Homepage for Douglas

Last Updated 3/5/01
This section is about me, Douglas. I am 22 years old and live in Overland Park, KS. I have been a fan of Swans Crossing for years. I created this homepage to help keep the memory of the show alive. I also started my own fiction, Swans Crossing, USA, to help give the show the closure I wish it could have gotten. I have become friends with many people in the SC internet community. It's nice to know people out there that loved the show as much as you do.

I am currently single and working my life away in retail sales. One day I hope for the 'happily ever after' but until then I'm happy with what life hands me. Well, I can't think of anymore to type about myself. Thanks for stopping by my page.

Contact me at DougJ78@aol.com .


Me in January, 2000.


Me and family dog Kasey on Christmas Eve, 1999.


Me in December, 1999.


Me and my sister Nickole in March 2000.