Swans Crossing, USA

Swans Crossing was ... a syndicated weekday teenage drama that aired in 1992. It premiered on June 29th, and had 65 episodes that repeated themselves once after the original run. The half hour show had a talented cast, including current Hollywood stars Sarah Michelle Gellar, Mira Sorvino, and Brittany Daniel. Swans Crossing was well recieved but was unfortunately canceled before it had a chance. The USA cable network re-aired Swans Crossing in a early morning weekly spot in 1993 and 1994. This third airing of the show lasted 50 of the 65 episodes. Since 1994, Swans Crossing has been aired in countries like England, the Phillipines, and Mexico. Even years after it aired, the show still has several fans, and this is one of many sites dedicated to Swan Crossing.





  Callie WalkerGarrett BoothGlory BoothJimmy ClaytonJ.T. AdamsMila RosnovskyNancy RobbinNeil AtwaterOwen FowlerSaja DeCastroSandy SwanSydney RutledgeBilly GunnCountess RosnovskySophia DeCastro  
Mila Rosnovsky, Garrett Booth, Sydney Rutledge
Mila Rosnovsky, Garrett Booth, and Sydney Rutledge - July 1992
Doug's Swans Crossing Homepage Last Updated on 02.03.2004
  • The 12th year of the Swan. Oviously this page hasn't been updated in awhile. I recently recieved an email from geocities threatening to wipe it off their landscape if I didn't do something to update it. I still don't have the webpage editing program I used to have so I'm attempting to update it in html code the best I can. The thought had crossed my mind to just let geocities erase this site. A lot has changed since I first started this page 5 years ago. But I decided to try to keep it up just to keep this part of my life alive. Maybe now that I've been forced to make an update I'll make an effort to do some more here again. To Be Continued ...
  • The most recent chapter I wrote of Swans Crossing, USA is on Miss Swan's Fan Fiction. Please give her page a visit!
  • Note: I have to way of sending copies of episodes to anyone. I don't have the setup or the time to copy tapes. I am sorry I am unable to help.
  • Check out the organization that Stacey Mosely ("Callie") is working with along with a few new pics at Woman Act Productions.
  • Putu has created a Swans Crossing Fan Club on Yahoo! Please join this club at http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/swanscrossingfanclub

Be Sure To Visit Miss Swan's Swans Crossing Site

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This page was made by a fan. "Swans Crossing" and all characters mentioned within the series or elsewhere are property of Newlifier Limited copyright 1992. If not otherwise noted, all written work is copyright 1999 - 2000 Doug Knepper. I am not associated with the show, it's creators, distributors, or stars. I do not profit from this page. Contact me at swanscrosser@yahoo.com

- Thanks to Miss Swan, G-Child, Gamera, Angel, Sansan, Rachel S., Addie B., and Tom B. for the input on this site. Also thanks to Bonita for helping me finish my tape collection.

- Thanks to Mardee Kravtiz, Ned Kandel, Kaufman Astoria Studios, Heliosphere Productions, Sachs Family Entertainment, the cast, and anyone else who was involved in bringing Swans Crossing to the my television.