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PLEASE NOTE: This page features all I could find on the actors. I gathered all the information I could to make this page. I am going to put up some pictures soon. If I have excluded anything or something is wrong please email me at swanscrosser@yahoo.com .
Updated 9/14/1999: Added various items to several bios. Holter Graham's ("Billy") role list has been updated, along with info on Stacey Moseley ("Callie"), Eddie Robinson ("Neil"), and Alex Tanaka/Toma ("Saja").
Larry Attile (Baldie #2):
Anna, (1987), movie, "Czech demonstrator #3" |
I Like It Like That, (1994), movie, "dispatcher" |
Law & Order, (1/8/1991), tv series, episode 'Life Choice,' "Foreman" |
Law & Order, (11/5/1991), tv series, episode 'In Memory Of,' "Anderson" |
Law & Order, (3/30/1994), tv series, episode 'Wagner,' "Stefansky" |
Malcolm X, (1992), movie, "Guard Baines" |
Mortal Thoughts, (1991), movie, Sidney Levitt |
NYPD Blue, (1/13/1998), ABC tv series, episode 'Box of Wendy,' "Peterson" |
New York News, (10/12/1995), tv series, episode 'Broadway Joe,' "Harvey" |
Path to Paradise: The Untold Story of the World Trade Center Bombing, (1997), tv movie, "truck rental clerk" |
Gerry Bamman (Captian Elia Walker Walker):
AT&T (1-800-PICK-ATT), (1994), tv commercial |
Bloodhounds of Broadway, (1989), movie, "Inspector McNamara" |
The Bodyguard, (1992), movie, "Ray Court" |
Brass, (1985), tv movie, "George Whitman" |
The Chase, (1991), tv movie, "Peter" |
Cocktail ,(1988), movie, "tourist" |
Concealed Enemies, (1984), tv movie, "Father John Cronin" |
Courage, (1986), movie, "Assistant US Attorney" |
Desperate Hours, (1990), movie, "Ed Tallent" |
A Doll House, (?), theater |
Guilding Light, (1997), CBS tv soap opera, "Judge Ramsey" |
Great Expectations, (1998), movie, Ted Rabinowitz |
Hiding Out, (1987), movie, "Mr. Stevens" |
Home Alone, (1990), movie, "Uncle Frank" |
Home Alone 2: Lost in New York, (1992) ,movie, "Uncle Frank" |
Kojak: None So Blind, (1990), tv movie, "Warburton" |
Lady from the Sea, (?), Berkely Repertory Theatre, San Fransisco CA |
Law & Order, (6/9/1991), tv series, episode 'The Blue Wall,' "Kimball" |
Law & Order,(1/11/1995), tv series, episode 'Guardian' |
Law & Order, (9/25/1996), tv series, episode 'I.D.,' "Stan Gillum" |
Law & Order, (May 1998), tv series, |
Lightning Over Water, (1980), movie, himself |
The Long Kiss Goodnight, (1996), movie, "CIA man" |
Lorenzo's Oil, (1992), movie, "Doctor Judalon" |
Love, Lies, and Murder, (1991), tv movie, "Mark Lockwood" |
Manhunt: Search for the Night Stalker, (1989), tv movie, "Phil Thomas" |
Married To It, (1993), movie, "Arthur Everson" |
The Monroes, (9/13/1995), ABC tv series, pilot episode |
Murder in the Heartland, (1993), tv movie, "Judge Brooks" |
Nixon's Nixon, (1997), stage, MCC Theater,"Richard Nixon" |
Old Enough, (1984), movie |
One Life To Live, (1997), ABC tv soap opera, "Albert West" |
Pink Cadillac, (1989), movie, "Buddy" |
Road, (July 1988), theater, New York's La Mama Annex |
Robert A. Heinlien's The Puppet Masters, (1994), movie, "Viscott" |
The Secret of My Success, (1987), movie, "Art Thomas" |
Swans Crossing, (1992), tv series/teenage soap opera, "Captain Walker" |
The Ten Million Dollar Getaway, (1991), tv movie |
True Believer, (1989), movie, "Brian Nevins" |
also played 'Dwight Eisenhower' on an off-Broadway play in 1996 |
Kristy Barbera (Nancy Robbins): born November 3, 1977 /
Afterschool Special, ABC tv |
Swans Crossing, (1992), syndicated tv series/teenage soap opera, "Nancy Robbins" |
Chrisian Baskous (Ansel):
Swans Crossing, (1992), syndicated tv series/teenage soap opera , "Ansel" |
MB Battisti (Jazz):
Swams Crossing, (1992), syndicated tv series/teenage soap opera, "Jazz" |
Ziska Beveridge (Mayor Margaret Rutledge):
Swans Crossing, (1992), syndicated tv series/teenage soap opera, "Mayor Margaret Rutledge" |
Kristen Byers (Dolores):
Swans Crossing, (1992), syndicated tv series/teenage sopa opera, "Dolores" |
Tom Carroll (J.T. Adams): born September 13, 1975 / FULL NAME IS THOMAS FRANCIS CARROLL / radio and television commercials / CURRENTLY ROOMATES WITH SWANS CROSSING ALUM ALEX TANAKA/TOMA ("SAJA") /
Clearasil pimple remover commercial, (199?), tv |
Law & Order, (1997), tv series, "Gary Welsh" |
One Life To Live, ABC tv soap opera, recurring role |
12, (1997), NYU student film |
Terence Caza (FBI Agent Horton):
Swans Crossing, (1992), syndicated tv series/teenage soap opera, "FBI Agent Horton" |
Ashley Chapman (Katie Adams):
Banana Nut Crunch Cereal, (1993), tv commercial |
Dottie Gets Spanked, (1993), tv, "Sharon" |
Swans Crossing, (1992), syndicated tv series/teenage soap opera, "Katie Adams" |
Phillip Clark (Coach Gromme):
Swans Crossing, (1992), syndicated tv series/teenage soap opera, "Coach Gromme" |
Jason Culp (Jack Goldbrick):
All's Well that Ends Well, (?), Globe Playhouse, LA CA, "Parolles" |
Another World, (?), NBC tv soap opera, "Tony Carlino" |
Antigone, (?), Cleveland Playhouse/GeVa Theatre, "Creon" |
The Bewitched, (?), American Conservatory Theatre, "Archbishop" |
The Comedy of Errors, (?), Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival, "Antipholus of Eshesus" |
Days of Our Lives, (?), NBC tv soap opera, "Jerry Pulanski" |
Dona Rosita, (?) theater, "Young Man" |
Hickey & Boggs, (1972), movie, "Mary Jane's son, Jose" |
General Hospital, (1988 through 1990), ABC tv soap opera, "Julian Jerome" |
Greatest American Hero, (?), television, guest star |
Macbeth, (?), Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival, "Banquo" |
The Mousetrap, (?), Barter Theatre, VA, "Dectective Trotter" |
Murder in the Cathedral, (?), Little Church, NYC, theater, "4th Temptor/4th Knight" |
New York Undercover, (?), "Simon Fox" |
The Philadelphia Story, (?), American Conservatory Theatre, "C.K. Dexter Haven" |
Skinheads, (1989), movie, "Jeff" |
States of Control, (1997), movie, "porn customer" |
Swans Crossing, (1992), syndicated tv series/teenage soap opera, "Jack Goldbrick" |
The Tempest, (?), Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival, "Caliban" |
2 Gentleman of Verona, (?), Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival, "Thurio" |
John Cunningham (Grant Halsey Booth Jr. (#2)):
All My Children, (1993), ABC tv soap opera, 'Arthur Sandborn" |
Another World, (1970 through 1971), NBC tv soap opera, "Dan Shearer" #1 |
As the World Turns, (1991 through 1993), CBS tv soap opera, "Emerson Gallagher: |
The Big Fix, (1978), movie, "Hawthorne" |
Cosby Mysteries, (1994), tv series |
Dead Poets Society, (1989), movie, "Mr. Anderson" |
For Love or Money, (1993), movie, "Mr.Brinkerhoff" |
Guiding Light, (1988), CBS tv soap opera, "Welles Carrera" |
Hello Again, (1987), movie, "Bruce Holt" |
In & Out, (1997), movie, "voice on 'Be a Man' tape" |
The Jackal, (1997), movie, "Donald Brown" |
Johnny Be Good, (1988), movie, "substitute" |
Key Exchange, (1985), movie, "Sloane" |
Last Dance, (1996), movie, "McGuire" |
L. Frank Baum's The Marvelous Land of Oz, (1981), tv movie, "Women's Army of Revolt/Citizens of Oz" |
Law & Order, (12/10/1991), tv series, episode 'His Hour Upon The Stage,' "Cobb" |
Law & Order, (9/28/1994), tv series, episode 'Coma,' "attorney Max" |
Law & Order, (11/18/1998), tv series, episode 'Venom,' "Daniel Metzler" |
Lost and Found, (1979), movie, "Lenny" |
Loving, (1983), ABC tv soap opera, "Garth Slater" |
Matilda, (1978), movie, "Dave Holter" |
Mystic Pizza, (1988), movie, "Mr. Windsor" |
Nixon, (1995), movie, "Bob" |
Roommates, (1995), movie, "Burt Shook" |
School Ties, (1992), movie, "Grayson Dillon" |
Six Degrees of Separation, (1993), movie, "John" |
Starship Troopers, (1997), movie, "Fed Net Announcer" |
States of Control, (1997), movie, "Paul" |
The Survivalist, (1987), movie, "National Gaurd H.Q. Staff" |
Swans Crossing, (1992), syndicated tv series/teenage soap opera, "Grant Booth" #2 |
Titanic!, (1997), Broadway musical, "Captian Smith" |
Trinity, (10/16/1998), tv series, episode 'Pilot,' "Father Glancy" |
Twisted, (1986), movie, "Jim Kempler" |
Carisa Dahlbo (Glory Booth): born Februart 12, 1977 / FULL NAME IS CARISA LYNN DAHLBO / has appeared in print ads and various commercials /
Bradley Players, theater performing |
Careers (Board Game) commercial, (1992), tv |
McDonalds commercial, (1992-1993), tv, "girl who won't get off the phone" |
Swans Crossing, (1992), syndicated tv series/teenage soap opera, "Glory Booth" |
Sea World Texas, several shows |
Brittany Daniel (Contessa Mila Bergita Rosnovsky): has a idenical twin sister Cynthia / BORN MARCH 17, 1976 / hometown is Gainesville, Florida / MODELED - APPEARING IN PRINT ADS / appeared in commercials including one for Doublemint Gum / NICKNAME BRITT OR BOO BOO / full name is Brittany Ann Daniel / OLDER THAN TWIN CYNTHIA BY FIVE MINUTES / member of National Honor Society all for years of high school / LIVED ON HER OWN FOR SEVEN MONTHS IN NEW YORK CITY WHILE TAPING SWANS CROSSING / has been featured in magazines American Photo, Florida Living, Teen, YM, Sassy, Seventeen / HAS A BIRTHMARK ON HER LEFT HAND THE SIZE OF A NICKEL WHICH SHE USED TO HELP HER LEARN LEFT FROM RIGHT / the twins have tatoos on their left big toes: Brittany's is "B + C", Cynthia's is "C + B" /
BRITTANY LINKS: Unofficial Sweet Valley High Page / Kristin's Sweet Valley Page / Arifa's Sweet Valley Page / Satomi's Sweet Valley Mall /
The Basketball Diaries, (1995), movie, "Blinkie" |
Dawson's Creek, (9/29/1999 - ?), WB tv series, "Eve" |
Fox's Wild Adventures at the North Pole, (December 1995), tv commercials, guest spots |
MTV Spring Break 1995 at Lake Havusu City, (3/24/1995), judge for Fame or Shame, Singled Out |
The New Leave it to Beaver, (1987?), syndicated tv series |
Swans Crossing, (1992), syndicated tv series/teenage soap opera, "Countessa Mila Bergita Rosnovsky" |
Sweet Valley High, (9/17/1994 through spring 1998), syndicated tv series, "Jessica Wakefield" |
Jed Diamond (Anglo #3):
Swans Crossing, (1992), syndiacted tv series/teenage soap opera, "Anglo #3" |
Devin Doherty (Jimmy Clayton): full name is Devin Thomas Doherty / BORN JANUARY 2, 1978 / has appeared in commercials / PLAYS HOCKEY / younger brother of Dwayne Doherty ("Edward") /
Our Town, stage, Broadway |
Swans Crossing, (1992), syndicated tv series/teenage soap opera, "Jimmy Clayton" |
Unsolved Mysteries, (199?), NBC tv series, |
Dwayne Doherty (Edward): older brother of Devin Doherty ("Jimmy Clayton") /
Swans Crossing, (1992), syndicated tv series/teenage soap opera, "Edward" |
Dean Erickson (Scuba Diver): has done the voice of "Gabriel Knight" in the GWII: The Beast Within CD-Rom /
[A.], (?), A Open Eye Theatre, NYC |
Anomie Baby, (?), NYU Thesis film, "Dave" |
The Atrium, (?), NYU Film, "Artist" |
Frasier, (?), NBC tv series, guest star in 4 episodes |
Group S.O.S., (?), 'Lou' Adam Hill Theatre, LA |
Hamlet, (?), 'Hamlet' Women in Theatre |
Henry V, (?), 'Henry V.' California Shakespeare Company Co., LA |
The Maderati, (?), theater, 'Danton' Synchronicity Space, NYC |
MacBeth, (?), 'Seyton' Riverside Shakespeare, NYC |
Michi's Blood, (?), 'Karl' Beckerman Theatre, NYC |
Much Ado About Nothing, (?), 'Conrade' Riverside Shakespeare, NYC |
The Moon is High, (?), NYU Film, "Donnie" |
Nemesis, (?), film, "Griffith (Principal)" |
Othello, (?), 'Cassio' Lehrman Summer Stage, NYC |
One Life To Live, (?), ABC soap opera, |
Picnic, (?), 'Hal Carter' Chernuchin Theatre, NYC |
Red, (?), 'Jack' Broome Street Theatre, NYC |
Shed a Tear, (?). SVA Thesis film, "Mark" |
Swans Crossing, (1992), syndicated tv series/teenage soap opera, "Scuba Diver" |
Troilus and Cressida, (?) 'Domedes' Horace Mann Theatre, NYC |
Walking in the Inferno, (?), Ekstasis Films, "Cal" |
The Weavers, (?), 'Red' Beacker RAPP Arts Center, NYC |
Women of Trachis, (?), 'Messenger' Miller Theatre, NYC |
Evan Ferrante (Owen Fowler): born May 6, 1979 /
Aladdin, stage, Broadway musical, "Aladdin" |
All My Children, (1993), ABC tv soap opera, "Ethan Elkhorn |
Camp, (1999), movie, starring Rosie O'Donnell |
Dreamstuff, stage, off Broadway |
Just Thinking, stage, off Broadway |
Levi Jeans commercial, (199?), tv |
Mead Five Star Notebook commercial, (1993 through present), tv, "clumsy student" |
Phoebe for President, stage?, "David" |
Swans Crossing, (1992), syndicated tv series/teenage soap opera, "Owen Fowler" |
Sarah Michelle Gellar (Sydney Orien Rutledge): born April 14, 1977 / HOMETOWN OF NEW YORK CITY / get ahold of Sarah at Sarah Michelle Gellar, c/o Buffy the Vampire Slayer, c/o The Warner Brothers Television Network, 4000 Warner Blvd. Burbank, CA 91522 / PLACED FOYRTH IN MADISON SQUARE GARDEN KARATE CHAMPIOSHIP / won bronze medal in New York State Regional figure skating competition the only year she competed (was professional for 3 years) / WHEN SHE STOPPED COMPETING IN TAE KWON DO AFTER FIVE YEARS SHE WAS A BROWN BELT / "I'm the type of person that needs to be acting eight days a week, twenty five hours a day." / SARAH GRADUATED EARLY FROM PROFESSIONAL CHILDREN'S SCHOOL IN 1994 WITH HIGH HONORS / met friend Lindsay Price while at school at Professional Children's School in Manhattan. when Sarah started on All My Children Lindsay was working as An-Li and helped her out / "I'LL PROBABLY GO TO SCHOOL IN THE FUTURE, BUT EVEN IF I DON'T I'LL CONTINUE TO TAKE CLASSES BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT I ENJOY. I LIKE LEARNING FOR LEARNING'S SAKE, NOT NECESSARILY SO THAT I CAN HAVE A DIPLOMA IN MY HAND / lived her whole life in New York City until she moved to Los Angeles in the summer of 1995 / WON BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS IN A HORROR MOVIE FOR I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER AT THE VH1 BLOCKBUSTER VIDEO AWARDS (3/10/1998) / won Best Breakthrough Performance for I Know What You Did Last Summer at the MTV Movie Awards 1998 / nominated for "Outstanding Younger Actress" in 1994 / BUFFY SEASON 1 3/10/1997 THROUGH 6/3/1997 / Buffy Season 2 9/15/1997 through 5/19/1998 / BUFFY SEASON 3 PREMIERE 9/29/1998 / at the first TV Guide (2/1/1999) Sarah won Sexiest Female, Best Dressed Female, Best Teen Character, Best Hairdo, and the show (BTVS) won best Sci-fi Fantasy Show / ON 1/15/1995 SEVERAL ALL MY CHILDREN STARS HOSTED AN 'ALL MY SOAP' MARATHON ON COMEDY CENTRAL. THIS HAPPENED TO BE AT THE TIME ALL MY CHILDREN WAS CELEBRATING IT'S 25TH ANNIVERSARY AND WAS THE SAME DAY AS AMC'S PRIMETIME SPECIAL. THE MARATHON LASTED FOR 9 HOURS AND HAD AMC STARS ADDING COMMENTARY DURING COMMERCIAL BREAKS. AT THE END OF THE MARATHON, AFTER 'SOAP's CLIFFHANGER ENDING, THE AMC STARS TALKED ABOUT WHAT THEY THOUGHT MIGHT HAVE HAPPENED. SARAH APPEARED ALONG WITH MICHAEL E. KNIGHT ("TAD"), WALT WILLEY ("JACK"), KELLY RIPA ("HAYLEY"), KEITH HAMILTON COBB (EX - "NOAH"), SYDNEY PENNY (EX - "JULIA"), AND CADY MCCLAIN ("DIXIE"). / has appeared as a spokeswoman for Madeline makeup
SARAH LINKS: The Official Buffy the Vampire Page / The All My Children Pages / G-Child's Sarah Page / Lawless' Sarah Page /
Avon commercial, (1991), tv |
All My Children, (3/11/1993 through 7/3/1995), ABC tv soap opera, "Kendall Hart Lang" |
Beverly Hills Family Robinson, (1/25/1997), ABC/Disney tv movie, "Jane Robinson" |
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, (1997 through present), WB tv series, "Buffy Summers" |
Burger King commercials, (early 1980s), tv, at least 30 various commercials |
Crossbow, (1986), tv series, "Sara Guidotti" |
Cruel Intentions, (1999), movie, "Kathryn Valmont" |
Funny Farm, (1988), movie, "Madolyn Smith's student" |
General Hospital, (1981?), ABC tv soap opera |
Girl Talk, (1989), tv series, herself |
Guilding Light, (1980), CBS tv soap opera, "flower girl at Kurt and Mindy's wedding" |
High Stakes, (1989), movie, "Karen Rose" |
I Know What You Did Last Summer, (opened 10/17/1997), movie, "Helen Shivers" |
An Invasion of Privacy, (1983), tv movie, "Jennifer Bianchi" |
Jake's Women, stage, "Molly" |
King of the Hill, (9/22/1998), Fox tv series, episode 'They Call It Bobby Love,' voice of "Marie" |
Love Sidney, (1981), tv series, "Gail Hunnicut" |
1-800-COLLECT, (fall 1997), tv, herself/"Buffy" |
1-800-COLLECT, (November/December 1998), tv, herself/"Buffy" |
Over the Brooklyn Bridge, (1984), movie, "Phil's daughter" |
Saturday Night Live, (1/17/1998), tv comedy show, herself/host |
Scream 2, (opened 12/12/1997), movie, "Casey 'Cici' Cooper" |
Shake and Bake commercial, tv |
She's All That, (1999), movie, cameo |
Simply Irresistible, (opened 2/5/1999), movie, "Amanda Shelton" |
Small Soldiers, (1998), movie, voice of "Gwendy doll" |
Spenser:For Hire, (1986), episode 'The Company Man,' "Emily" |
Swans Crossing, (1992), syndicated tv series/teenage soap opera, "Sydney Orion Rutledge" |
The Widow Claire, (199?), stage, Circle in the Square, original cast |
A Women Named Jackie, (10/13/1991), tv miniseries, "teenage Jacqueline Bouvier" |
'All My Soap', (1/15/1995), Comedy Central, one of many All My Children hosts of a 'Soap' Marathon |
The David Letterman Show, (1982), tv talk show, 'Safety Skit' |
The David Letterman Show, (12/1986), tv talk show, 'Guy Under The Stairs' skit |
Daytime Emmys 1994, ABC tv, award nominee |
Daytime Emmys 1995, (5/19/1995), NBC tv, award nominee and winner |
East Side Comedy Club with Eva La Rue, (11/13/1994), comedy show, Farmingdale, NY |
Entertainment Tonite, the 1994 Daytime Emmys, correspondent |
The Howard Stern Show, (3/10/1998), E! tv talk show, guest |
Late Night with Conan O'Brien, (6/23/1998), guest |
Late Show with David Letterman, (10/13/1997), guest |
Live with Regis and Kathie Lee, (9/5/1984), CBS tv talk show, fashion model |
Live with Regis and Kathie Lee, (11/20/1997), CBS tv talk show, guest |
Live with Regis and Kathie Lee, (3/16/1998), CBS tv talk show, guest |
Mike and Maty, (1995), ABC tv talk show, guest |
MTV Movie Awards, (1998), award nominee and winner |
Pure Soap, (1994), E! tv talk show, guest |
Queens, (summer 1994), Lifetime tv talk show, guest |
Regis Philbin Show, tv |
The Rosie O'Donnell Show, (2/17/1998), tv talk show, guest |
Rolonda, (May 1994), tv talk show, guest |
Sari Garber Benfit , (7/16/1994), Palmer Inn, Princeton, New Jersey, |
Satin, Silk, & Stars, benfit for the NY Special Olympics, (7/30/1994 and 7/31/1994) NY's Saratoga Racetrack |
Starlight Foundation, (9/18/1994), helps seriously-ill children get wishes granted |
The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, (9/8/1997), tv talk show, guest |
The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, (12/17/1997), tv talk show, guest |
The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, (9/25/1998), tv talk show, guest |
The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, (12/14/1998), guest |
TV Guide Awards, (2/1/1999), multiple award winner |
VH1 Blockbuster Video Awards, (3/10/1998), award nominee and winner |
Vibe, (10/13/1997), tv talk show, guest |
Walktoberfest, (11/13/1994), sign-up for a 9 km walk for the American diabetes Association |
Garry Goodrow (Baldie #2): also worked on writing the story for Honey, I Blew Up the Kid (1992) /
Almos' a Man, (1976), movie |
Amazon Women on the Moon, (1987), movie, checker player (Son of the Invisible Man) |
American Hot Wax, (1978), movie, "Louise's dad" |
Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice, (1969), movie, "Bert" |
Breathless, (1983), movie, "Berutti" |
Cardiac Arrest, (1980), movie, "Clancy Higgins" |
Circuitry Man, (1990), movie, "Jugs" |
The Connection, (1961), movie, "Ernie" |
Dirty Dancing, (1987), movie, "Moe Pressman" |
Eating Raoul, (1982), movie, "drunk swinger" |
Escape from Alcatraz ,(1979), movie, "Weston" |
Foul Play, (1978), movie, "henpecked husband" |
The Gladiator, (1986), tv movie, "Cadillac drunk" |
Glen and Randa, (1971), movie, "magician" |
Hero At Large, (1980), movie, "tv reporter" |
The Hollywood Knights, (1980), movie, "Jack Friedman" |
Invasion of the Body Snatchers, (1978), movie, "Boccardo" |
It Came Upon the Midnight Clear, (1984), tv movie, "cabbie" |
The King of Marvin Gardens, (1972), movie, "nervous man" |
Linda Lovelace for President, (1976), movie |
The Longshot, (1986), movie, "Josh". |
Loose Shoes, (1980), movie, "Narrator" |
The Lost Empire, (1985), movie, "doctor " |
Night Gallery, (1969), tv movie, "Louis" |
Off the Wall, (1983), movie, "happy prisoner " |
Once Around, (1991), movie, "additional voices" |
Once Bitten, (1985), movie, "wino" |
The Prey, (1983), movie, "Sgt. Parsons" |
Quick Change, (1990), movie, "radio D.J" |
A Session with the Committee, (1969), movie |
A Shock to the System, (1990), movie, "additional dialogue" |
Slither, (1972), movie, "man with camera" |
Stay Hungry, (1976), movie, "trainer" |
Steelyard Blues, (1973), movie, "Duval" |
Sudden Manhattan, (1996), movie, "Fainting Man" |
Summertree, (1971), movie, "Ginsgerg" |
The Sure Thing, (1985), "pick-up driver" |
Holter Graham (Billy Gunn): has also gone by his full name, Holter Ford Graham /
HOLTER LINK: Funny Monkey /
As the World Turns, (11/20/1996), CBS tv soap opera, "Corey Yates" |
The Curse, (1999), movie, "Spencer" |
Cry-Baby, (1990), movie, "strip poker #2" |
Fly Away Home, (1995), movie, "Barry Stickland" |
Guns and the Constitution, (1988), educational video |
Hairspray, (1987), movie, "I.Q." |
Law and Order, (1994), tv series, "drug dealer" |
Maximum Overdrive, (1985), movie, "Deke" |
New York Undercover, (1995), tv series, "drug dealer" |
Six Ways to Sunday, (1998), movie, "gangster-demon alter ego" |
Spin the Bottle, (1998), movie, "Jonah" |
Swans Crossing, (1992), syndicated tv series/teenage soap opera, "Billy Gunn" |
Take Charge, (1988), educational video |
Trifling with Fate, (1999), movie |
Two Evil Eyes: The Black Cat, (1990), movie |
Delphi Harrington (Countess Valaira Rosnovsky): has worked with an actress named Ayana Cahrr in a film (possibly helped train) / A MEMBER OF THE LAB THEATRE COMPANY AND THE ACTORS COMPANY THEATRE (ALSO ON THE ARTISTIC BOARD) / has played The Papermill Playhouse, Coconut Grove, Syracuse Stage, New Jersey Shakespeare Festival, Yale Repertory Theatre, Pioneer Theatre Company, The Guthrie Theater and Great Lakes Theater Festival, where she performed a dozen Shakespearean heroines. /
Roles |
After the Fall, (?). off-Broadway play, |
All My Children, (?), undetermined role - mentioned in a bio |
As The World Turns, (Late 1970s'), CBS tv soap opera, "Sally Mitchell" |
Breathing Lessons, (1994), tv movie, "Sugar" |
Chapter II, (?), Broadway play, |
Cookie, (1989), movie, "Rosa Tarantino" |
Everything in the Garden, (?), Broadway play |
A Good Sport, (?), television movie |
Guiding Light, (1977), CBS tv soap opera, "Georgine Granger" |
The Importance of Being Earnest, (fall 1998), theater, Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park, "Lady Bracknell" |
Kate & Allie, (1984), tv series, episode 'Jennie and Jason' |
Law & Order, (11/25/1992), episode 'Point of View,' "Suzanne, Jacques Dessange Hostess" |
Law & Order, (1/17/1996), tv series, episode 'Corpus Delicti' |
A Little Sex, (1982), movie, "Mrs. Bradley" |
The Night of the Juggler, (?), movie |
One Life To Live, (199?)(10/16/1995), ABC tv soap opera, "Marty Saybrooke's Aunt Kiki" |
Romeo and Juliet, (?), Broadway play, |
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead, (4/29/87-6/28/87), Roundabout Theatre |
The Seagull, (?), Broadway theater, |
Swans Crossing, (1992), syndiacted tv series/teenage soap opera, "Countess Valaira Rosnovsky" |
Theives, (?), Broadway play, |
Three Women Tall, (?), off-Broadway play with a national tour, "B" |
Where the Heart Is, (1969 through 1973), tv series, "Christine Cameron" (#2) |
Wai Ching Ho (Dr. Kamber):
Roles |
Cadillac Man, (1990), movie, "Asian wife" |
Happiness, (1998), movie, "student #1" |
Law & Order, (11/11/1992), tv series, episode 'Self Defense,' "Mrs, Rhee" |
One Life To Live, (1984), ABC tv soap opera, "Kim" |
Soapdish, (1991), movie, "fan" |
Swans Crossing, (1992), syndicated tv series/teenage soap opera, "Dr. Kamber" |
Seth Jones (Anglo #1):
All My Children, (spring and fall 1994), ABC tv soap opera, "newspaper photographer" |
Big Night, (1996), movie, "Jameson" |
Madman, (1981), movie, "Dave" |
Swans Crossing, (1992), syndicated tv series/teenage soap opera, "Anglo #1" |
White Hot, (1989,) movie, "Elliot" |
Laurie Kennedy (Cornelia Booth):
Choices, (1986), tv movie, "Ellen" |
Diary of the Dead, (1980), movie, "Ellie" |
Emergency!, (1/8/1976), tv series, episode 'Paper Work' |
Homicide: Life on the Street, (11/11/1994), tv series, episode 'Model Citizen,' "city attorney Felicity Weaver" |
Kennedy, (1983), tv miniseries, "Pat Lawford" |
Law & Order, (1/8/1991), tv series, episode 'Life Choice,' "Barbara Donovan" |
Law & Order, (11/15/1995), tv series, "judge" |
Law & Order, (9/23/1998), tv series, episode 'Cherished,' "Judge Edna Shields" |
The Love Letter, (1998), tv movie, "Lavinia Whitcomb" |
The Miracle Worker, (2/13/1987 - 4/12/1987), (63 performances), Roundabout Theatre, |
Path to Paradise: The Untold Story of the World Trade Center Bombing, (1997), tv movie, "F.B.I. Receptionist" |
The Perfect Tribute, (1991), tv movie, "Mrs. Blair" |
Swans Crossing, (1992), syndicated tv series/teenage soap opera, "Cornelia Booth" |
Twisted, (1986), movie, "Peg Yaeger" |
The Wedding Party, (1969), movie, "wedding guest" |
Mark Lake (Officer Tapert): has also gone by Mark V. Lake /
Ambition, (1991), movie |
Swans Crossing, (1992), syndicated tv series/teenage soap opera, "Officer Tapert" |
Alvin Lum (Mr. Han):
Homicide: Life on the Street, (3/17/1993), tv series, episode 'And the Rockets Dead Glare,' "Dengshu" |
Cosby Show, (1991), tv series |
Sabrina, (1995), movie, "Tyson Butler" |
Swans Crossing, (1992), syndicated tv series/teenage soap opera, "Mr. Han" |
David MacDonald (Jerry):
Another World, (1999), NBC tv soap opera, "Jordan Stark" |
Guilding Light, (1999), CBS tv soap opera, |
Swans Crossing, (1992), syndicated tv series/teenage soap opera, "Jerry" |
Kristen Mahon (Sandy Swan): born January 13, 1979 / SANG ALL OF SANDY'S SONGS ON THE SHOW / full name is Kristen Elizabeth Mahon / PERFORMED WITH A DANCE GROUP AT DISNEY WORLD FOR TWO SUMMERS /
Ask Me Again, (1989), PBS American Playhouse tv movie, "young Elizabeth" |
Babes In Arms, stage, "Bunny Byron" |
The Crucible, stage, "Abigail" |
Guys and Dolls, stage, "Adelaide" |
Gypsy (?1989 through 1991?), Broadway musical, "Baby Louise" |
The Man Who Came To Dinner, stage, "Lorraine Sheldon" |
Mina and the Colossus, (1998), stage, UMICH play, "Louise Arensburg" |
Oklahoma!, stage, "Ado-Annie" |
Kay-Bee toy store commercial, tv |
Swans Crossing, (1992), syndicated tv series/teenage soap opera, "Sandy Swan" |
Broadway Cares |
World Works: U.N. Year of the Child (12/12/1989?) |
Shane McDermott (Garrett Booth): full name is Shane Francis McDermott / BORN APRIL 24, 1976 / Airborne opened in theaters on September 17th, 1993 / PLACED 15TH IN NATIONAL JUNIOR OLYMPICS GYMNASTICS COMPETITION / hometown of Spring, Texas / ATTENDED BARTENDING SCHOOL / parents divorced / QUOTE - "I GOT A JOB ON A KID'S SOAP, SWANS CROSSING. IT WAS A WEIRD, '70S, DISCO, ACID TRIP SOAP OPERA. WE TAPED FOR ONE SUMMER AND MADE 65 EPISODES - IT CAME OUT TO BE REALLY HUGE. I WAS WORKING SO MUCH I HAD NO TIME TO MODEL. THE NEXT THING I KNOW THE SHOW'S BEEN CANCELED, AND I'M JOBLESS - AGAIN. I STILL MODEL EVERY ONCE AND A WHILE. I WAS NEVER A 'HIGH FASFION' TYPE OF GUY. I WAS MORE CATALOG." / enjoys gymanastics, swimming, diving, skateboarding, skiing, and surfing / VARIOUS COMMERCIALS / various modeling jobs / CLAIMS HE WASN'T A GOOD BARTENDER AND ONLY WORKED TWO MONTHS AT THE COFFEE SHOP / took sculpture and photography classes at the School of Visual Arts while working on All My Children / QUOTE - " IT'S A WEIRD SHAME THAT A DYSLEXIC KID WHO NEVER KNEW HOW TO READ AND WHO WAS NEVER INTO SCHOOL NOW LOVES IT." / quote - " My first day [at AMC] was better then some 'last days' I've had." / AT AGE THIRTEEN GAVE UP GYMNASTICS AS A PROFESSION / quote about the NYC Planet Hollywood party for Swans Crossing - " We were just little kids all packed into these limos, playing with the radio and everything. We got there, and there must have been 800 people. It was so scary. I remember getting out of the car thinking 'Who's here?!' We got out of the cars and people started grabbing and pulling at us. It was a mad house." / QUOTE ON POPULARITY - "I DON'T MISS IT AT ALL. THE ATTENTION SCARED AND EMBARRESED ME. IT IS DEFINATELY SOMETHING YOU HAVE TO GET USED TO. IT'S PROBABLY THE WEIRDEST FEELING IN THE WORLD, AND NOW THAT I CAN HANDLE IT, NO ONE COMES UP TO ME!" / did a personal appearance with Steve Burton ("Jason", General Hospital) on Saturday September 7th; they were special commentators at the Fall Fashion Show at Wonerland Mall in Livonia, Michigan / LOVED THE MOTORCYCLE HE USED TO VISIT THE DANIEL TWINS IN FLORIDA WITH. WHILE IN NEW YORK HE PARKED THE BIKE ILLEGALLY AND IT WAS IMPOUNDED. HE GOT IT BACK BUT PARKED IT ILLEGALLY AGAIN AND IT WENT UP FOR AUCTION. THE COP WHO HAD IMPOUNDED IT THE FIRST TIME WANTED IT AND BOUGHT IT. / when Shane had shoulder length hair he did a pilot for a syndicated thirty minute countinuing comedy called "Beverly Hills Beach Club" in the spring of 1995. It was not picked up for the fall schedule. / IS STILL PRESUING AN ACTING CAREER IN N.Y.C. / as his All My Children character, "Scott Chandler," he and other co-stars Michael E. Knight (AMC-"Tad") and Teresa Blake (AMC - ex "Gloria"), he crossed over to ABC sister-soap opera, One Life to Live. The set of 'The Cutting Edge was used to help OLTL characters with a storyline. The OLTL stars actually came to the AMC studio to tape the scenes which aired on One Life to Live. The cross-over episodes aired (as reported, unless changed at the last minute) on August 15th, August 16th, and August 19th, 1996 /
SHANE LINKS: The All My Children Pages / Young Male Stars / Star Galaxy /
Airborne, (1993), movie, "Mitchell Goosen" |
All My Children, (June 21st, 1995 through November 1996), ABC tv soap opera, "Scott Chandler" |
Babysitter's Club, (1991), tv series, "Jamie Anderson" |
The Colin Quinn Show, (199?), MTV talk show, guest |
Law & Order, (2/18/1995), tv series, episode 'Performance,' "Kyle Winters" |
Loving, (199?), ABC tv soap opera, a day player |
One Life To Live, (8/15,8/16, 8/19/1996), ABC tv soap opera, "Scott Chandler" |
PSA for Drug-Free America, (1992), tv commercial |
Swans Crossing, (1992), syndicated tv series/teenage soap opera, "Garrett Booth" |
Beau Milo (Newport Captian Beau Milo):
Stacey Moseley (Callie Walker): born December 20, 1976 / HOMETOWN OF CHESAPEAKE, VIRGINIA / full name is Stacey Renee Mosely / NUMEROUS COMMERCIALS / voice-overs / MISS HOLLYWOOD 1999 / 1998 Cum Laude Graduate of Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA /
STACEY LINKS: The Miss Hollywood Site /
Alan and Naomi, (1992), "Gloria" |
Annie, (1986?), stage, Darien Dinner Theater, Darien, CT, "Annie" |
Born on the Fourth of July, (1989), movie, "young Donna's friend" |
? Fact of Fiction, (1997), Fox tv series, an extra in a jury |
Johnny Pie and the Foot Killer, stage, New York City's Lamb Theater |
Justine: Exotic Liaisons, (1995), "young girl #1" |
The Knife, stage |
Law & Order, (5/19/1994)(8/10/1994), tv series, episode 'Doubles,' "Korey Burke" |
Otherwise Known as Sheila the Great, (1989), television afterschool special |
Secret Garden, stage, world premiere at Wells Theater-Norfolk Virginia |
Swans Crossing ,(1992), syndicated tv series/teenage soap opera, "Callie Walker" |
Welcome To The Dollhouse, (1995), movie, "Mary Ellen Moriarty" |
Tim Naughton (Tutu):
Barry Paprick (Baldie #1):
Hotel Room, (1998), movie |
NYPD Blue, (10/12/1993), tv series, episode 'True Confessions,' "bartender" |
Swans Crossing, (1992), syndicated tv series/teenage soap opera, "Baldie #1" |
Angela Pietropinto (Baroness Condadeani): has appeared in over 30 various on and off Broadway plays /
Above Freezing, (1998), movie |
After-Play, (1990s), play, |
Alice In Wonderland, play, Manhatten Project Theatre Company, "Alice" |
Easy Money, (1983), movie, "party mother" |
The Equalizer, (1985), tv series, episode '7,' "waitress" |
Finding North, (1998), movie, "Mrs. Portelli" |
GoodFellas, (1990), movie, "Cicero's wife" |
Grace Quigley, (1984), "receptionist" |
Heartburn, (1986), movie, "hospital receptionist" |
Honeymoon in Vegas, (1992), movie, "school parent" |
It Could Happen to You, (1994), movie, "jury foreperson" |
Kojak: The Price of Justice, (1987), tv movie, "receptionist" |
Me and Veronica, (1992), movie, "person on ferry" |
Nobody's Fool, (1994), movie, "Cass" |
Path to Paradise: The Untold Story of the World Trade Center Bombing, (1997), tv movie, "Ayyad's secretary" |
Running on Empty, (1988), movie, "English teacher" |
A Shock to the System, (1990), movie, "additional dialogue" |
The Suicide, (1980), play, |
Thinner, (1996), movie, "clinic doctor" |
Welcome to the Dollhouse, (1995), movie, "Mrs. Wiener" |
Without a Trace, (1983), movie, "parent" |
Eddie Robinson (Neil Atwater): born April 2, 1978 / FULL NAME IS EDDIE TYCLUS ROBINSON IV / modeled / CUURENTLY A MUSICAL ARTIST /
EDDIE LINKS: Eddie Robinson at MP3.com /
Are You Afraid Of The Dark?, (199?), tv series, episode 'Tale of the Midnight Madness, "Pete Matt" |
The Cosby Show, (1991/1992), tv series, one episode |
Ghostwriter, (199?), Nickelodeon tv series, "Lamont Sampson" |
"Keeping Up the Faith" (1989) Washington Radio Program, "Young Adam Clayton Powell" |
Lone Star, (1996), movie, "Chet Payne" |
A Man Called Hawk, (1989), ABC tv series, a couple of episodes |
The Man Who Came to Dinner, stage, Arena Theater |
The Merry Wives of Windsor, stage, Folger Theater |
Much Ado About Nothing, (Spring 1992), stage, Shakespeare Theater at Lansburgh |
Gayle Samuels (Officer Moore):
A ... My Name is Alice, (?), Off-Broadway, "Actress #3" |
All My Children, (?), ABC tv soap opera, "featured" |
Ain't Misbehavin,' (?), Broadway, "Charlaine" |
America's Most Wanted, (?), television, "featured" |
The Art of Dining, (?), Horizon Theatre, "Hannah Galt" |
Dancin,' (?), Broadway, "featured" |
The Dark Star From Harlem (Tribute to Josephine Baker), (?), Off-Broadway, "Josephine Baker" |
Dream Girls, (?), Broadway, ensemble |
Harry Belafonte, (?), Off-Broadway, "featured vocalist" |
Jumpin' Jack Flash, (?), movie, "Whoopi Goldberg double" |
Late Night with Conan O'Brien, (?), television, "featured" |
Little Shop of Horrors, (?), Off-Broadway, "Ronnette" |
Grind, (?), Broadway, "Ruby, Kitty, Fleta, Vernelle, Linette (u/s)" |
The Right Touch, (?), film, "lead" |
Sophisticated Ladies, (?), Broadway, "Phyllis Hyman role" |
Sunset Boulevard, (?), Broadway, "Starlet" |
Swans Crossing, (1992), syndicated tv series/teenage soap opera, "Officer Moore" |
William Shanks (Barek): also known as William Shanks II
Mira Sorvino (Sophia Eva McKormic DeCastro): daughter of Paul Sorvino(Goodfellas/Law & Order) / HAS A TALENT FOR ACCENTRY, MIMICRY / at the Academy Awards on March 25, 1996 Mira won Best Supporting Actress for her role in Might Aphrodite / BORN SEPTEMBER 28, 1967 / presented at the 1997 Academy Awards / MIRA WAS TWENTY-FOUR WHEN SHE APPEARED AS A SEVENTEEN-YEAR-OLD ON SWANS CROSSING / while preparing for Norma Jean & Marilyn Mira listened to hundreds of hours worth of Marilyn talking and singing to perfect the voice / NAMED ONE OF PEOPLE MAGAZINE'S 50 MOST BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE IN 1996 / dated director/actor Quentin Tarentino for 2 years / NATURAL BRUNETTE / prefers to do her own makeup " I've lived with this face, and I know what looks best on it" / LIVED IN BEIJING FOR A YEAR / graduated from Harvard in 1989 majoring in Chinese/East Asian Studies / IS FLUENT IN (MANDARIN) CHINESE AND OTHER LANGUAGES / feared that she could never escape being a celebrity kid / QUOTE ON FATHER, PAUL- "HE WAS MY FIRST TEACHER AND ULTIMATELY IS MY STRONGEST INFLUENCE / waitressed for a year after college - turned down a three year contract for CBS tv soap opera, Guilding Light / WORKED AS AN ASSOCIATE PRODUCER ON AMONGST FRIENDS (1993) /
MIRA LINKS: Jesse's Cioffe's Mira Sorvino Page / Dave's Tribute To Mira Sorvino / Scott Trible's Mira Sorvino Page / Larrybud's Dedication to Mira Sorvino /
Amongst Friends, (1993), movie, "Laura" |
At First Sight, (1999), movie, "Amy Benic" |
Beautiful Girls, (opened 2/6/1996), movie, "Sharon Cassidy" |
Blue in the Face, (1995), movie, "the young lady" |
The Buccaneers, (1995), BBC tv miniseries, "Conchita" |
Barcelona, (1994), movie, "Marta" |
The Dutch Master, (1995), movie, "Teresa" |
Free Money, (1998), money, "Agent Karen Polarski" |
The Guiding Light, (1992), CBS tv soap opera, "Julie Camalletti" |
Jake's Women, (1995), tv movie, "Julie" |
Joan of Arc: The Virgin Warrior, (1999), movie, "Joan of Arc" |
Lulu on the Bridge, (1998), movie, "Celia Burn' |
Mighty Aphrodite, (1995), movie, "Linda Ash" |
Mimic, (opened 8/22/1997), movie, "Susan Tyler" |
New York Cop, (1996), movie, "Maria" |
Norma Jean and Marilyn, (1996), HBO tv movie, "Marilyn Monroe" |
Parallel Lives, (1994), tv movie, "Matty Derosa " |
Quiz Show, (1994), movie, "Sandra Goodwin" |
The Replacement Killers, (1998), movie, "Meg Coburn" |
Romy and Michele's High School Reunion, (opened 4/18/1997), movie, "Romy White" |
Summer of Sam, (1999), movie |
Swans Crossing, (1992), syndicated tv series/teenage soap opera, "Sophia Decastro" |
Sweet Nothing , (1995), movie, "Monika " |
Tales of Erotica, (1996), movie, "Teresa" |
Tarantella, (1995), movie, "Diane" |
Too Tired To Die, (1998), movie, "Death/Jean" |
Donald Symington (Ralph): also known as Don Symington /
Annie Hall, (1977), movie, "Dad Hall" |
Diary of a Mad Housewife, (1970), movie, "pediatrician" |
From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler, (1973), movie, "museum director" |
The Front, (1976), movie, "Congressman" |
Hanky Panky, (1982), movie, "manager in club" |
Mighty Aphrodite, (1995), movie, "Amanda's father" |
Sanctuary of Fear, (1979), tv movie, "Heyman" |
Spring Break, (1983), movie, "Ernest Dalby" |
Swans Crossing, (1992), syndicated tv series/teenage soap opera, "Ralph" |
Trick Baby, (1973), movie, "Morrison" |
Wolfen, (1981), movie, "lawyer" |
Alex Tanaka (Saja (Bobby) DeCastro): born November 2, 1974 / HAS MOST LIKELY CHANGED HIS NAME TO "ALEX TOMA" AND HAS APPEARED IN A BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER EPISODE ("ANNE") AS "AARON" AND IN THE MOVIE 'OUTSIDE PROVIDENCE." / is currently roomates with Swans Crossing alum Tom Carroll ("J.T.") /
Honeycombs cereal commercial, (1993), tv |
Law & Order, (4/21/1993), tv series, episode 'Virus,' "Neil Andrade" |
New York Undercover, (199?), Fox tv series |
Swans Crossing, (1992), syndicated tv series/teenage soap opera, "Saja (Bobby) DeCastro" |
David Toney (Mr. Bryce Atwater): wrote the story for House Party 3 (1994) /
Lonely in America, (1991), movie, "Duncan" |
Law & Order, (1/6/1999), tv series, episode 'Hate,' "Fred Zarkin" |
Swans Crossing, (1992), syndicated tv series/teenage soap opera, "Mr. Atwater" |
David Wasson (Fats Weltman): also known as David Wasson II /
Fallout, (1995), movie, "Dan" |
Swans Crossing, (1992), syndicated tv series/teenage soap opera, "Fats Weltman" |
Craig Wroe (Anglo #2):
Swans Crossing, (1992), syndicated tv series/teenage soap opera, "Anglo #2" |
Nick Wyman (Grant Halsey Booth Jr. (#1)): also known as Nicholas Wyman /
Die Hard: With a Vengeance, (1995), movie, "Targo" |
Funny Farm, (1988), movie, "Dirk Criterion" |
Law & Order, (9/24/1997), tv series, episode 'Thrill,' "Judge Gavin Mickerson" |
Mathnet, (1992), tv series, episode 'Case of the Mystery Weekend,' "Peeved" |
The Murder of Mary Phagan, (1988), tv movie, "Lund" |
One Life to Live, (1993,1994), ABC tv soap opera, "Peter Manning" |
Planes, Trains & Automobiles, (1987), movie, "New York lawyer" |
Private Parts, (1997), movie, "tv reporter" |
Swans Crossing, (1992), syndicated tv series/teenage soap opera, "Grant Booth (#1)" |
Weeds, (1987), movie, "Associate Warden" |
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Most of this information came from everywhere. The credit goes to either internet databases, personal websites, other people's information, or my personal actor observance. Thanks to Miss Swan, G-Child, and Gamera for some of the information on this page. If anything seems incorrect or you have other infromation to add, please email me at swanscrosser@yahoo.com