a personal website? Wants to increase traffic to your site? Dont
think any further just join the The Bollywood Webring. No charges, extremely free!! The website
must be devoted to Bollywood or must have links to India. Thats
it easy to join, no hard work and see your counter increasiing
day by day.
After you have submitted the form, you will
be emailed with a confirmation to your email address. The email
will confirm your site id, name of your homepage, your homepage's
url, your name and your password. At the same time, it will also
have the The Bollywood
Webring HTML fragment which was
customize for you. Therefore, you just need to cut & paste it
into your homepage.Below
is what you going to see in your homepage after you have pasted
them: Please click to view the HTMLfragmant
After you fill out the above form
to register your site.. This will put your page in the The Bollywood Webring 'Queue' where it will remain for 14
days until some other members adds you to the
ring(as the ring is new I will be adding the pages as
fast as possible). This does not insert you in the ring;
the actual insertion is done later.
If your are not added to the ring
after 14 days, you will be removed automatically by the
system. If this is the case, you will have to re-register
and will be assigned a new site id.
When you get your email after your
registeration, check the email that the information
provided in it are correct..
Email the owner of an existing The Bollywood Webring site and ask them to add you to the ring.
Be sure to include your Site ID Number in the email
message. They will probably want to look at your page to
make sure it is worthy of addition and make sure the The Bollywood Webring HTML fragment on your page is okay.
After checking out your page, the
existing The Bollywood
Webrings owner will
take your Site ID Number and use it to add you to the
ring. You should then receive an email telling you that
you've been added.
That's it! You should now be able
to navigate the entire ring until to make it back to your
own page (although it may take a while). An easy way to
make sure it is working is to go to the homepage of the
person who added you and see if the next button takes you
to your own page. ITs that simple to be a member.
Just try it and join the ring.
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