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I have made an episode summary for the premiere episode. View it here.
I have put up a list of the directors of the episodes of Swans Crossing. You can view it here.
The Dolls page is up. Please help me with any info you might have.
I recently visited the tv station that aired SC here in Kansas City. Read about it.
Another doll conspiracy article has been found. It is copyright February 1992 Wall Street Journal.
Read a letter that Elaine from Kaufman Astoria Studios sent me.I have more to add to this page. I've got a dolls page on the way and I want to link some stuff up. I will try to get these done soon.
Sequence of Airing | When | How | Where |
First | 6/29/1992 - 9/25/1992 | Weekdays | Syndicated |
Second | 9/28/1992 - 12/25/1992 | Weekdays | Syndicated |
Third | 9/19/1993 - 9/11/1994 | Sunday Mornings | USA cable network |
there were 65 episodes made (13 weeks - 1 contract cycle) / AFTER USA STOPPED AIRING THE SHOW AFTER EPISODE #50 A REPRESENTATIVE TOLD ME THAT IT "WAS ON HIATUS" / brought to us by Mardee Kravit and Ned Kandel / PRODUCED BY JOE HOBEL / writers included Mardee Kravit (head writer), Steven Scott Smith, Penine Speigel. Andrew Stoll, and Nina Combs / ROCKAMERICA INC. SUPPLIED THE MUSIC VIDEOS / is a trademark of Newlifier Limited / TAPED AT KAUFMAN-ASTORIA STUDIOS ON LONG ISLAND, NEW YORK / Heliosphere Productions produced the show / DISTRIBUTED BY SACHS FILM DISTRIBUTION - 12301 WILSHIRE BLVD. #611, LOS ANGELES, CA 90025 / music composed and produced by Robby Merkin / TECHNICAL FACILITIES SUPPLIED BY CBS INC. / the Production Coordinator - MB Battisti and/or Suzie Sachs / THEME MUSIC WRITTEN BY DICK WINZELER / Danny Franks was in charge of photography / YAMAHA KEYBOARDS, IBM COMPUTERS, AND TIMEX WATCHES WERE USED / broadcast in 91% of the country / ASSOCIATE PRODUCER - MARTHA RIPP / Production Designer - Tom H. John / PLAYMATES MADE THE DOLLS / Costume Designer - Sarah Lemire /
Mayor Margaret Rutledge spoke the first words heard from 'Swans Crossing' in a out-of-character voice-over; "Welcome to the town of Swans Crossing, where everyone grew up believing that the sun never set ... rather it was put into the family vault for the night"
the show featured pretentious, unusual character names / UNUSUAL PHONES WERE USED (SWANS, SEA SHELLS, PIPE FAUCET, HORSE) / set in a fictional East coast town and focused on the lifes of a dozen 14 year olds / THE TEENAGERS CALLED ADULTS GROWNIES (GROWNIEZONE) / the last episode left us with school starting on Monday, Owen premiering video for "Vision in Polka-Dot Pink" in a few days, the Rock Concert in 8 days, and Garrett leaving for France in 1 and a half weeks / THE SHOW WOULD FREEZE FRAME TO END AN EPISODE; IF CREDITS RAN THAT DAY THE LAST SHOT OR SOMETHING CLOSE TO IT WAS PLACED UNDER THE ROLLING CREDITS (ALSO KNOWN AS A CRAWL) / the last episode was the only time several shots were shown while the credits rolled; (11 shots, beginning to end), the Baldie, Jimmy and Callie at Swans, Nancy and Sydney, Neil and J.T., Margaret and Sydney, Sandy and Saja, Barek and Jimmy, Owen and the Baldie, J.T. and Glory, Mila and Garrett, and Sydney and Garrett at the pool / THE BEGINNING INTRO HAD SEVERAL GROUP SHOTS OF THE TEENS IN VARIOUS SETTINGS; ONE WAS IN THE SWANS SODA SHOP WERE (LEFT TO RIGHT) MILA, CALLIE, NANCY, SANDY (WHO JUMPS DOWN INBETWEEN SAJA AND JIMMY), AND SYDNEY (WHO JUMPS DOWN AFTER SANDY INBETWEEN JIMMY AND NEIL) SAT ONTHE COUNTER WHILE (LEFT TO RIGHT) GARRETT, J.T., SAJA, JIMMY, AND NEIL SAT ON THE STOOLS IN FRONT OF THEM; ONE OF THE LINE DANCE ON THE SWANS SODA SHOP PLATFORM, THE BACKROW (LEFT TO RIGHT) WAS JIMMY, NEIL, GARRETT, AND SAJA AND FRONTROW (LEFT TO RIGHT) WAS SYNDEY, MILA, NANCY, AND GLORY; A SCENE AT THE POOL WHERE A BALL WAS PASS RIGHT TO LEFT BETWEEN (LEFT TO RIGHT) GARRETT, MILA, NEIL, SANDY, SAJA, CALLIE, NANCY, OWEN, SYDNEY, J.T., GLORY, AND JIMMY SAT /
The Character | The Actor | |
Baldie #2 (#2) | Larry Attile | |
Captian Walker | Gerry Bamman | |
Kristy Barbera | Nancy Robbins | |
Reporter #2 | Ted Bardy | |
Ansel | Christian Baskous | |
Jazz | MB Battisti | |
Mayor Rutledge | Ziska Beveridge | |
Dolores | Kristine Byers | |
J.T. Adams | Tom Carroll | |
FBI Agent Horton | Terence Caza | |
Katie Adams | Ashley Chapman | |
Snake Master | China | |
Dr. Kamber | Wai Ching Ho | |
Coach Gromme | Phillip Clark | |
Jack Goldbrick | Jason Culp | |
Harpist | Simone Cunars | |
Grant Booth (#2) | John Cunningham | |
Glory Booth | Carisa Dahlbo | |
Mila Rosnovsky | Brittany Daniels | |
Anglo #3 | Jed Diamond | |
Jimmy Clayton | Devin Doherty | |
Edward | Dwayne Doherty | |
Umpire | Jim Donnelly | |
Snake | Dracula | |
Masked Figure | Jim Dratfield | |
Owen Fowler | Evan Ferrante | |
Sydney Rutledge | Sarah Michelle Gellar | |
Baldie #2 (#1) | Garry Goodrow | |
Billy Gunn | Holter Graham | |
Countess Rosvovsky | Delphi Harrington | |
Anglo #1 - ("Dr. Lamb") | Seth Jones | |
Cornelia Booth | Laurie Kennedy | |
Mr. Han | Alvin Lum | |
Jerry, megaphone | David MacDonald | |
Sandy Swan | Kristen Mahon | |
Garrett Booth | Shane McDermott | |
Newport Captian | Beau Milo | |
Cameraman | Keith Moore | |
Snake | Morticia | |
Callie Walker | Stacey Mosely | |
Tutu | Tim Naughton | |
P.A. (Public Address) | Susan O'Hearn | |
Snake | Otoon | |
Baldie #1 | Barry Paprick | |
Baroness | Angela Pietropinto | |
Neil Atwater | Eddie Robinson | |
Band Manager | Bily Roves | |
Camerawoman/Reporter #1 | Laura Salvato | |
Officer Moore | Gayle Samuels | |
Black Hooded Figure | Rick Segal | |
Barek | William Shanks | |
Sophia DeCastro | Mira Sorvino | |
Ralph | Donald Symington | |
Saja DeCastro | Alex Tanaka | |
Surgical Nurse | Denise Taylor | |
Jogger | Tabitha Tindale | |
Bryce Atwater | David Toney | |
Snake Wrangler | Todd Vargas | |
Synchronized Swimmers | Waterworks Foundation Inc. | |
Anglo #2 | Craig Wroe | |
Grant Booth (#1) | Nick Wyman |
Select Quotes:
"All men love surprises" - Sydney Rutledge
"What may seem insignificant to one, mat have a devastating effect on another" - Ralph
"Sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride" - Sydney Rutledge
"I especially want everybody to have to good time because .... (feedback) because who knows what's going to happen tomorrow" - Sydney Rutledge, Episode #65
Swans Crossing Dolls: made by Playmates / HIGHLY COLLECTABLE /
Swans Crossing: Meet the Cast by Alan Benjamin, Heather Lowenberg, Robin Cuddy and illustred by Darrell Baker Hardcover $3.99 ISBN#0307127095
Swans Crossing Poster Book: included a cast photo from Mila's Surprise Party - sold through school book clubs
Showbiz Today, CNN, (7/27/1992), program #95, segment intitled "'Swans Crossing' is a soap opera teens will like," Bill Tush talks to the the show's creators and some of it's stars
Z100, radio interview, New York City, Tom Carroll (J.T.) and Sarah Michelle Gellar (Sydney) Displayed on Miss Swan's Goodies Page
Broadcasting, magazine, (5/18/1992), v.122 n.21 p.22 (2) title "Television Targeting Teens,"author Stephan McClellan (Beverly Hills 90210 and other FOX programs lead the way for 'Swans Crossing' and 'Catwalk')
Back Stage, magazine, (7/31/1992), v.33 n.31 page 7 (2), ill. (photograph), title "Swans Crossing, Soap for Teens," by William Wolf
Chicago Tribune, newspaper, (7/16/1992), title "Kids Will be Kids: 'Swans Crossing' brings a bit of 'Sesame Street' to 'Dynasty'," by Marla Hart (info from Mardee, Ned, Kristen Mahon, and Brittany Daniels)
Entertainment Weekly, magazine, (7/10/1992), p. 46 (1), photograph by Jeffrey Lowe, title "Swans Crossing, Young Love in the Afternoon," by Alan Carter Displayed on Miss Swan's Goodies Page
Teen Party, magazine, (1992), cast questions Displayed on Miss Swan's Goodies Page
TV Guide, magazine, (July 1992), photograph of Stacey Mosely and Shane McDermott, title "A Pinochio Cartoon Series and a Teenage Soap Opera," by Ray Stackhouse Displayed on G-Child's SC Pictures Page
Wall Street Journal, February 1992, mention of the SC dolls premiere at a NYC toy convention.
Washington Post's TV Week, newspaper, (7/19-25/1992), photographs of Kristen, Sarah, Carisa, and Kristen; Stacey and Shane; and Eddie, title "'Swans Crossing,' Junior High's Soap Opera, " by Patricia Brennan, (info from Ned and Mardee) Displayed on Miss Swan's Goodies Page
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All characters, events, and places are trademarks of Newlifier Limited copyright 1992. The notes and organization of them are copyrighted 1999 by Doug Knepper unless otherwise noted. Contact me at swanscrosser@yahoo.com .