CBS's The Bold and the Beautiful is well known all over the globe. It started as a story about the rivalry between 2 families: the rich Forresters from Beverly Hills and the poor Logans from the Valley.
After a while, the character of Sally Spectra was introduced and the story changed into the rivalry between 2 fashion houses: Forrester Creations and Spectra Fashions.
Today … well today B&B is all about Geometry like triangles and such … ;)
There are a lot of web pages about B&B and it's characters. But all of them deal mainly with the Forrester clan. In this page I'm going to concentrate on the character of the great diva Sally Alexander Garrison Spectra.
So stay tuned and follow the stories of Sally Spectra and the Spectra gang as they will unfold before you in this page. And if you want to keep up with what's going on at Forresters, go and check my Eric Forrester's
This page is in no way affiliated with CBS-TV or Bell/Phillip poductions. This page is meant to be fun and informative, not for profit. All characters, storylines, etc. of The Bold and the Beautiful are trademarks of Bell/Phillip Productions and CBS. Photos are mostly copyrighted by CBS or their original source. Anything on this page will be removed at the request of the copyright holder. Pictures from other B&B sites were taken with the permossion of those sites' owners and creators.
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This page created and maintained by Hadassa Wiener
© 2000 Hadassa Wiener

Last Modified on 18 November 2000