made one Edele!?
Lindsay believes in ghosts although she's never seen one
Sinead once stole an envelope from a post office, but then to make things worse, the next time she went in there, she knew she'd get away with it, and so did it again!
Edele used to get called titch because of the size of her boobs "I don't care now, we're all different aren't we?!"
Lindsay always wanted to be a pop star and she even turned down a chance to study business at college because she wanted to be in B*witched
Edele bought Lindsay a Hi-Fi system for her 18th birthday
Lindsay owns a pair of slippers that are apparently the loudest slippers ever and the other girls hate it when she walks through the house in them!
Keavy loves eating hula Hoops and plain chocolate (yes, together!) "Because it's yummy and leaves a great taste in your mouth"
Sinead used to be fluent in french
Sinead is always the most impatient member of the band and complains when the others take too long doing something
Edele always wishes on the first star that she sees at night
Keavy always wanted to be a fire man when she was little!
Edele used to get wet on purpose in the rain so that she'd get sent home from school...she thought it was grand because she used to miss loads of lessons that she hated!
the highlight of being in B*witched for Sinead is the travelling