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Okay, here's the deal. All of the facts are either from the series or mentioned in articles about the series. They are kind of in order right now but they are not complete yet. As I was typing these notes I remembered stuff I didn't have notes for. An example is that Saja has told some stories about Sophia that I don't have on here yet. So these notes are far from complete. If you are curious about a fact's origin or something is confusing please let me know at swanscrosser@yahoo.com . Please note that this runs over 30 pages long so if you plan to print it be prepared.
Adams Family: Mr. Adams and his wife, J.T., and Katie / HAVE A FEMALE DOG / at least 2 generations in Swans Crossing /
Mr. Adams: husband of Mrs.Adams, father of J.T. Adams and Katie Adams / FRIENDS WITH GRANT BOOTH / grew up in Swan Crossing and hung up with Valaira Rosnovsky, "Muffy" Rutledge, Grant Booth, Fats Weltman, Mr. Clayton, and Elia Walker / PARTICIPATED IN THE PAINTING OF THE SWANS / recently he and Mrs. Adams cut J.T.'s cahs flow down /
J.T. Adams: son of Mr. Adams and his wife, older brother to Katie Adams / HAS A FEMALE DOG / J.T. has dipped into security account to often and his mom and dad transfered his funds have been tranferred to an unnumbered account / HAS TO WATCH KATIE SOMETIMES / he gave Neil a book of his poetry so that when he got a big head Neil could knock him down / SLEEPS IN A COT INSTEAD OF A BED / has all of the published Shakespeare's published sonnets, even has some of them memorized / HIS BEDROOM WINDOW SERVES AS AN ENTRANCE FOR OWEN AND NEIL / has an IBM computer / DOESN'T REALLY LIKE FINE FOODS, IS MORE INTO BURGERS / hates Neil's computer sandwiches (they are bland) / LIKES KETCHUP AND MUSTARD / known as Iron Gut Adams; has an appetite / LIKES THE MUSIC OF QUEEN / calls Mr. Han "Mr. H" / can be very shy at times and very talkative at others / HIS FAVORITE ELEMENT IS MERCURY / J.T. and Neil knew about the takeover of Swans Landscaping before Mr.Swan did, they have discovered other things in Grant Booths financial past; they discovered the cliff caves / HATES SECRETS / can swim / CALLS NEIL BUCKYBALL / rides a motorbike / USES AEROSOL DEODORANT / is an expert in nuclear physics / DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO FIX HIS OWN BIKE / after the incident at the Country Club pool party, J.T. and Neil found a bug in Neil's beeper that was allowing the Baldies and Anglos to hear them; J.T. and Neil destroyed the bug causing ear damage to the baldie (they had to use cotton balls) / HE IS LEFT FIELD AND PITCHER FOR THE SWANS BASEBALL TEAM, HE IS #11 / going up for the postion of quarterback on the football team against Garrett who might me leaving town / AFTER BASEBALL PRACTICE HE GOT INTO A FIGHT WITH GARRETT AT SWANS AND THE TEAM HAD TO PULL THEM APART; HE GOT A BLACK EYE / he and Neil worked wth go-carts in the 4th grade; they were determined to make them run on solar power (solar powered batteries) / IT'S BECAUSE OF J.T'S MISCALCULATIONS THAT THE ROCKET EXPLODED / when he was little, J.T., Garrett, and the other guys would crash Glory's Lemonade and Cookie parties; the boys would tease the girls and try to swipe the cookies / HE AND NEIL RESEARCHED NUDIBRANCHS FOR VALAIRA'S BENEFIT / J.T., Neil, and Coach Gromme set up the fireworks for the pier celebration / WAS SUPPOSED TO GO SWIMMING WITH GLORY ON THE MORNING OF GARRETT'S RETURN BUT CANCELED TO WORK WITH NEIL WITH THEIR PROJECT / he once commented that Glory looked great before she went to bed / GLORY THINKS OF HIM AS GENTLE / has Glory's spelling book from the 5th Grade / Glory gave J.T. her hankerchef (it has a 'G' embroidered the corner) to keep with him always / J.T. HAS GIVEN GLORY STUFFED ANIMALS; BEBOP AND EINSTEIN (FOR VALENTINE'S DAY / he kissed Glory and declared his love for her on Neil's hospital bed / PLAYS POKER WITH SAJA SOMETIMES / Glory is trying to understand astro-partical physics to better understand J.T., he is learning botany for her / LINGO CONSISTS OF "M.T." - MY TYPE, AND "Y.T." - NOT MY TYPE / J.T.'s type is a strawberry blond with a smattern of freckles, attractive in a natural sense, honest, sincere, sensitive, and someone he can get close to / "MILA" IS J.T.'S "N.M.T." (NOT MY TYPE) /
Katie Adams: younger sister of J.T. Adams / SOMETIMES HER OLDER BROTHER WATCHES HER / favorite babysitter is Glory Booth, J.T.'s girlfriend / DOES NOT LIKE THE SMELL OF J.T.'S SOCKS / plays with Play Clay / DOES NOT LIKE BOYS YET / classmate Zachery Peyton likes her / LIKES TO DRINK 'BUG JUICE' OUT OF HER SPECIAL SIPPING CUP (SHE LEFT SYDNEY USE IT ONCE) / asked Sydney to help her with her dressage event / HER FAVORITE BOOK IS 'MUFFIN MEETS MOONBEAM' AND SHE WAITS FOR HER MUFFIN MEETS MOONBEAM STORY OF THE MONTH / once Katie made Play Clay cookies and Neil was so into his work that he ate all of them and then asked for seconds without realizing what he had done /
The Anglos: "trouble in the good old U.S.A." / WERE ABLE TO TRACK PROFESSOR VANN TO SWANS CROSSING WHEN KATIE INADVERTANTLY SAT ON THE MOUSE SENDING ALL OF J.T.'S AND NEIL'S WORK ONLINE (WHICH J.T. AND NEIL QUICKLY RETRIEVED) / Anglo #1 likes the music of Queen / ANGLO #1 LIKES SWAN SODA SHOP'S ALL-AMERICAN CHEESE SANDWICH (THE LETTUCE WAS A NICE TOUCH) / Anglo #1 masqueraded as Dr. Lamb at Swans Crossing General Hospital to 'tend' to a 'sick' Neil who was secretly working on ub2b /
Atwater Family: includes Bryce Atwater and his wife, and Neil Atwater / PURCHASED THE FIREWORKS FOR THE 4TH OF JULY CELEBRATION AND MATCHED DONATIONS TO THE LADIE'S INPROVEMENT FOUNDATION / their fortune comes from vanity (hair products and cosmetics) / ATWATER GLOBAL COSMETICS - "DEDICATED TO PUTTING YOUR BEST FACE FORWARD" / have a yacht visible from the Leda / CORNELIA BOOTH IS CURRENLY WORKING AT THE ATWATER ? (BEAUTY BEAUTIQUE OR SALOON) LOCATED IN TOWN / Atwater Culligan Degree was used on Sandy's hair to turn it back to brown /
Neil Atwater: son of Bryce Atwater and his wife / WHEN NEIL WAS MISSING MRS. ATWATER THREATENED TO CUT OFF J.T. AND NEIL' PROJECT'S FUNDING IF NEIL WAS NOT FOUND / makes computer sandwiches which J.T. hates becasue they are bland / LIKES HORSERADISH SAUCE / his beeper number is ???-0642 / CALLS MR. HAN "MR.H" / claims he is good at memeorizing things / CAN SWIM / might be able to play the drums / DISLIKES HOSPITALS / drives a Mo-ped / FRIENDS WITH OWEN FOWLER /calls J.T. "Buckball" / IS HARD TO WAKE UP / is shortstop for the Swans Baseball team; his number is #21 and/or #22 / IS AT HIS BEST WHEN HE IS SLEEPING / in the 4th grade he and J.T. were determined to make their go-carts solar powered possibly with solar powered batteries / THE UB2B TEST ROCKET WAS ABOUT A SIX FEET TALL / once Katie made Play Clay cookies and Neil was so into his work that he ate all of them and then asked for seconds without realizing what he had done / LOVES CHOCOLATE COVERED CHERRIES; ONCE HE BOUGHT HIS MOTHER A BOX FOR HER BIRTHDAY AND ATE THEM ALL, HE REPACKED THE BOX WITH LOW CALORIE CANDIES / J.T. had given him a notebook of his poetry so that when he got a big head Neil could knock him down; Neil encoded UB2B's formulas into it and gave to Glory for "safekeeping" / ONCE LISTENED TO GUNS N' ROSES'S "NOVEMBER RAIN" / was found sleeping in the cabanas after he disappeared the hight of the Country Club Pool Party, he remembers drinking some punch which he and J.T. suspect was drugged, Neil's beeper was later discovered to have a bug in it / DISCOVERED WOOBIES (PURE FEAR) / the explosion at the Atwater Cosmetic Lab gave Neil 1st degree burns and caused him to go into a com; because he was in the middle of the blast, Neil might have been burnt more severly (but the heat sheilds gaurded him) / J.T. CARRIED NEIL OUT OF THE BUILDING BEFORE IT COLLASPED / Dr. Vahoven, a specialist in Switzerland, was mentioned at the time of Neil's hospitalization / WAS GIVEN A TOUR OF THE WALKER SUBMARINE BEFORE MILA'S SURPRISE PARTY / when Neil was comatose all of his friends came to see him (except mila who was grounded but she sent a bunch of baloons); Saja covered the light with pink saran-wrap that he had stolen from the nurses station (so that the light would be therapeutic); Sydney and Nancy brought a stuffed Einstein bear, flowers, and chocolate covered cherries; Jimmy brought food from his father's restraunt for everyone to eat; the gang gathered around Neil's bed and sang "I'll Hold You Up" to help Neil get better (clockwise from the foot of the bed; Saja, Jimmy, Callie, Sandy, Syndey, Owen, Garrett, J.T., Glory, Nancy, and Einstein the bear) / Neil and J.T. researched Nudibranchs for Valaira's benefit / NEIL AND J.T. KNEW ABOUT MR. BOOTHS HOSTILE TAKEOVER OF SWANS LANDSCAPING BEFORE MR. SWAN DID; THEY HAVE DISCOVERED OTHER MYSTERIOUS THINGS IN GRANT'S FINANCES / after the incident at the Country Club Pool Party, J.T. and Neil found a bug in Neil's beeper (that was allowing the Baldies and Anglos to hear them); J.T. and Neil destroyed the bug causing ear damage to the baldie (calling for the cotton balls) / HE AND J.T. DISCOVERED THE CLIFF CAVES LEADING TO CITY HALL / he set up a remote control trigger device for the fireworks; when they wnet off, Neil had to manually turn them off / MADE A SPEECH AT THE 4TH OF JULY CELEBRATION / once while in the hospital, he had 3 candy bars at midnight and 2 for breakfast / WHILE AT THE HOSPITAL HE ORDERED PIZZA FROM WELTMAN'S PIZZARIA / Dr. Kamber ordered for his release but Anglo #1 (masquereading as Dr. Lamb) allowed Neil to stay / WHILE NEIL WAS AT SWANS CROSSING GENERAL HOSPITAL, HE AND J.T. SECRETLY WORKED ON UB2B /
Bryce Atwater: husband of Mrs. Atwater, father of Neil Atwater / SENT THE ROSNOVSKYS A WELCOME BASKET / Mr. Atwater gave all the nurses on Niel's floor an Atwater Cosmetics gift basket for treating Neil / HAS SPENT 20 YEARS IN THE COSMETIC DEVELOPMENT INDUSTRY / has been funding Neil and J.T. for months at the lab ( they were supposed to be making a Culligan Mask for Atwater Inc.) / HE IS AN INVENTOR HIMSELF AND KNOW THAT CULLIGAN IS NOT EXPLOSIVE (WHAT J.T. AND NEUIL WERE DEALING WITH COULD KILL ONE DOZEN PEOPLE PER DROP) / while Neil was in the hospital, Bryce told Niel he was giving him no more funding, no new lab,and that their project is over (funding cut off until further notice) / GREW UP WITH VALAIRA, FATS, MARGARET, GRANT, MR. ADAMS, MR. SWAN, MR. CLAYTON, AND ELIA WALKER / he and his wife where out of town the week of August 14, 1992
The Baldies: white bald men that usually wear black / THEY WERE ABLE TO TRACK "PROFESSOR VANN" TO SWANS CROSSING WHEN KATIE INADVERTANTLY SAT ON THE MOUSE SENDING ALL OF J.T.' AND NEIL'S WORK ONLINE (WHICH J.T. AND NEIL QUICKLY RETRIEVED) / they play cards / THEY KEEP THEIR HANDS OFF THE GIRL AND KEEP ALL OTHERS UNDER SURVEILANCE / Barek has told Pegasis still on hold / LISTENS TO PHONE CALLS / interested in Phrenology / J.T. AND NEIL TRACED A CALL FROM THEM TO SWANS / they carried Glory away to the Walker Estate in the Swan Family Laundry bag / THEY ARE BAD WITH ENGLISH / they thought Fabian was a rocket scientist / THEY ASKES GLORY QUESTIONS AND TOOK AWAY J.T.'S SECOND BOOK OF POEMS / Saja saw Barek alone at th Walker Estate and believes he was there to meet with "The man who looked like a docking post but has now taken on the characteristics of an elm tree" - Baldie #1 / AFTER NEIL WAS FOUND SLEEPING IN THE CABANAS AFTER THE COUNTRY CLUB POOL PARTY, HE AND NEIL SUSPECTED HIS DRINK WAS DRUGGED, NEIL FOUND A 'BUG' IN HIS BEEPER (ALLOWING BOTH THE BALDIES AND THE ANGLOS TO HEAR HIM) AND HE AND NEIL DESTROYED CAUSING EAR DAMAGE TO THE BALDIES / because of the ear damage the Baldies used cotton balls and left them all over town which Callie and Saja found /
Baldie #1: Jazz found him sleeping on the bench in front of Swans / SLEEPS LIKE A BOULDER / likes pancakes / JAZZ THINKS HE IS FROM MILWAUKEE / at the Walker Estate he bowed down to Pegasis (in a black outfit with a snake) / PEGASIS TOLD HIM TO KEEP HANDS OFF THE GIRL BUT KEEP ALL OTHERS UNDER SURVEILANCE / "Yes, yes, yes, my pegasis" / BAD WITH ENGLISH / confused Saja for another agent who "is a fast runner" / LURKING IN THE BACKGROUNG OF THE HOPSITAL, THE NUDIBRANCH BENEFIT, AND SYDNEY'S POOL PARTY / has shouted "tofroegia petra nunk," "flaw contrin, contransky, contransky" / HELPED CARRY GLORY AWAY (IN THE SWAN FAMILY LAUNDRY) BAG TO THE WALKER ESTATE / collected warm white rocks from the lab explosion (possibly ultranium aloy) and hurt his head making him need to wear Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle band aids which Callie and Saja found around town / SAJA SAW BAREK ALONE AT THE WALKER ESTATE AND BELIEVES HE WAS THERE TO MEET WITH "THE MAN WHO LOOKED LIKE A DOCKING POST BUT HAS NOW TAKEN ON THE CHARACTERICS OF AN ELM TREE" - BALDIE #1 / after eating pancakes at Swans, his total was $4.75 and he gave Jazz a $5 and told her to keep the change /
Band: the unnamed band includes singer-songwiter Sandy Swan, singer-songwriter-musician Owen Fowler, and 'vocalist' Mila Rosnovsky / SANDY KEEPS IN MIND THAT CALLIE COULD BE A BACKUP SINGER / Glory can play the drums / SANDY SEEMS TO BE GIFTED WITH HER VOICE/ Sandy disagrees that Mila can sing but because Owen has insisted, Sandy has given her singing lessons / OWEN AND SANDY WERE PARTNERS - ADDING MILA WOULD MAKE THEM A GROUP / Garrett convinced Owen that even though Mila would be singing backup in the video, she should stick out / GARRETT AND OWEN PLANNED THE VIDEO WHILE IGNORING SANDY'S IDEAS OF SMOKE AND LIGHT FILTERS / Owen promised Mila and Sandy seperately that they were going to be in a music video - each of them thought their own music video; it was later decided thay they would do the music video together / SYDNEY IS THE ONLY THING THAT STANDS BETWEEN OWEN AND HIS MUSIC / Mila said she would sing if she got better and Sandy helped / MILA HAS BEEN TOLD THAT BY OWEN THAT SHE HAS A GREAT SINGING VOICE; MILA THINKS HER VOICE IS STILL IN TRAINING / the band has a rule that if you write the song you get to sing it; Mila borke this rule to allow Sandy to sing Mila's song, "Vision in Polka-Dot Pink" in the music video; Mila will sing backup / THE BANDS SONGS INCLUDE "GOTTA GROW UP", "AM I EVER (GONNA GET OVER YOU)," "CROSS THAT LINE," "TALKING SWEET AS HONEY," "I'LL HOLD YOU UP," "HEART IN THE WIND," AND "VISION IN POLKA-DOT PINK" / Sandy thought "Vision in Polka-Dot Pink" was an awful song (she was recently impressed by what Owen has done with it); She doesn't think 'Vision' is her style / OWEN AND SANDY (WITH AN INNAMED KEYBOARDIST) PLAYED MILA'S SURPRISE PARTY / Owen and Sandy were to play backup instruments with the band Roxanne at the 4th of July Celebration /
Barek: his last name might be Browler / SAJA SAW BAREK ALONE AT THE WALKER ESTATE NAD BELIEVES HE WAS THERE TO MEET WITH "THE MAN WHO LOOKED LIKE A DOCKING POST NUT HAS NOW TAKEN ON THE CHARACTERISTICS OF AN ELM TREE (BALDIE #1)" / he communicates with unknown people with a micro-communicator ("Pegasis on hold"); the tiny walkie talkie is usually located on Barek's bike / REPLACED FATS WELTMAN AS THE MANAGER OF THE TOOL N' DIE / he contacted the authorities when Glory was missing, FBI Agent Horton came to town / POSSUBLY SET CALLIE UP TO FALL FROMW THE LADDER WHICH CAUSED HER TO SPRAIN HER ANKLE / he had a bag of cotton balls that Callie found out and returned to him / COLLECTS SEMI-PRECIOUS STONES / he considers himself to be an amatuer geologist and he collected warm white rocks from the explosion site (possibly ultranium aloy) / BAREK SAYS HIS WEAKNESS IS ICE CREAM / calls Jimmy "Young James" / IS AN EXPERT ANGLER / has read all of Captian Walker's papers on sea life / TAKES NAPS / he has a jeweler's eyepiece that is actually a high-tech camera; Jimmy thought Callie was being paranoid about Barek and found it one day and then he found out what it really was, Jimmy decided to show it to Callie but he dropped it before he had a chance - Barek saw Jimmy drop it and told him to be careful, Callie later spotted Barek using it again / HAS AN ASSORTMENT OF ICE CREAM / had the doors to the Tool N' Die automated / 'SHARES' CAPTIAN WALKER'S INTEREST IN NUDIBRANCHS / barek lives above the Tool N' Die / HE HAD BLACK AND PEPPER STEAK WHEN HE DINED WITH CALLIE AND ELIA / owns and pilots a small piper-apache airplane which is located at the Swans Crossing International Airport / LOVES TRIPPLE RIPPLE FUDGE ICE CREAM / he reminds Jimmy of his older brother Johnny Clayton / HAS A HARLEY DAVIDSON / Callie, Jimmy, and Barek worked together to make the complicated motor for the Rock Concert Opera Stage / HE WAS ONCE A PITCHER FOR THE BREWERS FARM SYSTEM; BAREK ALMOST MADE IT TO THE MAJOR LEAGUE BUT HURT HIS KNEE AND MISSED THE GAME WHEN THE SCOUTS CAME, BAREK LEFT THE TEAM BEFORE THE SCOUTS CAME BACK AGAIN / he helped design the Viking 3 / BAREK HAS PUBLISHED POETRY / he was Matre 'de in Amsterdam / STUDIED PRE-MED FOR A YEAR / quote - "I am whatever I'm doing right now" / HE AND CALLIE DID A LITTLE REORGANIZING OF THE TOOL N' DIE BEFORE THE NEWPORT GAME / one day Sophia tried to hit on Barek who turned her down; Barek later desrcibed her as "too friendly" /
Booth Family: the first Booth in Swans Crossing was Jermiah Ness Booth who stepped off the boat onto the pier / BOOTH ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED EST.1823 / oldest family in town besides the Swans and the Rutledges / FANS OF FABIAN / motto - "Always Keep an Ace in the Hole" / MOTTO - "[BUSINESS IS] WHAT MAKES A BOOTH, A BOOTH" / motto -"Every Booth loves a Good Business Deal" /
Cornelia Booth: wife of Grant Halsey Booth Jr., mother to Grant Halsey Booth the III, Garrett Booth, and Glory Booth, / HAS A SOUNTHERN ACCENT / Glory has J.T. but Cornelia wishes Garrett could find someone for himself (in her lifetime); she sees Garrett as lucky in life but unlucky in love / HAS NOTICED GARRETT IS IN A BETTER MOOD LATELY / in formed Garrett his father's business was doing well and Garrett could possibly go to boarding school in England, France, or Switzerland / CORNELIA TO SANDY - "MAKING UP IS NOT ABOUT COVERING UP. IT'S ABOUT MAKING THE BEST OF WHAT YOU'VE GOT" / Cornelia to Sandy -"Not everything in Swans Crossing has to cost money, honey!" / RECENTLY TOOK HER FIRST JOB AT THE ATWATER ? (SALON OR BEAUTIQUE) / told Sandy that she would have her dear friend Connie run the music video at WSWAN / CORNELIA TOOK YOUNG GLORY TO A CHRISTMAS PRODUCTION OF "THE NUTCRACKER,"THINKING THAT GLORY WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO SIT STILL OR BE QUIET; LITTLE GLORY WAS HYPNOTIZED BY THE PERFORMANCE AND CRYED AT THE END, GLORY WOULDN'T GO HOME UNTIL HER PARENTS BOUGHT HER A WOODEN NUTCRACKER LIKE THE ONE IN THE PLAY (GLORY STILL HAS IT) / Cornelia and Grant went to the Magnolia Blossom Ball and at the Mayor's Peach Fuzz Festival in Baton Rouge, LA; but she took so long to get ready that by the time they got there half of the crowd had left / CORNELIA AND GRANT WERE IN THE STATE CAPITAL PETITIONING SOMETHING WHEN GLORY WAS KIDNAPPED / went shopping with Glory (one of the stores they hit was the Swans Shoppe) - they bought a lot / ETTENDED THE CAMPAIGN DINNER / helped to lighten Sandy's hair down to a blond tone as a favor for Garrett /
Garrett Booth: ancestor of Jermiah Ness Booth / SON OF GRANT HALSEY BOOTH JR. AND HIS WIFE CORNELIA BOOTH, YOUNGER BROTHER TO GRANT HALSEY BOOTH THE THIRD, AND ONE YEAR OLDER THAN YOUNGER SISTER GLORY BOOTH / best friend is Jimmy Clayton / CAN SWIM / rides around town on his minibike / CAN'T STAND LOSING AND WILL DO ANYTHING TO WIN / at 9 am he is usually sleeping / WEARS A SAPPHIRE STONE RING ON THE MIDDLE FINGER OF HIS RIGHT HAND / can be very stubborn / DOES NOT LIKE TO BE LAUGHED AT / likes to say, "Oww, I love myself" / EVERYONE KNOWS HE'S ALWAYS LIKED SYDNEY / he and Officer Moore do not get along and she watches him / GARRETT CONSIDERS HIMSELF IMPORTANT ENOUGH THAT EVERYONE SHOULD KNOW WHO HE IS UPON ARRIVING IN TOWN / plays for keeps / LIKES CHERRY COLA WITH NO ICE / ate 4 plates of pancakes in 3 hours at Swans / CALLS J.T. ADAMS, HIS SISTER'S BOYFRIEND, "ROCKETBOY" / has called J.T.'s poems cheesy / AFTER BASEBALL PRACTICE, HE GOT INTO A FIGHT WITH J.T. AT SWANS AND THE TEAM HAD TO PULL THEM APART; J.T. HAD A BLACKEYE AFTERWARDS / on of his pitches is called "the slider" / Swans Baseball Team captian and starting pitcher, #25 / ONE OF HIS PITCHES IS CALLED "THE SLIDER" / going up for the postion of quarterback on the Swans Football Team against J.T., J.T. might get it the postion if Garrett leaves town / GARRETT WAS ARRESTED AT MILA'S SLUMBER PARTY; HE WAS GROUNDED BY HIS FATHER AND COACH GROMME BENCHED GARRETT FOR FOUR WEEKS (JUST IN TIME FOR THE PLAYOFFS) / has always given Sydney a red rose; he gave her one before he left for France at the beginning at the summer / GARRETT REMEMBERS LEAVING SWANS CROSSING WITH SYDNEY NOT REALLY CARING ABOUT HIM / had to study Biology in summer school 1991 / HE WAS NEVER A BOY SCOUT / he, J.T., and the other guys used to crash Glory's lemonade and cookie parties to tease the girls and try to swipe cookies when they were little / GARRETT ASED SANDY IN THE 4TH GRADE TO CHEAT ON A SPELLING TEST / Garrett is Mila's 'agent' / NANCY WAS USED BY GARRETT IN THE 5TH GRADE / in the 6th grade Garrett gave a Valentine to Nancy that was supposed to go to Sydney / LAST YEAR GARRETT PRETENDED TO LIKE SYDNEY WHEN HE ACTUALLY LIKED NANCY / he came back from France because his dad was having "a small cash flow problem" / INSISTED CALLIE WEAR RED TO THE 4TH OF JULY CELEBRATION (SO THAT SYDNEY WOULD THINK CALLIE WAS SYDNEY) / he once hid all Sydney's horse trophies and she cried / THE COPS ARRIVED OUT ON THE CLIFFS TO 'FIND' HIM AFTER FIFTY MINUTES / after the rocket explosion, Garrett vanished but J.T. and Glory found a note he left on a stone that read "am ok don't tell s" / HE MADE A DEAL TO BE WITH SYDNEY SO THAT THEY COULD BE TOGETHER BY USING MILA ON JULY 8, 1992 / Garrett picked Mila up to escort her to her slumber party at 7 pm / HE GOT A BIG HEAD AFTER THE SWANS/NEWPORT BASEBALL GAME WAS WON / fought off photographers from taking pictues of Mila after the pier disaster; the reporters turned the spotlight on him / AFTER THE PIER DISASTER, SYDNEY FAINTED INTO HIS ARMS AND A PHOTOGARPHER SNAPPED A PICTURE THAT ENDED UP ON THE FRONTPAGE OF THE NEXT DAY'S NEWSPAPER (SWAN GAZETTE) / at the hospital, he held Sydney's hand while she got three stitches by her lip and told her it widens her smile / HAS NEVER GIVEN SANDY A SECONG GLANCE; WHEN HER HAIR WAS ORANGE HE TOLD HER HE LIKED IT AS SOON AS HE FOUND OUT SYDNEY DIDN'T, AFTER SYDNEY CHANGED SANDY'S AHIR BACK TO BROWN, GARRETT HAD HIS MOTHER HELP SANDY GET HER HAIR BLOND AGAIN / after the Swans/Newport Game, Garrett told Mila that she was the girl he wanted to be with / DOESN'T KNOW WHAT REALLY HAPPENED THE DAY GLORY DISAPPEARED / admitted to lying about knowing Mila before she came to town at Mila's recovery soda get together at Swans / ONCE CALLED MILA AND CALLED HER HIS "GOLDEN HAIR MERMAID;" SYDNEY HAD ANSWERED THE PHONE AND WAS NOT HAPPY / offered Saja a ride home when getting ready to leave Swans after the Swans/Newport baseball game / AFTER PUSHING OWEN ASIDE TO INSURE A WIN OF THE SWANS/NEWPORT, COACH GROMME WARNED HIM TO WATCH HIM TO WATCH HIMSELF - NANCY OVERHEARD THIS AND TOLD SYDNEY WHO KEPT THIS IN MIND WHEN GETTING GARRETT ARRESTED AT THE SLUMBER PARTY / Garrett convinced Owen that even though Mila would be singing backup in the video, that she should stick out; Garrettt and Owen planned the music video ignoring Sandy's ideas (smoke and light filters) / BET SYDNEY THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE THAT MILA WOULD LIKE HIM AGAIN (SYDNEY COULN'T INTERFER) - GARRETT WON / Chandler meet Mila in No Man's Land at ten o'clock by the full moon at crack in the wall / PLANS TO STAY IN TOWN; PLAN A: HAVE RECORD PRODUCER ROBERT CLARK GET MILA INTO THE MUSIC BUSINESS (GARRETT BEING HER 'AGENT' WOULD GET CREDIT MAKING MR. BOOTH HAPPY), PLAN B: (IF ALL ELSE FAILS) ANNOUNCE OVER THE P.A., AT THE ROCK CONCERT, THAT SYDNEY 'IS' SANDY (HELPING HIS DAD WIN THE ELECTION) / was supposed to go to the Booth alma-mater in France called Une Ecole Avec Murs which loosely translated means "the walled in school" / ROBERT FROST INSPIRED 'CHANDLER' / got into a big fight with his dad right before Sydney's Goodbye-To-Summer Party about going back to France; Garrett was told there was no point in starting school on Monday if he is leaving in 1 1/2 weeks / CAN'T WRITE POETRY / found out Chandler's poems are actually J.T.'s meaning that Mila unknowingly likes J.T.'s poetic side / AFTER MILA NEARLY DROWNED DURING THE PIER DISASTER, GARRETT STARTED GIVING MILA SWIMMING LESSONS / was only given a pass to attend the Country Club Pool Party / TOOK THE RAP FOR SYDNEY STEALING J.T.'S POEMS SO THAT HIS BLACKMAILING SYDNEY WOULN'T BE REVEALED / doesn't believe that Billy likes Sydney / MILA THINKS OF CHANDLER BEING HUMBLE AND SHY / while dancing with Sydney at Mila's Surprise Party to "Over You," he wished they could dance every dance together and even kiss in public without getting in trouble / MILA GAVE CHANDLER A BLANK BOOK TO FILL UP WITH POETRY / because Sydney can see Glory's bedroom window from her house, Garrett uses the Fabian shade to signal Sydney to meet him in No Man's Land / AFTER GLORY FOUND OUT THAT MILA HAD SOME OF J.T.'S POEMS SHE MAD GARRETT PROMISE TO KEEP HIS HANDS OFF HER POETRY (HE STOLE ANOTHER ONE MOMENTS LATER) / made Mila promise not to show anyone his poems claiming the guys would give him flack /
Glory Booth: daughter og Grant Booth and Cornelia Booth, younger sister to Grant Halsey Booth III and Garrett Booth /ANCESTOR OF JEREMIAH NESS BOOTH / she is a year younger than Garrett / ONCE CALLED HER PARENTS WHEN SHE STAYED OUT PAST 10 PM / was unaware of Garrett's arrival back from France until she saw him riding around with Jimmy / MR. AND MRS. BOOTH WERE OUT OF TOWN AT THE STATE CAPITAL PETITIONING SOMETHING WHEN GLORY WAS KIDNAPPED /has the game of LIFE sometimes set up in her room on her wicker table / DESCRIBED ASA STRAWBERRY BLOND / she considers Sandy to be a more valuable friend than Mila / SHE IS A SOUND SLEEPER / used not to care for Neil until he gave her some of J.T.'S poems / SHE CAN SWIM / tries to get along with everybody / SHE IS VERY SENSITIVE / hates to be talked about behind her back / LOVES BLUEBERRY PANCAKES, ESPECIALLY WITH EXTRA BUTTER AND SYRUP / Glory has a tv and vcr in her bedroom, she has always had the same room; her bed is now where her crib was and her dresser is now where her basinet was / GLORY SAYS THAT SHE FEELS SAFE IN HER ROOM AND WHEN THINGS GO WRONG IN BETWEEN HER AND J.T. SHE GETS IN HER BED AND PULLS HER SHEETS UP REALLY HIGH AND TALKES TO HER STUFFED ANIMALS AND FEELS BETTER / can be shy at times / HER FAVORITE ELEMENT IS QUICKSILVER / favorie physical force is inertia / GETS UPSET WHEN PEOPLE FIGHT / in the summer she goes to the pool and swims 20 laps everyday, on Thursday she goes to the library before she goes to the pool / CAPTIAN WALKER ONCE NOTED THAT SHE IS TALKATIVE / takes dancing lessons, has danced since she was 2, she says she even danced before she learned to walk / HAS HER FIRST PAIR OF DANCING SHOES HUNG OVER HER FIREPLACE / Glory's mother took her to a Christmas porduction of the Nutcracker thinking that Glory wouldn't be able to sit still or be quiet; little Glory was hypnotized by the performance and cryed at the end - she wouldn't go home until her parents bought her a wooden nutcracker doll, just like the one in the play which she still has today / SHE CAN PLAY THE DRUMS / considers the rare green Charlotte Rose to be valuable and goes to the Walker Estate to collect rose cuttings and once won a prize / ONCE HAD A ROSE THAT PLACED FIRST IN THE JUNIOR DIVISION AT THE GARDEN CLUB / is on the Rock Concert Opera Stage commitee / SHE IS A CHEERLEADER / she is an expert in Botany / SOMETIMES SHE WATCHES KATIES ADAMS FOR J.T. / Garrett once used her prize pink Vernaculas in a vase for Mila / HIDES HER HOMEMADE COOKIES CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES IN A TIN / a couple of years ago, at the Father's Day Picnic, she wandered off into the forest to look for flowers and got lost; everybody looked for her and when they found her Glory promised to never wander off again / WAS SUPPOSED TO GO SWIMMING WITH J.T. ON THE MORNING OF GARRETT'S RETURN FROM FRANCE, BUT HE CANCELED TO WORK ON HIS PROJECT WITH NEIL / Glory is famous for her homemade cookies and lemonade; when she was little she would put her stuffed animals in chairs and would have a party with her lemonade and cookies - little Sydney, Nancy, and Sandy would come over all dressed up with their dolls and then J.T., Garrett, and all the guys would come over and try to swipe their cookies and tease them; everyone still comes over for her lemonade and cookie parties / AGENT HORTON QUESTIONED HER ABOUT HER DISAPPERANCE / she believes that Garrett used her poems to get Mila back (she doesn't know it was Sydney); Glory put an end to the stealing but hasn't told J.T. about it yet (Glory promised Garrett she won't say anything) / WAS RESCUED FROM THE PIT BY AN UNKNOWN MASKED MANAND COVERED UP WITH A WHIT SHEET / she made lemonade and was the ticket taker at J.T. and Neil's Night of Games / KNOWS THE PEOM THAT 'GARRETT' STOLE FROM HER IS THE "LOVE IS LIKE A THORN" POEM / kissed J.T. and told him that she loves him while sitting at the end of Neil's hospital bed / LOVES STUFFED ANIMALS - J.T. GAVE HER BEBOP AND ALSO GAVE HER EINSTEIN FOR VALENTINES DAY / trying to understand astro-partical physics to better know J.T.(he is learning Botany for her) / READS ONE OF J.T.'S POEMS AFTER SHE WAKES UP IN THE MORNING / gave J.T. her hankerchef (it has a 'G' embroidered the corner) to keep with him always / WHEN SHE THINKS OF J.T., SHE THINKS OF HIM BEING GENTLE / originally thought J.T.'s first book of poems was weird / NO MATTER HOW WEIRD THEY ARE, GLORY CAN UNDERSTAND J.T.'S POETRY / J.T. once commented that Glory looked great before she went to bed / WAS MISSING FOR 14 HOURS / while in the pit, the Baldies asked Glory questions and took away J.T.'s second book of poems / HER FAVORITE POEM IS "ROCKET TO PARADISE" / once said, "Loving is giving" /
Grant Halsey Booth Jr.: son Grant Halsey Booth Sr., husband of Cornelia Booth, father of Grant Halsey Booth III, Garrett Booth, and Glory Booth / MOTTO - "BUSINESS IS WHAT MAKES A BOOTH, A BOOTH"/ claims to know anybody who has lived, died, or gotten a speeding ticket in Swans Crossing (6 generations of Booths) / MOTTO - "EVERY BOOTH LOVES A GOOD BUSINESS DEAL" / motto - "Always keep an ace in the hole" / campaign slogans - " A Choice for the Voters, Booth," "Get the Whole Truth with Booth" / FRIENDS WITH MR. ADAMS / he and Cornelia were at the state capital petitioning something when Glory was kidnapped / ANCESTOR OF JEREMIAH NESS BOOTH / believes that his family is the most important in town; the Swans don't count anymore and the Rutledges keep trying to count / "IF A BOOTH IS AROUND A RUTLEDGE WILL ALWAYS BLAME THEM."/ could always get Valaira to do anything for him / FRIEND OF THE POLICE FORCE / Margaret blames Grant Booth for the loss of the town records when Old Man Sutton Died / WAS HAVING A SMALL CASH-FLOW PROBLEM AT THE BEGINNING OF THE SUMMER / J.T. and Neil knew about Grant Booth's hostile takeover of Swans Landscaping before Mr.Swan did and they have discovered other things in Grant Booth's financial past / HAS GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS TO BUILD RESEARCH CENTERS UP NORTH / participated in the Painting of the Swans when he was younger; on their way to a dance at the Swans Crossing Country Club Valaira, Margaret, Grant, Mr. Adams, and Elia got into trouble for spray painting 20 white swans on the Walker Estate's private lagoon, Grant had stolen the spray paint from Weltman's garage but got valaira to take the rap for it (margaret didn't know until recently), Margaret painted the first swan and Valaira painted hearts on the swans, Grant painted their initials on the swans but they got him back by using the left over paint on him (which took him the rest of the summer to wash off) - / RECENTLY BOUGHT OUT THE CONSTRUCTION CAMPANY THAT MARGARET HAS HIRED TO RENOVATE HER HOUSE, THE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY IS NOT WORKING ON THE RUTLEDGE HOUSE (MARGARET IS SUING GRANT) / Cornelia and Grant went to the Magnolia Blossom Ball and the Mayor's Peach Fuzz Festival in Baton Rouge, LA but she took so long to get ready that by the time they got there half of the crowd had left / WOULD NOT HAVE ATTENDED SWANS CROSSING HIGH SCHOOL (HE WAS AT UN ECOLE AVEC MURS) / when he was younger he was friends with Elia Walker and they spent their youth cutting worms in half / VALAIRA ONCE THREW A SURPRISE PARTY FOR GRNAT WHICH WAS A BASEBALL OPERA ABOUT 'CASEY TO BAT' (MARGARET PLAYED A GIANT CATCHER'S MIT) / Grant had legit insurance covers on the pier (doubled the coverage) - he had had it inspected but needed the contract from the Mayor to work on the pier / ATTENDEd THE RECENT CAMPAIGN DINNER / gave a grounded Garrett a pass to attend the dance at the Country Club / MARGARET BLAMES HIM FOR THE LOSS OF THE TOWN RECORDS AND THE DISASTER ON THE PIER / recently his portfolio is on an upswing and her is being generous /
Grant Halsey Booth the 3rd: son of Grant Halsey Booth, older brother to Garrett Booth and Glory Booth / ANCESTOR OF JEREMIAH NESS BOOTH / never complained about his expensive boarding school education /
Jeremiah Ness Booth: the first Booth in Swans Crossing / ANCESTOR TO GRANT HALSEY BOOTH SR., GRANT HALSEY BOOTH JR., GARNT HALSEY BOOTH III, GARRETT BOOTH, AND GLORY BOOTH / stepped off the boat at the pier /
Clayton Family: includes Mr. Clayton, three un-named sons, Johhny Clayton, and Jimmy Clayton / MR. CLAYTON GREW UP IN SWANS CROSSING / Mr. Clayton's has a restaurant in town / ALL OF JIMMY'S FOUR BROTHERS ARE OLDER / if the Claytons travel it is to see about a new chef for the restaurant (which is upstate or cross country) / JIMMY HAS FOUR OLDER BROTHERS /
Jimmy Clayton: full name is James Clayton / FRIENDS INCLUDE SAJA AND GARRETT / Barek calls Jimmy "Young James" / sometimes he wishes he were an only child / HAS FOR OLDER BROTHERS (EVERYDAY OF HIS LIFE IS A FIGHT FOR THE REMOTE CONTROL / thinks about his older brother Johnny all the time / JOHNNY TAUGHT HIM HOW TO PITCH AND ALL OF HIS BIKE KNOWLEDGE / Barek reminds Jimmy of Johnny LOVES PANCAKES / calls Saja "Zenhead" / PREFERS TO LISTEN TO BILLY GUNNS OLDER MUSIC / the Old Country Road is the long way home for Jimmy from Swans (a palce to kick up gravel and dirt / LIKES HIS HAMBURGER RARE WITH RELISH AND KETCHUP / likes fishing / THE CHEIF MECHANIC AT THE TOOL N' DIE his motorbike is his most reasured possession / PLAYS 3RD BASE FOR THE SWANS BASEBALL TEAM / has a horse / SOMETIMES JAZZ HAS HIM FIX THE GEARS AT SWANS / Barek has a jeweler's eyepiece that is actually a high-tech camera - Jimmy thought Callie was being paranoid about Barek and found it one day and found out what it really was; Jimmy decided to show it to Callie but dropped it before he had a chance, Barek saw Jimmy drop it and told him to be careful / JIMMY, CALLIE, AND BAREK WORKED TOGETHER TO MAKE THE COMPLICATED MOTOR FOR THE ROCK CONCERT OPERA STAGE'S ROTATING STAGE / last year he was showing off to Sophia on his horse and fell off and threw his right shoulder out 2 days before the big pollo match, Jimmy was unable to comptete and the match was lost; in July 1992 Jimmy was ignored by Sophia and left Mila's Surprise Party early and crashed his bike out on Old Country Road and threw out his shoulder again, 2 days before the big Swans/Newport baseball game making it impossible to play 3rd base (Saja was substituted in his place) / OTHER INCIDENCES OF JIMMY DOING STUPID THINGS (POSSIBLY FOR SOPHIA) BEFORE A BIG EVENT WERE IMPLIED / Nancy went out with Jimmy in the six grade (there song was "Please Don't Go"), Nancy dumped Jimmy who cared fro her then, now Nancy cares for Jimmy and he doesn't care for her / HE AND NANCY HAVEN'T REALLY TALKED SINCE SHE BROKE UP WITH HIM IN THE 6TH GRADE / went to Swans to get Garrett a drink while he waited on the cliffs / HAD TO WALK 5 MILES AFTER CALLIE LEFT HIM WITH A BROKEN BIKE / once spent an afternoon looking at the clouds with Callie / HAD A DAYDREAM WHILE SITTING ON BAREK'S BIKE / a big Brewers Fram System fan / HAS A WEAKNESS FOR OLDER TOUGHER WOMEN / once refered to Callie as the queen of paranoya / calls Callie "Walker-woman" / USED TO TUNE UP SOPHIA'S CAR / once dated Sophia but she was embarassed to be seen with a younger man, at Mila's Surprise Party sophia ditched him for Edward, at the Country Club Pool Party Edward ditched Sophia /
Johnny Clayton: son of Mr. Clayton / ONE OF JIMMY'S OLDER BROTHERS / is a photo journalist and currently is in Brazil taking pictured of a Brazilian medicianal fruit / HAS BEEN GONE FOR ABOUT THREE MONTHS / is absent minded and tends to forget time / JIMMY THINKS OF HIM ALL THE TIME / he taught Jimmy how to pitch and his bike knowledge / BAREK REMINDS JIMMY OF JOHNNY /
Robert Clark: his home is London, Paris / WORLD FAMOUS RECORD PRODUCER / Mila calls him "Uncle Bobby" - there are pictures of him and Mila together when she was a baby / RECENTLY SENT BILLY GUNN TO SWANS CROSSING TO CHECK OUT THE NEW LOCAL TALENT / set to present W.O.W.H. (Wipe Out World Hunger), a benefit concert that will feature big name stars, as well as new musical talent /
Baroness Condadeani: friend of Countess Valiara Rosnovsky / SPEAKS ITALIAN / visited Swans Crossing and Valaira intended to bring her to a Garden Club meeting but instead Valaira found her daughter with Billy Gunn / KNEW MILA WHEN SHE WAS LITTLE /
Davenport Family: Valiara recently had lunch with the Davenports /
DeCastro Family: includes Mr. Decastro, Sophia Eva McKormic Decastro and Robert ("Bobby' a.k.a. 'Saja") / MR. DECASTRO COLLECTS SEMI-PRECIOUS STONES /
Saja DeCastro: name is Robert DeCastro / A.K.A. "BOBBY" / younger brother of Sophia Eva McKormic DeCastro / SAJA IS EITHER SAJA THE WARRIOR; SAJA, LORD OF THE WARRIORS, OR SAJA THE SOJOUNER / has been known as Captian Twilight, Super Sleuthe Sullivan , Sullen the Conjueror, and now Saja the Warrior / SOPHIA AND SYDNEY CALL HIM BOBBY / he speaks the DeCastro native language / SOMETIMES HE IS NOT UNDERSTANDABLE / Saja loses his sense of humor when he gets hungry / HE CAN SWIM / claims he can't dance when there is a full moon over Madagascar / TENDS TO SEE THINGS DIFFERENTLY THAN OTHER PEOPLE / believes Barek is looking for the Great Mumba-Jumba / HE KNOWS KARATE / he likes fishing but he doesn't kill the fish / JIMMY CALLS HIM "ZENHEAD" / Sydney thinks of him as being a good dancer / HE IS A TEMPTED VEGETARIAN / rides a Mo-ped / ANYTIME SOPHIA DRIVES HIM ANYWHERE HE EITHER DOESN'T GET THERE OR GET BACK / he can read Tarot cards, he did so at Neil and J.T.'s Night of Games / PLAYS POKER / is #6 for the Swans Baseball team; was Jimmy's third base replacement at the Swans/Newport baseball game / WON A DANCE IN THE 6TH GRADE / when he was in the 4th grade Sophia took Saja's go-cart and filled it up with dirt and made in into a planter; he was Super Sluethe Sullivan Private Eye then / LAST YEAR, WHEN SAJA WAS SULLEN THE CONJUEROR, HE THREATENED TO TURN SOPHIA INTO A MOLDY TEA LEAVE / he saw Barek alone at the Walker Estate and believes Barek was there to meet with "The man who looked like a docking post but has now taken on the characteristics of an elm tree (Baldie #1)"/ ONCE HAD TO POLISH AND BUFF SOPHIA'S CAR IN EXCHANGE FOR BORROWING HER HANKERCHEF TO USE AS NINJA NECKWEAR / at Mila's Surprise Party, Saja told Mila that she had been a princess in her past life and Owen agreed / ONCE TRIED TO EAT A CHEESEBURGER AND NANCY CAUGHT HIM; HE TOLD HER THE BURGER WAS FOR HER AND SHE ATE IT / once Nancy to Saja (about Mila), "Some girls have a knack for making guys feel good." Saja looked at Nancy and replied, "Some don't" / LOST HIS BUCKKNIFE AT THE WALKER ESTATE / while the towers were falling on the pier during the 4th of July Celebration he watched in awe; Callie pulled him away / WHILE TRYING TO SAVE MILA FROM DROWNING HE HIT HIS HEAD ON AN UNDERWATER PILING / he liked Callie but she was interested in Jimmy / SANDY WAS INFLUENCED BY SAJA TO BECOME A VEGETARIAN / Sandy and Saja have felt unwanted by their friends / SOPHIA HAS DONE MANY MEAN THINGS TO SAJA; SHE COULD TELL THAT SAJA LIKED CALLIE AND USED THAT AT THE COUNTRY CLUB POOL PARTY /
Sophia DeCastro: full name is Sophia Eva McKormic Decastro / SHE IS 17 YEARS OLD / is a high school junior / SAJA'S OLDER SISTER / calls Saja "Bobby" / HAS DONE MANY MEAN THINGS TO SAJA; COULD TELL THAT HE LIKED CALLIE AND USED THAT WHEN SHE GOT DUMPED BY EDWARD AND WANTED JIMMY BACK / speaks the DeCastro native language / DOESN'T LIKE SAJA'S NEW PERSONALITY / one day Sophia tried to hit on Barek who turned her down, Barek later described her as "too friendly" / ANYTIME SOPHIA DRIVES SAJA ANYWEAR HE EITHER DOESN'T GET THERE OR HE DOESN'T GET BACK / drives a powder blue 57' Ford Fairlene Skyliner with white wall tires that is in "cream-puff condition" / SAJA ONCE HAD TO BORROW SOPHIA'S CAR IN EXCHANGE FOR BORROWING A HANKERCHEF OF HERS THAT HE USED AS NINJA NECKWEAR / last year, when Saja was Sullen the Conjueror, he threatened to turn Sophia into a moldy tea life JIMMY HAS TUNED UP HER CAR / last year when Jimmy was showing off for her Jimmy fell off his horse and threw his right shoulder out 2 days before the big pollo match; Jimmy was unable to comptete and the match was lost - in July 1992 Jimmy got ignored by Sophia and left Mila's Surprise Party early and crashed his bike out on Old Country road, throwing out his shoulder again this time 2 days before the big Swans/Newport baseball game making it impossible to play 3rd base and saja was substituted in his place / THERE ARE OTHER INCIDENTS OFF JIMMY DOING STUPID THINGS AND GETTING HURT (POSSIBLY FOR SOPHIA) IMPLIED / once dated her brother's friend Jimmy but was embarassed to be seen with a younger man / WENT TO MILA'S SURPRISE PARTY WITH A BLACK HAIRED MAN THAT WAS HERE HEIGHT, EDWARD
Edward: Sophia DeCastro's date to Mila's Surprise Party / IN COLLEGE / was supposed to go on a date with Sophia at the Country Club the night of the Country Club Pool but didn't show up / THE SAME HEIGHT AS SOPHIA / he and Sophia left Mila's Surprise Party after the cake exploded and they declared the party was 'preschool' /
Owen Fowler: he uses his basement for a studio for music/ SOMETIMES HE WEARS RED PLASTIC RIM GLASSES / coconut cream is the only ice cream he likes / HAS USED J.T'S BEDROOM WINDOW FOR AN ENTRANCE / Owen was the first boy Valaira let into Mila's room / HAS A BICYCLE / friends with Neil / one of Owen's idols is Flea of the Red Hot Chili P eppers / HE CAN SWIM / believes that everyone hears music no matter what condition they are in / NOT AFRAID OF THE DARK / can play the drums and keyboard and sing and write music / HE AND SANDY WERE TO HELP THE BAND ROXANNE AT THE 4TH OF JULY CELBRATION (OWEN WITH DRUMS) / Valaira talked him and Sandy into performing at Mila's Surprise party / SYDNEY IS THE ONLY THING THAT STANDS BETWEEN OWEN AND HIS MUSIC / once made an independent biology project "Frog Eats Egg" (a horror movie - his 1st film) / OWEN IS THE CATCHER FOR THE SWANS BASEBALL TEAM #1 / once "got the car" which he used for him, Sandy, and Glory to sing "Cross That Line"in by the gazebo (it was a white car) / MIGHT HAVE LOST HIS SHOES AND GLASSES WHILE SAVING MILE FROM DROWNING AT THE PIER / Valaira is in debt to Owen for him saving her Mila; Valaira described him as a young Errol Flynn / ATTENDED THE CAMPAIGN DINNER WITH HIS PARENTS / at the Country Club Pool Party (7/31/1992) he was inspired by Mila's dress; he and Mila worked together to write "Vision in Polka-Dot Pink" / GARRETT CONVINCED OWEN THAT EVEN THOUGH MILA WAS INGING BACKUP IN THE VIDEO SHE SHOULD STICK OUT; OWEN AND GARRETT IGNORED SANDY'S IDEAS OF SMOKE AND LIGHT FILTERS / Owen had promised both Mila and Sandy a music video, seperately; when they found out the other was in the video the got made because they each thought they were getting there own music video; they eventually compromised and agreed to to the video together / HE POSSIBLY HAD A CRUSH ON SANDY UNTIL THE 4TH OF JULY CELEBRATION / he gave Mila his jacket to wear during the Newport game / HE FIRST SAW MILA ON THE PIER/ Owen made one of Mila's poem into a song / AT HER SURPRISE PARTY, WHEN MILA WAS TOLD BY SAJA THAT SHE WAS A PRINCESS IN A PAST LIFE, OWEN AGREED / Mila has been told by the lovestruck Owen that she has a great singing voice / OWEN HAS FANTASIES ABOUT MILA WHERE SHE IS A MERMAID OR IN A GOWN /
The Garden Club: meeting usually held at the Country Club / MEMBERS INCLUDE VALAIRA AND GLORY / Glory once had a rose that placed first in the junior division
Jack Goldbrick: Mila Rosnovsky's agent / WAS IN FEJI THE NIGHT OF MILA'S SURPRISE PARTY / had a guitar smashed over his head by Billy Gunn at one of Billy's concerts; Billy was arrested but not convicted / HE THINKS MILA IS WASTING HER TALENT IN SWANS CROSSING / after Valaira called him, Jack offered Mila a new tv series; it is a serial (5 days a week) and Mila would play the lead, the writer is Jack's best friend and the show is heavy into preproductions and with rewrites the show needs a commitment (Mila), the show would be taped in France making it possible for the Rosnovskys to use their French Villa, Mila turned down the offer letting 3 other girls Jack had waiting go up for the role /
Coach Gromme: he would like to strengthen the Swans Baseball team's defense, except for 3rd baseman, Jimmy / AFTER THE SWANS/NEWPORT GAME HE WARNED GARRETT HE HAD ONE MORE CHANCE / Coach Gromme worked with J.T and Neil for the fireworks for the Pier Celebration /
Billy Gunn: lives on London / VALAIRA REFERS TO BILLY GUNN AS "BILLY RIFLE" / when he wants something it is hard to stop him from getting it / OWNS A HOTEL / once smashed a guitar over Jack Goldbrick's head at one of his concerts; he was arrested but wasn't convicted / THINKS OWEN IS TALENTED / new hit song is "Steal Your Thunder" / SAID HE COULD ALWAYS USE ANOTHER BAND MEMBER / the 3rd song on his new album 'Gunnslinger' is "Tears in my Coffee" / CALLS SYDNEY "LADY RUTLEDGE" / when he first came to Swans Crossing, it was becasue Robert Clark had sent him there to check out the music scene / HAS A ROSE TATOO ON HIS RIGHT BREAST / after seeing Neil in the hospital, Sydney arrived home to find Billy, who had the car keys; they went for a ride and Sydney made Billy call a grounded Mila and break up with her, Sydney decided to walk home when Billy started to make the moves on her; when returning the car Billy parked it the wrong way / SANDY IS A BIG FAN OF BILLY GUNN, SHE HAS ALL OF HIS ALBUMS / Mila was once masqueraded as Desiree Passion of the Cruel Swans so that she could be with Billy /
Mr. Han: librarian at the Library / SOMETIMES HANGS OUT WITH RALPH - HE CALLS HIM 'SIR RALPH" / gave J.T. and Neil $3 to help with their work / HELPED SPREAD THE WORD ABOUT J.T. AND NEIL'S NIGHT OF GAMES /
Jazz: is responsible foe Swans Soda Shop / HATES CLEANING SYRUP DISPENSER / after the Swans/Newport baseball game, Jazz told Mila that Nancy has lots of problems and that Mila walking in with Garrett didn't please her / IS CURIOUS IN HER MYSTERIOUS BALD STRANGER THAT SOMES IN AND EATS PANCAKES / Jazz found Baldie #1 sleeping on the bench in front of Swans /
Jerry: is the mayor's personal assistant /
Riding Master Manugian: works at the stables / COACHES NANCY AND SYDNEY /
"Mila": (THIS WHAT GARRETT TOLD EVERYONE EVERYTHING HE KNEW ABOUT HIS 'FRIEND' - SO IT'S EITHER A PARTIAL DESRIPTION A CALLIE OR SOMETHING GARRETT MADE UP) "Mila" had long black hair and is pretty / SHE HAS A WORLDLYNESS ABOUT HER / has a "mature look" and is like Sydney but "more so" ("Mila is more filled out) / HAS A TASTE FOR FINER THINGS AND AN EXOTIC FLAIR / she always wears red, her favorite color (just like Sydney) / HAS THE BEST LEGS OF ANYONE UNDER 21 THAT GARRETT HAS SEEN /
Officer Moore: Officer on the Swans Crossing Police force / SHE AND OFFICER TAPERT ARRIVED VIA THE HELICOPTER ON THE CLIFFS TO FIND GARRETT / once warned Ralph for going 80 miles an hour in the Mayor's car / ARRESTED GARRETT BOOTH AT MILA'S SLUMBER PARTY / watching Garrett Booth /
Pegasis: an unknown factor in the UB2B story / BAREK WAS SENT A MESSAGE ON HIS MICRO-COMMUNICATOR THAT PEGASIS IS ON HOLD / at the Walker Estate, Baldie #1 bowed down before a man wearing black with a snake around his neck and called him Pegasis /
Police Force: throw barbeques / FRIENDLY WITH GRANT BOOTH JR. / officers include Officer Moore and Offiver Tapert / REFERRED TO AS A SMALL LOCAL POLICE FORCE /
Ralph: once recieved a warning from Officer Moore for going 80 miles an hour and ignoring the swan's crossing signs (Sydney had stepped on his foot to catch up to Garrett and Jimmy) / THE RUTLEDGE FAMILY ALL-AROUND MAN ( HE COOKS, HE CLEANS, HE DRIVES, AND CAN EVEN HEM IF THE NEED ARISES) / carried the heavy antique slot machine up 2 flights of stairs for Sydney / RALPH WAS THE ANNOUNCER AT THE NUDIBRANCH BENEFIT / he has know Valaira for a while / AT NEIL AND J.T.'S NIGHT OF GAMES HE WON THE VOICE CONTROLLED MOTOR SCOOTER - HE HAD TICKET #3 BLUE / calls the women of the Rutledge house "Madam' / HAS KNOWN MARGARET SINCE SHE WAS AT LEAST 14 YEARS OLD / once said that Sandy bears a strong resemblance to Margaret when she was younger / HAS A YAMAHA JET SHI HE TAKES TO THE TOOL N' DIE FOR REPAIRS / has locksmithing tools which he used to open the keepsake box for Sydney; once Ralph used these to quickly get Sandy out of a closet when Sydney 'accidentally' locked her in / READS BOOKS ABOUT TWENTIETH CENTURY PLACE SETTINGS AND ASTRONOMY / Mr. Han calls him "Sir Ralph" / TUESDAY IS HIS DAY TO VISIT THE LIBRARY / voice controlled motor scooter commands are; power - "Yo kick it," 1st speed - "Keep it coming," 2nd speed - "Bring it on home," 3rd speed - "Schwing," reverse - "Goodbye," stop - "Woh, cease" /
Nancy Robbins: sometimes goes shopping with her mother / BARELY OLDER THAN SYNDEY / has bigger feet than sydney / CALLS SYDNEY "SYDNEIO" / once said, "There is nothing more boring than a false rumor" / HATES CROWDS AND WAITING, ESPECIALLY WITHOUT AN E.T.A. (ESTIMATED TIME OF ARRIVAL) / is about the only one that calls Mila "Countessa" / CAN SWIM / would never consider herself to be anything like Sandy / NANCY TO SAJA ABOUT MILA, 'SOME GIRLS HAVE A KNACK FOR MAKING GUYS FEEL GOOD." SAJA LOOKS AT NANCY AND REPLIES THAT SOME DON'T / once Saja tried to eat a cheeseburger and Nancy caught him; he said it was for her and she ate it / SAW MILA'S ROOM BEFORE SYDNEY / HATES BEING PUT ON HOLD / pokes fun at Sandy / AFTER NANCY TOLD HER THE WRONG COLORS TO WEAR TO THE SWANS/NEWPORT BASEBALL GAME, MILA TOLD NANCY SHE WASN'T FAIR AND NIC; NANCY TOLD HER SHE CAN'T ALWAYS BE PERFECT / Jazz told Mila that nancy has lots of problems / CALLS SANDY, "SANDY-KINS" / avoided getting a suntan by globbing on sunscreen; she doesn't want wrinkles / at Mila's Surprise Party, Nancy had the nerve to ask Mila if she colors her hair / IS SHE A CHEERLEADER? - SHE TAUGHT MILAS SOME CHEERS/ Sydney and Nancy offered Mila some school advice: buy tons of new clothes, have your nails manicured, pick up all the latest notebooks and get on the A-list parties (should be easy, Sydney throws most of them), sign up for at least 12 activities but don't go anywear near them after the 1st week of school (to make your resume look marvelous), then settle in for 2 months and deal with it - until you can run away with your parents to aruba for winter break / WITHOUT TELLING HER PARENTS, NANCY GOT A HORSE, AND WITH SYDNEY'S PLAN SHE HID IT IN HER ROOM AND WAS CAUGHT WHEN NANCY JUMPED OVER HER BED WITH HER HORSE / at their first horse show, Nancy placed but Sydney didn't nancy, Nancy wanted the name of "Sugar" but Syndey beat her to it, Nancy named her horse "Spice" (which Sydney insists is a great name." / SHE RECENTLY GOT A NEW HUNTING SADDLE /after watching Sydney compete in it and win for the last three years, Nancy was allowed ot compete in the Swan Fall Riding Classic steeple chasing event in 1992 / NANCY IS ON THE ROCK CONCERT OPERA STAGE COMMITEE / when Nancy was little she would dress up and bring her dolls to Glory's Lemonade and Cookie Parties where J.T., Garrett, and the other guys would some over and tease them and try to swipe their cookies / WAS USED BY GARRETT IN THE 5TH GRADE / in the 6th Grade Garrett sent Nancy a Valentine that was supposed to go to Sydney / LAST YEAR GARRETT PRETENDED TO LIKE SYDNEY WHEN HE LIKED NANCY / Nancy forgot a lunch date with Sydney (Sydney has missed 5 appointments with her but Nancy didn't notice) and had a lunch with Sandy to talk about friends / WHILE SHOPPING RECENTLY, SYDNEY FOUND A GREAT BASEBALL CARDIGAN FOR NANCY / at J.T. and Neil's Night of Games, Nancy had some of sinful chocolate muffins and Glory's lemonade / AFTER THE SWANS/NEWPORT BASEBALL GAME, NANCY OVERHEARD COACH GROMME TELLING GARRETT HE HAD ONE MORE CHANCE / Nancy brought the music to Mila's Slumber Party / ARRIVED BACK FROM ARUBA JUST IN TIME FOR THE 4TH OF JULY CELEBRATION ON THE PIER / opun arriving at Mila's Surprise Party, Nancy commented, "What's Mila going to be? Ten?" / NANCY WNET OUT WITH JIMMY IN THE 6TH GRADE (THEIR SONG WAS "PLEASE DON'T GO"), EVEN THOUGH JIMMY CARED FOR NANCY SHE DUMPED HIM / Nancy recently had a dream where she made Jimmy a burger the way he likes it / JIMMY BOUGHT NANCY A BURGER IN THE 6TH GRADE / Nancy feels she could make Jimmy's life more organized; neaten it up / SHE HASN'T REALLY TALKED TO JIMMY SINCE SHE BROKE UP WITH HIM / she feels that it doesn't pay to throw yourself at a guy, it will just leace you broken / SHE FEELS THAT JIMMY'S LOVE LIFE IS FULL AND HE IS TOO BUSY TO CARE ABOUT ANYTHING BUT BIKES; SHE FEELS HE COULN'T CAHNGE HIM ANYWAYS /
Rosnovsky Family: Countess Valaira Rosnovsky and her daughter, Countessa Mila Rosnovsky / HAVE A PET COCKATOO, TUTU / have had many cocks maids and butlers, Gretta was the cook before Mila's Slumber Party (the smores did her in) - Alece replaced her, one of the maids is Katherine / BECAUSE OF THE NUDIBRANCH BENEFIT, THE COUNTESS HAD TO 'LET GO' 4 COOKS AND 3 BUTLERS / / have a French Villa / HAVE A YACHT / Mila has a cousin Tasha that had just returned from Hong Kong before Mila's Surprise Party / MILA CALLS RECORD PRODUCER ROBERT CLARK "UNCLE BOBBY," - HE ISN'T REALLY HER UNCLE, JUST A CLOSE FRIEND OF THE FAMILY (THERE ARE PICTURES OF HER WITH HIM AS A BABY /
Countess Rosnovsky: full name is Countess Valaira Rosnovsky / MOST EVERYONE REFERS TO HER AS THE COUNTESS / is the mother of child star Mila Bergita Rosnovsky / VALAIRA CALLED JACK COME TO SWANS CROSSING; WHEN HE ARRIVED HE OFFERED MILA A NEW SEREIS THAT SHE TURNED DOWN / believes tht performing is second nature of Mila; it's in her soul /WORRIED ABOUT MILA FITTIING IN / not impressed that Mila is dedicating her time to Owen / FEELS THAT SHE DOESN'T KNOW MILA ANYMORE; THEY USED TO SHARE EVERYTHING INCLUDING THEIR MOST SECRET SECRETS AND TRIUMPHS; VALAIRA FEELS MILA ISN'T OLD ENOUGH TO HAVE SECRETS / uses a phone shaped like a sea shell to make her phone calls / GRANT COULD ALWAYS GET HER TO DO ANYHTHING HE WANTED / wears a sleeping mask / RECENTLY HAD LUNCH WITH THE DAVENPORTS / speaks Italian / KNOWS THE BARONESS CONDADEANI / can keep Mila in her room by locking her elevator / HAS KNOWN RALPH FOR A WHILE / Mila's Surprise Party cost her a small fortune but "it was worth it for Mila" / TENDS TO CALL EVERYONE "DARLING" OR WILL ADD "DEAR" AFTER SAYING THEIR NAME / believes that Hollywood revolves around Mila and wonders af she should have put Mila's career on hold to move back to Swans Crossing / REFERS TO BILLY GUNN AS "BILLY RIFLE" / calls her friend Margaret "Muffy" / GARDEN CLUB MEMBER / thanked Neil for his father's gift basket / REFERED TO OWEN AS "A YOUNG ERROL FLYNN" / has a designer custome make all their appliances / GOT J.T. AND NEIL TO RESEARCH NUDIBRANCHS FOR HER BENEFIT / once thre a surprise party for Grant - a baseball opera of "Caset to Bat:" Margaret played a giant catcher's mit / TO GET ELIA OUT OF HIS 'SHELL' SHE FOUNDED N.U.P.S.A.I. (NUDIBRANCH PRESERVATION SOCIETY OF AMERICA, INTERNATIONAL - MOTTO IS "GOOD WORDS ARE LIKE GOOD CAUSES; YOU CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF THEM) AND HOSTED A BENEFIT AT THE COUNTRY CLUB WHERE ELIA GAVE A SPEECH / she sang "Mila" at Mila's Surprise Party and "The Nudibranch Song" at the Nudibranch Benefit / WHEN SHE WAS YOUNGER SHE GOT INTO TROUBLE FOR THE PAINTING OF THE SWANS; ON THEIR WAY TO A DANCE AT THE CLUB VALIARA, MARAGRET, GRANT, ELIA, AND MR. ADAMS SPRAYPAINTED 20 WHITE SWANS LOCATED ON THE WALKER'S ESTATE'S PRIVATE LAGOON; GRANT HAD STOLEN THE SPRAY PAINT FROM WELTMAN'S GARAGE BUT GOT VALAIRA TO TAKE THE WRAP FOR IT (MARGARET JUST RECENTLY FOUND OUT); MARGARET PAINTED THE FIRST SWAN AND VALAIRA PAINTED LITTLE HEARTS ON THEM; GRANT PUT THEIR INITIALS ON THE SWANS AND THEY GOT BACK AT HIM BY USING SPRAYING HIM WITH THE LEFTOVER PAINT (IT TOOK HIM THE REST OF THE SUMMER TO WASH IT OFF) / was stuck in the crowd helpless while Mila was drowning / IS FOREVER IN DEBT TO OWEN FOR SAVING MILA / at Mila's Recoveryt Get Together at Swans, Valaira asked Owen and Sandy to help her (by performing at Mila's surprise party) / ATTENDED THE CAMPAIGN DINNER /
Mila Rosnovsky: full name is Countessa Mila Bergita Rosnovsky / MOST OF SWANS CROSSINF THINKS THAT MILA'S BIRTHDAY IS JULY 10TH WHEN HER BIRTHDAY IS ACTUALLY ABOUT THREE MONTHS LATER (PROBABLY BORN IN OCTOBER) / Nancy is about the only one that calls Mila "Countessa" / CALLS HER MOTHER "MAMMA" / calls record producer Robert Clark "Uncle Bobby;" he is not really her uncle just a close friend of the family (there are pictures of her with him as a baby) / NEVER KEPT SECRET FROM HER MOTHER UNTIL BILLY GUNN / Valaira feels she doesn't know Mila anymore; they used to share their most secret secrets and triumphs, Valaira feels that Mila isn't old enough to have her own secrets / HER COUSIN TASHA RECENTLY VISITED HONG KONG / watches her weight / NANCY TOLD MILA TO WEAR NEWPORT COLORS TO THE SWANS/NEWPORT GAME, AFTERWARDS TOLD NANCY SHE WASN'T FAIR AND NICE; NANCY TOLD HER SHE CAN'T ALWAYS BE PERFECT / doesn't speak French / CAN NOW SWIM AND DO THREE DIFFERENT STROKES BECAUSE OF GARRETT AND SYDNEY'S SEPERATE SWIMMING LESSONS WHICH STARTED AFTER THE 4TH OF JULY / loves the color pink / ONCE SAID THAT SHE ONLY LIKES POEMS BY LIVING PERSON BECAUSE IF A POEM TOUCHES HER SHE WOULD ONE DAY LIKE TO TOUCH THE POET; SHAKESPEARE IS THE ONLY DEAD POET THAT SHE CARES TO READS - SHE LOVES SHAKESPEARE'S SONNETS / at her Surprise Party, Nancy had the nerve to ask her if she colors her hair which Sydney also had to wonder / MILA HAS AN IDEA BOOK LYRIC JOURNAL BOOK / Owen inspires her / WORKING WITH MUSIC IS NEW TO MILA, SOMETHING THAT IS ALL HERS AND NOT HER MOTHER'S (WHO SHE HASN'T TOLD YET) - MILA WANTED TO KEEP IT ALL HERS AND SANDY SAID SHE WOULD KEEP HER SECRET / Nancy about Mila:"Some girls have a knack for making guys feel good." / SHE HAS AN UPSTAIRS BEDROOM THAT HAS AN ELEVATOR (THE ELEVATOR HAS A SEAT IN IT AND CAN BE LOCKED), A REVOLVING FIREPLACE/MIRROR, HAS A CONTROLLED LIGHT ADJUSTER - THE LIGHT CAN GO FROM PINK (USUAL), SUNLIGHT (YELLOW WITH STARS), AND NIGHT (BLUE WITH MOON AND STARS)/ her headboard has a swan drawing on it to fit Swans Crossing / HAS HER OWN PHONE LINE, THE NUMBER IS 737-???? / her room has 6 tvs on one of the walls that are hooked up to cameras around the room (the tvs can also play videos and tv) / PICKS UP THINGS FAST - GOOD FOR DETAILS / she is talkative / WANTS TO BE NORMAL / ahe has never been to school (has always had private tutors), Sydney and Nancy offered her some advice: buy tons of new clothes, have your nails manicured, pick up all the latest notebooks and get in the A-list parties (should be easy, Sydney throws most of them), sign up for at least 12 activities but don't go anywear near them after the 1st week of school (to make your resume look marvelous), then settle in for 2 months and deal with it - until you can run away with your parents to Aruba for winter break / WILL SING BACK UP IN THE MUSIC VIDEO FOR "VISION IN POLKA-DOT PINK" / thinks her voice is still in traing and is getting singing lessons from Sandy / LOVESTRUCK OWEN HAS TOLD HER THAT SHE HAS A GREAT SINGING VOICE / Garret is her 'agent' / HER REAL AGENT IS JACK GOLDBRICK / After Valaira called him, Jack arrived in Swans Crossing and offered Mila a new tv series; it is a serial (5 days a week) and Mila would play the lead; the writer is Jack's best friend and the show is heavy into preproductions and with rewrites the show needs a commitment, the show would be taped in France (making it possible for the Rosnovskys to use their French Villla; Mila turned down the offer, letting 3 other girls Jack had waiting go up for the role / MILA AND SANDY MADE A DEAL THAT THEY COULD ONLY SING A SONG IF IT WAS THEIRS - MILA CANCELED THE DEAL SO THAT SANDY COULD SING "VISION IN POLKA- DOT PINK" FOR THE MUSIC VIDEO WHILE MILA SANG BACKUP (DOT, DOT, DOT, POLKA -DOT PINK) / Owen promised Sandy and Mila seperatley that they were going to be in a music video making each of the girls think they were getting their own music video; the girls found out and were not happy with Owen / MILA IS ART COORDINATOR OF THE ROCK CONCERT STAGE COMMITEE AND DECIDED THAT THE MUSICAL TALENT SHOULD BE LOCAL, NAMELY SANDY AND OWEN / in 1991 Mila went to the Global Awards wering red high heels; the Countess had one of them made into a phone which Mila has in her room and the other one is in the TV Hall of Fame / HAS BEEN TO ZANZIBAR / at her Surprise Party, Saja told her she had been a princess in her past life and Owen agreed / once the star of Three O'Clock Dreams which had a good time spot and was canceled a few years ago and is now in reruns; one of it's characters was Conrad Wellington, in episode 3720 her character's beeper set off an avalanche (Mila had to use a stunt double) / THE PRINCE OF VALDAINIA SENT HER A STUFFED ANIMAL, AN MAGAZINE PRINTED "SEND MILA A STUFFED ANIMAL;" HER MOMMA WON'T LET HER THROW THEM OUT / has been to the Golden Globe and Oscars / MEET WITH BRYCE ATWATER IN SPRING 1992 WHEN HE WAS AUDITIONING MODELS FOR A NEW COSMETICS LINE / before arriving in Swans Crossing she wasn't seen much publicly and was in France / PLANNED TO ESCAPE TO HER COUSIN TASHA'S WHEN AFTER SYDNEY TOLD MILA OF THE SURPRISE PARTY (BY PLANE TASHA WAS AN HOUR AWAY) / Mila's dress inspired Owen to write "Vision in Polka-Dot Pink at the Country Club Pool Party (7/31/1992) / MEET WITH BRYCE ATWATER IN SPRING 1992 WHEN HE WAS AUDITIONING MODELS FOR A NEW COSMETICS LINE / Beforing arriving in Swans Crossing wasn't seen much publicly since her show went off the air the Golden Globes / GARRETT PICKED MILA UP FOR HER SURPRISE PARTY AT 7 PM / almost drowned when she went into the water at the 4th of July Celebration / JIMMY, J.T. OWEN, SAJA, AND GARRETT JUMPED INTO THE MURKY WATER TO SAVE HER; OWEN FOUND HER / photogarphers flocked to her after she was saved; Garrett fought them off / INVITED EVERYONE FOR A RECOVERY SODA AT SWANS / Owen gave her his jacket to wear during the Newport game / ATTENDED THE CAMPAIGN DINNER / had never around a real poet before Garrett, a.k.a. Chandler / NANCY TALKED MILA INTO BEING A CHEERLEADER TO GET HER MIND OFF GARRETT AND SHOWED HER SOME CHEERS / Mila is in the dark abou Sydney and Garrett an their past / AFTER THE SWANS/NEWPORT BASEBALL GAME GARRET TOLD MILA SHE WAS THE GIRL HE WANTED TO BE WITH / Owen made the "Love is like a Thorn" poem into a song / ALONG WITH SYDNEY, SHE MET CHANDLER BY THE CRACK IN THE WALL AT TEN O'CLOCK / she gave Chandler (Garrett) a book to fill up with poetry / GARRETT MAD MILA PROMISE NOT TO SHOW ANTONE HIS POETRY (THE GUYS WOULD GIVE HIM FLACK) / was once Desiree Passion of the Cruel Swans so that she could be with Billy Gunn / ONCE SAID "EVERYONE IS ENTITLED TO HAVE THEIR OWN LITTLE SECRETS" /
Roxanne: a local band / PLAYED AT THE 4TH OF JULY CELEBRATION ON THE PIER / Sandy and Owen were to help with backup instruments / LOOKS LIKE A BOY BAND / was payed by Booth Association Incorporated (Est. 1823) / DON SEEMS TO BE THE LEADER /
Rutledge Family: includes Mayor Margaret Rutledge and her daughter Sydney Rutledge / "ONLY A RUTLEDGE CAN REALLY HELP ANOTHER RUTLEDGE" - MARGARET / Sydney's great great grandfather started the Swan Crossing Country Club / THE FAMILY IS UNDERWRITING THE BILL FOR THE CONCERT STAGE / the antique slot machine has 3 wheels with 30 choices each; Sydney loaned it to Neil and J.T.'s Night of Games/ OWN A LARGE ESTATE / Sydnye once lost Aunt Penearcia's family heirloom bracelet which belonged to Margaret but Margaret didn't dwell on it / THERE HAVE BEEN 6 GENERATIONS OF RUTLEDGES IN SWANS CROSSING (AS CLAIMED BY MARGARET) / a Rutledge family beauty secret is a mid-day mud mask (has been so for centuries) / A RULTLEDGE ALWAYS KEEPS A DEAL / after 10 generations of Rutledge women have had light eyes, and Sydney is the first to not have them / THEY HAVE MORE CARS THAN THE MERCEDES /
Cyrus Rutledge: grandfather of Sydney Rutledge / BURIED IN A CEMETARY LOCATED BETWEEN THE PARK AND SWANS SODA SHOP /
Mayor Margaret Rutledge: daughter of S.O.R and Cyrus Rutledge, mother pf Sydney Orien Rutledge / MAYOR OF SWANS CROSSING IN 1992 / Sydney updates her mother's mailing list and reads threw pamplets when she has spare time / SYDNEY HAS TRIED TO TELL HER MOTHER WHAT GARRETT IS DOING TO HER BUT MARGARET IS TOO PREOCCUPIED TO LISTEN / had or has an a relative called Aunt Penearcia / ONCE SAID "PROMISES ARE EASY FOR THE BBOTHS TO MAKE, NOW KEEPING THEM IS SOMETHING THE RUTLEDGES HAVE ALWAYS DONE / once gave Sydney a surprise present for being a perfect daughter and her most loyal supporter / SHE IS LOOKING FOR HER BLACK KEEPSAKE BOX, IT IS SENTIMENTAL AND SHE HATES TO LOSE ANYTHING THAT IS HERS; MARGARET HAS HAD THE BOX SINCE SYDNEY WAS VERY YOUNG AND HE DOESN'T RECAL SEEING THE MAYOR OPEN IT (SYDNEY KNOWS IT CONTAINS A SMALL CRYSTAL SWAN THAT NNACY SAW AND ESCRIBED AS BENING VERY OLD AND VALUABLE / Margaret has said that Sydney was an ordinary baby / QUOTE AFTER THE 4TH OF JULY CELEBRATION DISASTER: "THIS MIGHT BE AN OLD STORY FOR THE REPORTERS BUT IT CAN NEVER BE TOLD ENOUGH. THE BRONTOSAURUS WOULD HAVE TO HATCH AGAIN ON SWANS CROSSING BEFORE THE RUTLEDGES HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH THE BOOTHS" / has described Sydney as an unique young person with an old fashion sense of values and added that Sydney has always come through for her / SHE CAN'T RESIST A GOOD PARTY / has had several social secretaries / SOMETIMES SHE HAS SANDY PASS OUT PAMPLETS AND LEAFLETS / Jerry is her personal assistant / A SOUND SLEEPER - SHE BECOMES GROUCHY IF WOKEN UP / has a habit of laughing with her mouth closed / BELIEVES THAT FAME AND CELEBRITY MEAN NOTHING TO THE PEOPLE SWANS CROSSING / blames Grant Booth for the loss of the town records when Old Man Sutton Died / READS MYSTERY BOOKS / claims the Booths are sneaky and expensive and that Garrett is just like Grant / KNOWN FOR MAIKING GREAT SPEECHES- NEIL AND J.T. REFERED TO HER AS THE SUPER WALKING MICRO-CHIP / Sydney's birth was the last time Margaret really talked to Mrs. Swan for more then 5 minutes: the Mayor feels better thinking about how tough the Swans have it and how easy she has it/ ONCE SAID, "A WHOLE TOWN RAISE A CHILD" / campaign slogan - "A perfect Record Without Losing Records" / DESPISES GRANT BOOTH / her top priority is to win the election / WANTS TO SET AN EXAMPLE TO THE YOUNG PEOPLE OF SWANS CROSSING / Grant's announcement about his bid for Maor will have no affect on her and she will run her office as usual / SHE HIRED SWANS LANDSCAPINGS' SWAN'S STONEWALLING TO REPAIR THE WALL IN NO MAN'S LAND / Ralph once said that Sandy bears a strong resemblance to Margaret when she was younger / SHE WAS VERY SENSITIVE AT SYDNEY'S AGE, JUST LIKE SANDY IS / she was never as serious as Sydney is at her age / KNEW RALPH WHEN SHE WAS AT LEAST 14 / Valaira once threw a surpise party for Grant - a baseball opera about "Casey to Bat;" Margaret played a giant catcher's mit / WHEN SHE WAS YOUNG HSE PARTICIPATED IN THE PAINTING OF THE SWANS; ON THEIR WAY TO A DABCE AT THE CLUB VALAIRA, MARGARET, GRANT, MR. ADAMS, AND ELIA GOT INTO TROUBLE BY SPRAY PAINTING THE 20 WHITE SWANS ON THE WALKER ESTATE'S PRIVATE LAGOON; GARNT HAD STOLEN THE PAINT BUT GOT VALAIRA TO TAJE THE WRAP FOR IT (WHICH MARGARET DIDN'T KNOW UNTIL RECENTLY, MARGARET PAINTED THE FIRST SWAN AND VALAIRA PAINTED LITTLE HEARTS ON ALL THE SWANS - GRANT PUT THEIR INITIALS ON THE SWANS - THE GOT BACK AT HIM BY USING THE LEFT OVER SPRAY PAINT ON HIM (IT TOOK HIM THE REST OF THE SUMMER TO WASH IT OFF / Garrett said that she built 'the great wall of Swans Crossing' (the wall in No Man's Land) / ATTENDED AND SPOKE AT THE CAMPAIGN DINNER / on the day of Sydney's return Margaret was meeting with Jerry on the pier to discuss the upcoming 4th of July Celebration; she had a counsel meeting at five o'clock and planned to dine with Sydney at seven o'clock in the Green Room at the Country Club / SHE STOPPED A RECOVERING SYDNEY FROM GOING TO MILA'S RECOVERY GET TOGETHER AT SWANS / once said she would have loved to sing instead of being in politics; she wanted to be a cabaret singer in a perisian cafe - to sing just like sandy / SHE WAS ABLE TO MEET SYDNEY AT THE ROSNOVSKYS' BECAUSE HER APPOINTMENT WITH THE CITY TREASURER WAS CANCELED / Sydney asked her mother if she once liked Grant Booth and Margaret replied she didn't want to talk about bad memories and added that Booth men are trouble /
Penearcia "Rutledge": Margaret or Sydney's aunt / POSSIBLY A RUTLEDGE / Margaret had her heirloom bracelet which Sydney lost (Margaret didn't fret over it)
S.O.R.: mother of Margaret Rutledge, grandmother of Sydney Rutledge / HAD A HEART LOCKET THAT GOT PASSED ONTO SYDNEY / Sandy once remarked that Sydney doesn't look a thing like her grandmother who had blond hair like Margaret / MARGARET HAS TOLD SYDNEY SHE LOOKS JUST LIKE HER MOTHER WHEN SHE SMILES /
Sydney Rutledge: full name is Sydney Orien Rutledge / WAS BORN MARCH 13TH, 1978 AT SWANS CROSSING GENERAL HOSPITAL DURING THE GREAT FLOOD / was born around 11:45 pm / DAUGHTER OF MAYOR MARGARET RUTLEDGE / has the same initials as her grandmother, S.O.R. / GRANDAUGHTER OF THE LATE CYRUS RUTLEDGE / puts her family first, especially her mother / NANCY CALLS SYDNEY "SYDNEIO" / Nancy recently pointed that Sydney's usually perfect nails are not so / SCARED OF MILA'S IMAGE / tries to never wear an outfit more than once (twice is once too much) / ONLY BITES HER NAILS WHEN SHE IS REALLY STRESSED OUT / reads books about horses / ALWAYS IN THE MOOD FOR SHOPPING (SOMETHING ABOUT BEING WAITED ON HAND AND FOOT ALWAYS BRIGHTENS HER DAY) / she can swim / HELPED MILA LEARN HOW TO SWIM / barely younger than Nancy / HAS HER OWN PHONE LINE AND ANSWERING MACHINE MESSAGE / has a spacious upstairs beroom / LOVES A CHALLENGE / can't think when she's nervous / SANDY ONCE REMARKED THAT SYDNEY DOESN'T LOOK A THING LIKE HER GRANDMOTHER (S.O.R.) WHO HAS BLOND HAIR LIKE MARGARET / Margaret once said, "Ten generations of Rutledge women and Sydney is the first one not to have light eyes" / SYDNEY HAS TRIED TO TELL HER MOTHER ABOUT GARRETT BLACKMAILING HER BUT MARGARET IS TOO PREOCCUPIED / updates her mother's mailing list and reads threw pamplets when she has spare time / HAS TOWN PRIDE / would secretly meet Garrett in A.) No man's land, B.) the Mayor's car (when not in use), or C). the park / KNOWS THAT SAJA, WHO SHE CALLS BOBBY, IS A GOOD DANCER / her horse is Sugar / CAN USUALLY GET ANYONE TO DO ANYTHING SHE WANTS / is a master of devious schemes and plans / SYDNEY HAS SMALLER FEET THAN NANCY / her mother was never as serious as Sydney is at her age / SYDNEY NOWS HOW TO BRING PEOPLE DOWN TO EARTH / Sydney believes that just because Mila was a star she won't be remembered in Swans Crossing / GETS HER NAILS MANICURED / has a taste for finer foods /DOESN'T LIKE TO BE LAUGHED AT / everyone knows she's always liked Garrett / SYDNEY WORRIED THAT MILA WAS GOING TO BE PRETTIER, THINNER, AND RICHER THAN HER; SANDY INFORMED HER THAT WASN'T POSSIBLE / Sydney isn't exceptionally smart / CLAIMS THAT SHE CAME HOME EARLY TO HELP HER MOTHER WITH THE CAMPAIGN / likes lemons / HER RIDING INSTRUCTOR TOLD HER MOTHER THAT HER CONCENTRATION WAS SCATTERED AND SHE WAS LATE TO PRACTICE (SYDNEY BLAIMS HER ALARM); THE RIDING INSRUCTOR ALSO INFORMED MARGARET THAT IF SYDNEY FELT SHE COULDN'T PLACE FIRST IT WASN'T WORTH HER EFFORT (SYDNEY CLAIMS HER HORSE SUGAR HESISTATED) / Margaret told Sydney she can't always win the top prixe and Sydney reminded her that Margaret always does / MARGARET WARNED SYDNEY THAT GARRETT IS DEVOIUS AND SELF CENTERED, JUST LIKE HIS FATHER / Sydney asked her mother if she once liked Grant Booth and Margaret replied she didn't want to talk about bad memories and added that Booth men are trouble / MARGARET DESCRIBED SYDNEY AS A UNIQUE YOUNG PERSON WITH AN OLD FASHIONED SENSE OF VALUES AND THAT SYDNEY HAS ALWAYS COME THROUGH FOR HER / Sydney was "an ordinary baby" / SYDNEY DOESN'T LET PEOPLE TAKE HER PLACE / found a cloak-robe in a box of costumes / ADVISED KATIE TO WATCH OUT FOR THE BOYS THAT ALWAYS SMILE AT YOU / feels that no one's ever helped her and everybody leaves her; never thought anybody would help her / SHE WAS AFRAID OF THE RUMORS, SUSPICIONS, AND EVEN JUST WAHT THE GAOOSIP WOULD DO IF GARRETT REVEALED THAT SHE 'WAS SANDY' / after Callie saved her, she started day off with a thank you / TOOK A SHOWER IN THE LEDA / looks just likes Maragaret's mom when she smiles / GOT THE BUILDERS OF THE CONCERT STAGE TO DONATE BUNTING TO A GOOD CAUSE (J.T. AND NEIL'S NIGHT OF GAMES) / found a great baseball carigan for Nancy when they were shopping recently / FINANCED HER SEARCH FOR HER BIRTH CERTIFICATE / gets kick out of Mila unknowingly liking J.T. / HAS STUFFED ANIMALS IN HER ROOM / had Ralph carry the heavy slot machine up 2 flights of stairs / USES SUNSCREEN TO PROTECT HER SKIN / Sydney is the Chairperson of the Rock Concert Stage Commitee HER HORSE RIDING COLLAR HAS "S.O.R." ON IT / in the 6th grade Garrett sent Nancy a Valentine that was supposed to go to Sydney / LAST YEAR GARRETT PRETENDED TO LIKE SYDNEY WHEN HE LIKED NANCY / in the fifth grade she had"'pigtails and buck teeth" - she thought Garrett liked Nancy but he actually liked her / WHEN NANCY GOT A HORSE WITHOUT TELLING HER PARENTS, SYDNEY HELPED HER HIDE IT HER HER ROOM AND THE PLAN WORKED UNTIL NANCY JUMPED OVER HER BED WITH IT (NANCY GOT TO KEEP THE HORSE) / when Sydney was younger she would dress up and bring her dolls over to Glory's lemonade and cookie parties with Nancy and Sandy; Garrett, J.T., and the other guys would some over and tease them and try to swipe the cookies / SAMANTHA, HER PERSONAL TAILOR, HAD THE FLU IN BOTH JULY 1991 AND JULY 1992 / she didn't place at her first horse meet but got her horse before Nancy and got the name they both wanted; Sugar / ONCE GARRETT HID ALL OF SYDNEY'S HORSE TROPHIES AND SHE CRIED Ralph has locksmithing tools which he used to open the keepsake box for sydney; Ralph also had to use these to quickly get Sandy out of a closet when Sydney 'accidentally' locked her in / WORE RED TO LAST YEARS 4TH OF JULY CELBRATION / remembers that when Garrett left Swans Crossing they cared about each other / WON ALL BLUE RIBBONS WHILE AWAY AT EQUESTRIAN CAMP AT THE BEGINNING OF THE 1992 SUMMER / was going to call the police to get Garrett in one hour but lied and called them in 30 minutes, interupting Officer Moore and Officer Tapert 5 minutes before dinner break - no one could eat until Garrett was found / DRANK SOME OF THE DRINK JIMMY WAS GETTING FOR GARRETT TO IRRIATE GARRETT / was supposed to go to the movies with Sandy on the night of her dinner party (which is why she canceled) / GARRETT GAVE SYDNEY A ROSE BEFORE HER DINNER PARTY AND SHE PLACED IT ON THE TABLE / Sydney dinner party was at 8 O'Clock / SYDNEY PRETENDED NOT TO REMEMBER MILA'S NAME AND GUESSED NINA AND FELA / her dinner party had placecards / SERVED BAKED ALASKA AT THE DINNER PARTY SHE HELD FOR GLORY AND J.T. / sent Sandy to get her ultra-pink blusher / SYDNEY WAS DETERMINED TO LOOK PERFECT FOR THE CELEBRATION / stay up all night the 3rd of July / WENT TO THE PIER WITH SANDY, NANCY, AND GLORY / planned to just ignore Mila to put her into her place / 'ACCIDENTALLY' PUSHED MILA INTO THE WATER DURING THE DISASTER / Sydney fell and cut her lip / WORE CALLIE'S RED JACKET AFTER SHE THE DISASTER / she freaked and fainted into Garrett's arm as a photgrapher snapped a picture; the picture ended up on the cover of the newspaper the next day / GARRETT SAT WITH HER AT THE HOSPITAL WHILE SHE GOT THREE STITCHES; GARRETT TOLD HER IT WIDENS HER SMILE / claimed she was emotionally scared for life after the diaster on the pier / WAS SURE AFTER THE DISASTER THAT HER MOTHER WAS SURE TO LET HER BE WITH GARRETT / her mother stopped her from going to Mila's get together at Swans / SHE ONCE PUT GLORY, NANCY, AND HER MOTHER ON HOLD TO COMB HER HAIR / ran through the woods after the Swan/Newport baseball game and fell at the tomstone of her grandfather, Cyrus Rutledge / SHE SWORE ON HER GRANDFATHER'S GRAVE, "I NEVER WILL BREAK ANOTHER PROMISE AS LONG AS I LIVE IF GARRETT FORGIVES ME" / Nancy replied that Sydney looked homeless when she arrived at Swans after the Swans/Newport Game / LEFT A COMMITEE MEETING EARLY LEAVING SANDY IN CHARGE / bet Garrett that if Mila doesn't like him again she gets the birth certificate (she can't interfer) / SHE AND MILA MET 'CHANDLER' IN NO MAN'S LAND BY THE CRACK IN THE WALL AT TEN 0'CLOCK / Dinning with Sandy, Nancy forgot a lunch date with Sydney (Sydney had missed 5 appointments with her but Nancy 'didn't notice') / HAD A DREAM WITH THE ANTIQUE SLOT MACHINE (IN THE BACKGRIUNG WHERE COLORED LIGHTS AND A GIANT DICE); "2 MILA'S I WIN, 2 GARRETT'S I LOSE" / attLLING HER SHE'S NO FUN; MILA TELLING HER SHE'S A DUMB FRIEND AND WAS USED BY GARRETT (SHE USED TO ADMIRE HER FOR HER CONFIDENCE AND CONTROL); GARRETT TELLING SYDNEY (OR SHOULD HE SAY "SANDY") THAT SHE'S LOST IT, SANDY AND THE MAYOR SINGING "CROSS THAT LINE" - (RALPH OFFERED EVERONE CANOPIES) / Using the game of 'Who Am I?,' Sydney revealed the deal at Mila's Slumber Party / SAW GARRETT AND MILA KISSING ON HIS FRONT PORCH FROM HER WINDOW / at 5 am she went to the dock and dropped her grandmother's locket into the water, she got her hand stuck under a rock trying to save it and Callie saved her / WARNED MILA ABOUT HER SURPRISE PARTY AND MILA / Sandy wished to go back to her blond roots but ended up with orange hair, Sydney offered to tone it down but secretly dyed back to brown using Atwater Culligan Degree / TO BREAK UP MILA AND BILLY ( SO GARRETT COULD GET MILA) SYDNEY WROTE AN ANYMOUS NOTE TO THE COUNTESS TELLING HER THAT HER GARDEN CLUB MEETING HAD CHANGED TO SWANS; THE COUNTESS FELL FOR IT AND AS SYDNEY PLANED AND VALAIRA SAW MILA IN HER GET UP AND TOOK HER HOME / even though Mila was known around the world, Sydney didn't know waht she looked like which Garrett used to trick Sydney into beliveing he knew Mila from France / SYDNEY DRUG SANDY OUT TO LOOK AT MILA'S HOUSE AND THEN MADE HER WALK HOME / after seeing Neil in the hospita, Sydney arrived home to find Billy who had the car keys; they went for a ride Sydney made Billy call Mila and break up with her, Sydney decided to walk home when Billy started to make the moves on her; when he returned the car billy parked it the wrong way / STOLE GLORY'S POEMS OF J.T.'S SO THAT SHE COULD GET MILA TO LIKE GARRETT AGAIN / had been the one to do the steeple chasing competition at the Swans Fall Riding Classic for the last 3 years until it was given to Nancy in 1992, that summer Sydney had hardly made it to any classes or meets / HE AND SYDNEY MADE THE DEAL ON JULY 8, 1992 / Garrett hangs the Fabian shade in Glory's window when he wants Sydney to meet him in No Man's Land / GARRET ALWAYS GAVE SYDNEY A RED ROSE, HE GAVE HER ONE BEFORE HE LEFT FOR FRANCE / while dancing with Garrett at Milas Surprise Party to "Over You," she wished she could dance every dance with him in public and possibly kiss without getting into trouble / "USE YOUR PEDAL;" SYDNEY TO RALPH UPON ARRIVING BACK IN TOWN/ Sydney once said, "All men love surprises" / SYDNEY ONCE SAID, "SIT BACK, RELAX, AND ENJOY THE RIDE" / Sydney and Nancy offered Mila some school advice: buy tons of new clothes, have your nails manicured, pick up all the latest notebooks and get in the A-list parties (should be easy, Sydney throws most of them), sign up for at least 12 activities but don't go anywear near them after the 1st week of school (to make your resume look marvelous), then settle in for 2 months and deal with it - until you can run away with your parents to Aruba for winter break / HER FAVORITE COLOR IS RED /
Samantha: is Sydney's personal tailor / HAD THE FLU IN BOTH JULY 1991 AND JULY 1992 /
Swan Family: have lived in SC since at least 1624 / MR. AND MRS. SWAN HAVE SEVERAL CHILDREN, INCLUDING SANDY / Sandy is the only one in her family to be born a blond / LIVE ON THE SWAN ESTATE / Sandy makes breakfast for at least one younger brother and one younger sister / HAVE THE SWAN TRUST FUND / the trust fund barely covers the upkeep of the Estate; the Swans won't sell the house, they always had more pride than money / THE TOWN IS NOT NAMED AFTER A SWAN BUT INSTEAD THE FIRST SWAN (WHO LEGEND HAS IT HISSED THROUGH HIS TEETH) /
Mr. Swan: husband of Mrs. Swan, father to Sandy Swan and several children / GREW UP WITH VALAIRA, GRANT, ELIA, FATS, MARGARET, BRYCE, MR. ADAMS, AND MR. CLAYTON / was shocked when Grant Booth did a hostile take-over of his company, Swans Landscaping; Mr. Booth now has control and forced the Swan family into some hard times / NEIL AND J.T. KNEW ABOUT THE TAKEOVER BEFORE MR. SWAN DID /
Mrs. Swan: wife of Mr. Swan, mother of Sandy Swan and several children / KEEPS BUSY RAISING ALL OF HER CHILDREN / the last time she talked to Margaret for more than 5 minutes was when their daughters, Sandy and Sydney, respectively, were born / GOING INTO TO LABOR DURING THE GREAT FLOOD, SHE AND MARGARET WERE ACCIDENTALLY WHEELED INTO EACH OTHER'S ROOM AND GOT EACH OTHER'S FLOWERS; THEY LAUGHED ABOUT IT /
Sandy Swan: born March 13th 1978 at Swans Crossing General Hospital and weighed exactly seven pounds, she arrived at 11:45 pm when the Great Flood was happening / HAS A SWAN SHAPED BIRTHMARK ON HER RIGHT FOOT BY HER BIG TOE; THE SWANS FACES INWARD TOWARD HER LEFT FOOT / is called "Sandy-kins" by Nancy / THE ONLY ONE IN HER FAMILY TO BE BORN A BLOND / makes breakfast for at least one younger brother and one younger sister / BELIVES THAT VERYONE HAS THEIR MOMENTS TO SHINE / is very sensitive, just like Mayor Ruledge was at her age / HAS NOT HAD A MAINCURE SINCE THE DISHWASHE BROKE BECAUSE SHE IS ALWAYS WASHING DISHES / sandy's hair was blond when she was born and later turned brown - she tried to go back to her roots by bleaching her hair which gave it an orange tone sydney offered to tone it down but secretly dyed back to brown sandy was determined to have blond hair and Mrs. Booth helped her do as a favor for her son, Garrett / NANCY ONCE SAID THAT SANDY IS SO FAR DOWN THE SOCIAL LADDER THAT SHE COULD DIASPPEAR AND NO ONE WOULD NOTICE / slouches / SQUEALS WHEN SHE GETS EXCITED / tires to ne nice to people but feels people always overlook her / NOT AFRAID OF THE DARK / can swim / GETS HUNG UP OH HER LOOKS / loves presents / BEARS A STRONG RESEMBLANCE TO A YOUNG MARGARET RUTLEDGE / deosn't care for Nancy / SYDNEY STATED THAT SANDY WAS NEVER POPULAR, BUT SHE WAS ALWAYS PART OF THE GROUP / Sydney used Atwater Culligan Degree to change Sandy's hair back to brown / REVEALED HER NEW BLOND HAIR THAT CORNELIA HAD WORKED ON AT THE NUDIBRANCH BENEFIT / she thinks "Vision in Polka-Dot Pink" is an awful song but can't convince Owen / TO SING "VISION IN POLKA-DOT PINK" AS HER DEBUT MUSIC VIDEO / because Owen has insisted, Sandy has given Mila some singing lessons / SHE IS A SINGER-SONGWRITER / the band has a deal that if you write a song you get to sing it; this rule is being overlooked so that Sandy can sing "Vision in Polka-Dot Pink" while Mila sings backup (dot, dot, dot, polka-dot pink) / IS KEEPING IN MIND THAT CALLIE COULD BE A BACKUP SINGER AND THAT GLORY PLAYS THE DRUMS / sometimes passes out pamplets and leaflets for the Mayor / BIG FAN OF BILLY GUNN, SHE HAS ALL OF HIS ALBUMS / Owen seperately promised Mila and Sandy that they were going to be in a music video; each of them thougtht they were getting their own music video and when they found out they were not happy; the band compromised and decided to be in the video together / GARRETT AND OWEN PLANNED THE MUSIC VIDEO, IGNORING SANDY'S IDEAS OF SMOKE AND LIGHT FILTERS / Sandy is the secretary (takes the notes) of the Concert Stage Commitee and she was once left in charge when when Sydney left early / VALAIRA TALKED SANDY AND OWEN INTO PERFORMING AT MILAS'S SURPRISE PARTY / she was supposed to play the triangle for Roxanne, a local band, at the 4th of July Celebration / Garrett used her in the 4th grade to cheat on a spelling test / WHEN SHE WAS LITTLE, SHE WOULD GO TO GLORY'S LEMONADE AND COOKIE PARTIES WITH THE SYDNEY AND NANCY / once Ralph had to use his lock-smithing tools to quickly get Sandy out of a closet when Sydney 'accidentally' locked her in / WAS SUPPOSED TO GO TO THE MOVIES WITH SYDNEY THE NIGHT OF SYDNEY'S DINNER PARTY BUT SYDNEY CANCELED TO HOST THE PARTY / used to watch Jimmy and Nancy when they dated / AFTER THE ROCKET EXPLOSION, SYDNEY DRUG SANDY OUT TO LOOK AT MILA'S HOUSE AND THEN MADE HER WALK HOME / she sang the National anthem at the Swans/Newport baseball game / RECENTLY HAD LUNCH WITH NANCY AT THE CLUB TO TALK ABOTU 'FRIENDS' / she and Saja sometimes feel unwanted by their friends / WAS INFLUENCED BY SAJA TO BECOME A VEGETARIAN / had a crush on Owen and was most likely jealous of Mila /
Swans Baseball Team: they aren't the best / THE NEWPORT WIN WAS THE FIRST IN A LONG TIME / the Swans/Newport game was televised on tv station WSWAN / THE PLAYOFFS ARE 4 WEEKS AFTER MILA'S SLUMBER PARTY / had an unseen game or practice in Episode #39 / THE SWANS/NEWPORT GAME WAS ON A FRIDAY / the team's colors are white, black, and yellow / NEWPORT'S COLORS ARE YELLOW, GRAY, AND MAROON / Owen catches as #1 / Saja (Jimmy's 3rd base replacement) is #6, Jimmy is 3rd base, Neil is shortstop #21/22, team captian and staring pitcher Garrett Booth is #25 / SOME OTHER TEAM MEMBERS INCLUDE JARED CROSBY AT 2ND BASE, ADAM HANDELL IN RIGHT FIELD, AND C.B. BROWN IN CENTER FIELD/ numbers seen on jerseys but not known who the belong to #3, #10, #14, #17 / COACH GROMME IS THE COACH / the Swans won against Newport 2 to 1 / SANDY SANG THE NATIONAL ANTHEM AT THE GAME / the Newport teams includes team coach/captian Beau Milo, Paul Doyle as center field #14 (also the first batter), Gary Collins as shortstop, Don Micale as right field, Moe Milo as 1st base, Rob Neighbors as 2nd base, and Jackie Neighbor as home base/catcher / OTHER NEWPORT NUMBERS SEEN BUT UNKNOWN WHO THEY BELONG TO ARE #3, #1, AND #15 /
Old Man Sutton: recently passed away / TOWN CLERK / while renovating Town Hall, Grant Booth had him store the town records and he died without telling anyone where they were / MARGARET BLAMES GRANT FOR THE LOSS OF THE RECORDS /
Tutu: the Rosnovsky cockatoo / HAS A CAGE IN MILA'S ROOM BUT IS USUALLY ON VALAIRA'S SHOULDER / was lost when the Rosnovsky were settling into their mansion, on the morning of the 4th of July Garrett found Tutu and because of the I.D. necklace he was able to return to the Rosnovskys allowing him to escort Mila to the Celebration
"Professor Vann": Neil and J.T.'s invention to be able to create UB2B / HE IS 35 YEARS OLD, A SPECIALIST IN SUB-ATOMIC PARTICLES AND QUATUM PHYSICS / in the 3rd Grade, "nerd of the universe," Stevie Vann used to follow Neil around, Neil and J.T. nicknamed him "Professor;" that's where "Professor Vann" came from / HE GOT HIS UNDERGRADUATE DEGREE AT HARVARD AND DID SOME WORK AT YALE AND OXFORD / he made contributation to the Roedavian Environment Fund to get 1 mm of rare Roedavian micro nutrodust / HIS ADDRESS IS P.O. BOX 332 / J.T. has diped into security account to often and his funds have been tranferred to an unnumbered account ("Love Mom and Dad) / THE ROCKET J.T. AND NEIL TREID TO LAUNCH WAS ABOUT SIX FEET TALL / the rare Roedavian micro nutrodust is the mineral last element for UB2B (it is very expensive) / THE ROEDAVIAN INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR PHYSICS HAS HAD CONTACT WITH PROFESSOR VANN / J.T. and Neil plan to find another empty lab to to work on UB2B UB2B HAS BEEN DESCRIBED AS THE PERFECT SCIENTIFIC SOLUTION / UB2B is a self perpetuated fuel / NEIL AND J.T. ONCE SAID UB2B WILL BE A GREAT LEAP FOR HUMAN KIND / it started in the 4th grade when Neil and J.T. worked on solar powered go-carts that ran on solar powered batteries / EVERYONE KNEW J.T. AND NEIL WERE WORKING IN A PLACE CALLED THE MINE FIELD WHICH TURNED OUT TO BE AN ATWATER COSMETIC LAB / UB2B is made with ulranium aloy (possibly white) which Roedavian Institute of Nuclear Physics can't find a use for / THE LAST ELEMENT IS ALL THAT IS NEEDED TO TEST THE HEAT SHIELDS / Neil put together the heat shields with regular glue which resulted in the explosion / IT WAS BECAUSE OF J.T.'S MISCALCULATIONS THAT THE ROCKET EXPLODED / Anglo #1 masquereaded as Dr. Lamb at Swans Crossing General Hospital to 'tend' to a 'sick' Neil (who was secretly working on UB2B) /
Walker Family: includes Captian Elia Walker Walker and his daughter Callie Walker / THEY HAD A PLAN FOR ARRIVING IN TOWN - ARRIVED AT 9 AM / they have had plenty of excitement and adventure before arriving in Swans Crossing / SWANS CROSSING WAS "THE ONLY PLACE LEFT" / CALLIE WANTED TO GO TO ? , 1000 MILES AWAY FROM ZANZIBAR / Captian Walker has refered to "Our plan" / CALLIE SEEMS TO BE OKAY WITH THE PLAN THAT THEY HAVE / Callie got upset when Jimmy assumed she was an only child / CAPTIAN WALKER MADE IT A POINT TO HAVE DINNER WITH BAREK; HE MIGHT HAVE BEEN TESTING HIM / there has been no mention of Callie's mother / CAPTIAN WALKER ONCE SAID."THE ROAD HAS TWISTED AND TURNED BUT IN THE END IT ALL LEADS BACK TO SWANS CROSSING" / Callie and Elia lived in Shanghi and Toyko from 1984 to 1988 / THEY SEEM TO HAVE CONSTANTLY MOVED / have spent time in Antartica, Thailand, and India / WHILE CAPTIAN WALKER MYSTERIOUSLY DISAPPEARED FOR 15 YEARS HIS FATHER SUPPOSEDLY WENT INSANE (CREATING WEIRD SCULPTURES) AND WAS PRESUMED DEAD WHEN THE WALKER ESTATE BURNT TO THE GROUND / when Glory mentioned she always wanted a sister Elia and Callie shot each other a look / CALLIE HAS HEARD THE RUMORS ABOUT THE WALKER ESTATE AND THE GHOSTS THAT HAUNT IT / when Elia gave Callie permission to stay at the Booth House while he went away he referred to a situation in their past similiar to now and said, "So it starts all over again" / SINCE THE WALKERS SEEM TO STILL HAVE ALL OF MONEY (MILLIONS) IT IS UNLIKELY THEY ARE IN SWANS CROSSING BECAUSE OF CASH / used to farm a couple of generations back /
Callie Walker: born under the Aurora Borialis / DAUGHTER OF CAPTAIN ELIA WALKER WALKER / grandaughter of the presumed dead Mr. Walker / HER DAD IS A RECLUSIVE MILLIONAIRE / knows her father's dislike of the Walker Estate and has heard the rumors about her 'insane grandfather' haunting the grounds where the house no longer stands / THINKS OF HOME BEING WHERE HER FATHER IS / got defensive when Jimmy assumed she was an only child / HER DAD TAUGHT HER, "THERE ARE NO SAFE HARBORS" / her dad gave Callie permission to stay at the Booth House while he went away and he referred to a situation in their past similiar to now / WHEN GLORY MENTIONED THAT SHE ALWAYS WANTED A SISTER, ELIA AND CALLIE SHOT EACH OTHER A LOOK / was worried when her dad was gone to long, had never felt so alone before / ELIA TOLD CALLIE THAT SHE CAN'T BUILD HER LIFE WISHING BECAUSE SHE WILL ALWAYS BE DISAPPOINTED / Callie feels safer with her dad around, but he reminds her that safety is just an illusion / SOMETIMES SHE WONDERS IS SHE IS THE ONLY GIRL LIKE HERSELF / has always wanted to be a tap dancer or a ballerina / IS UNABLE TO HAVE STUFFED ANIMALS BECAUSE THE SUB IS TOO DAMP / knows karate / BELIEVES THAT BAREK IS INVOLVED WITH THE GREAT MUMBA-JUMBA / can understand the DeCastro native language / SHE LIKES SANDY'S SIINGING AND SANDY IS KEEPING HER IN MIND AS A BACKUP SINGER/ likes fishing / KNOW THE DANCE OF EVERY COUNTRY / needs excitement and adventure in her life / AFRAID OF THE DARK / stubborn / THINKS BETTER ON HER FEET / sensitive to the topic of family / KNOWS ACCUPRESSURE POINTS / Callie wishes her father would show her around town and show her the sites /GAVE SYDNEY HER RED JACKET TO WEAR AFTER SHE CUT HER LIP AT THE 4TH OF JULY CELEBRATION / ate a Sushi platter while dining with her father and Barek / LIKES FIREWORKS / in the summertime she has a curfew of 11:00 pm / HE HATES MELTED BUTTER / has an overactive imagination / HAS A PHSYIC SENSE, UNDERSTANDS THE ART OF ZEN / she and Saja have found cotton balls all over Swans Crossing and a bag in Barek's posession / LIKES THE MUSIC OF BILLY GUNN / rides a motorbike / CALLIE, JIMMY, AND BAREK, WORKED ON THE COMPLICATED MOTOR FOR THE ROCK CONCERT OPERA STAGE TOGETHER / has been to Ceremonial and High Teas before / THE FIRST TIME SHE HELD A SEA SHELL UP TO HER EAR WAS OFF THE COAST OF BURMA (ON HER WAY TO SUMATRA); SHE WAS VERY YOUNG AND IT WAS A HUGE NAUTILUS SHELL / after arriving in Swans Crossing they went down the coast (nstead of up the coast as previously planned) to see a favorite spot of Captian Walker and made a pit stop in Swans Crossing again before heading up the coast (to return to town in time for the 4th of July Celebration) / GARRETT INSISTED SHE WEAR RED TO THE CELEBRATION / she was not happy about arriving in SC / IN INDIA SHE LEARNED ABOUT SHEBA, A HINDU GODDESS WITH FOUR ARMS / once ate a bowl of dumplings in Thailand / ARRIVED IN SWANS CROSSING ON JUNE 29, 1992 / the first resident Callie meet was Garrett Booth who persuaded her to remain unknown until the 4th of July Celebration / GAVE NEIL A TOUR OF THE SUB BEFORE MILA'S SURPRISE PARTY / Barek insisted that Callie climb a ladder that broke causing Callie to fall; luckily Jimmy caught her and she only sprained her right ankle / BAREK AND CALLIE DID A LITTLE REORGANIZING OF THE TOOL 'N' DIE BEFORE THE NEWPORT GAME / Jimmy calls Callie "Walker-woman" / JIMMY ONCE REFERRED TO CALLIE AS THE QUEEN OF PARANOYA / once spent an afternoon at the club watching the clouds with Jimmy / AFTER HER FATHER RETURNED, CALLIE WAS CLEANING THE OUTSIDE OF THE SUB AND WROTE "CW + JC" IN THE DIRT, WHICH JIMMY SAW /
Captian Walker: son of the presumed dead Mr. Walker, father of Callie Walker / TOLD CALLIE THAT SHE CAN'T BUILD HER LIFE WISHING, SHE WILL ALWAYS BE DISAPPOINTED / told Calle that she must learn to take care of herself / CALLIE FEELS SAFER WITH HER DAD AROUND (BUT HE REMINDS HER THAT SAFETY IS AN ILLUSION / he wants Callie to be prepared to be alone / AFTER RETURNING FROM HIS TRIP, HE TOLD CALLIE HE WAS NEVER GOING TO LEAVE HER ALONE / he live sin his submarine, the Leda / HIS FULL NAME IS CAPTIAN ELIA WALKER WALKER / he has gotten letters from the Mayor , the Atwaters, and the Countess ; he has seen them all, has not seen them lately - there are certian nets he has learned to avoid / IS A RECLUSIVE MILLIONAIRE / has traveled the world in his submarine, the Leda / HAS READ "THE RIME OF THE ANCIENT MARINER" / is the leading authority on deep sea bioluminescense and findings on the Lampra Eel / HE HATES VISITORS / his weakness is is his beloved Nudibranchs / HAD ALWAYS HOPED TO RETURN TO SWANS CROSSING AND SETTLE DOWN / he has a love of the ocean - he isn't comfortable unless he is near or around the sea / LIKES FISHING / he is a fan of Fabian - treats a Fabian 45 record of "Turn Me Loose" like a family heirloom / IS A CHARTER MEMBER AT THE COUNTRY CLUB / has had new findings in biolumenescense / HE MIGHT HAVE BEEN TESTING BAREK WHEN HE DINED WITH HIM / he has 4 stars on his outfit / TENDS TO BE ABSENT MINDED AND FORGET TIME / when Glory mentioned she always wanted a sister, Elia and Callie shot each other a look / UPON RETURNING TO SWANS CROSSING AFTER HIS TRIP, HE THANKED A MAN IN A SCUBA SUIT FOR HIS EFFORTS AND SAID HE WON'T SEE HIM AGAIN UNTIL THIS IS ALL OVER AND HELPED HIM ESCAPE THROUGH AN ESCAPE (THEY WILL KEEP IN TOUCH); "AT LEAST WE KNOW KNOW IN RIGHT PLACE AFTER ALL" / once said. "The road has twisted and turned but in the end it always leads back to Swans Crossing" / HE TOLD CALLIE HE WOULD EXPLAIN HIS TRIP TO HER LATER / a few years ago, he and Callie adopted a polar bear cub in Antartica but had to let it go back to the wild when it grew bigger / LIVED IN SHANGHI AND TOYKO FROM 1984 THROUGH 1988 / when he was younger he was friends with Grant Booth they spent youth cutting worms in half / PARTICIPATED IN THE PAINTING OF THE SWANS WHEN HE WAS YOUNGER - THE SWANS THAT WERE PAINTED WERE THE ONES ON THE WALKER ESTATE'S PRIVATE LAGOON / when he gave Callie permission to stay at the Booth House while he went away he referred to a situation in their past similiar to now and said, "So it starts all over again" / MYSTERIOUSLY DISAPPEARED FROM SWANS CROSSING FOR 15 YEARS; WHILE HE WAS GONE HIS FATHER SUPPOSEDLY WENT INSANE (MAKING WEIRD SCULPTURES)AND WAS PRESUMED DEAD WHEN THE WALKER ESTATE BURNT TO THE GROUND / has a dislike of the Walker Estate, he refuses to go there because of all his memories and fears / WHILE HE WAS GONE SOME PEOPLE (LIKE GARRETT) REFERED TO HIM AS "CAPTIAN LOONEY" / he used to crash stock cars before he left town / HE HAS DOCKED A SUBMARINE IN SWANS CROSSING BEFORE / had previously docked the Leda in Swans Crossing / HE BROUGHT BACK SEAS SHELLS FROM HIS TRIP / he went to the Equator, near Brazil, under the mouth of the Amazon (2 degrees north of the equator) / claims that he was just "Filling in the missing pieces to my shell collection" / HE WAS GONE FOR 2 WEEKS / did some serious thinking while he was gone (usually serious thinking leads to leaving but not this time) / CALLIE WANTS TO KNOW WHT HER FATHER WENT 1000 MILES AWAY AND BACK WITH REALLY NO EXPLAINATION - HE TOLD HER TO TRUST HIM / they settled in Swans Crossing because it was "the only place left" / ARRIVED BACK IN SWANS CROSSING AT 9 AM / at the Nudibranch Benifit (8/14/1992), Elia gave a speech that explained how there are 5000 variations of the Nudibranch (a snail-like mollusk) that are threatened by pollution / HE HAS SAID THAT HE WOULD RATHER RIDE A RAFT THROUGH A HURRICANE THAN FALL IN LOVE AGAIN / he is avoiding Valaira and her affection /
Mr. Walker: father of Captian Elia Walker Walker and grandfather of Callie Walker / HIS SON ELIA MYSTERIOUSLY DISAPPEARED 15 YEARS AGO / created weird sculptures on the Walker Estate which are still there but are damaged or covered in overgrowth / WAS PRESUMED DEAD AFTER A FIRE BURNT THE WALKER ESATE TO THE GROUND / there are rumors he still haunts the grounds where the Walker Estate once stood / ELIA DISLIKES THE WALKER ESTATE AND DOESN'T TALK ABOUT HIS FATHER /
Fats Weltman: ran the Tool N' Die until he left for his cross country bike trip / GREW UP WITH ELIA, GRANT, MR. ADAMS, MR. CLAYTON, MARGARET, MR. SWAN, VALAIRA, AND BRYCE / owns a motrocycle / KNOWS SOME SPANISH / calls Captian Walker "Captian Nemo" / REMEMBERS HANGING OUT WITH CALLIE'S DAD AND JIMMY'S DAD / hired Callie at the Tool N' Die /
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All characters, events, and places are copyrighted 1992 by Newlifier Limited. All notes and organization of them are copyright 1999 Doug Knepper. Contact me at swanscrosser@yahoo.com .