a selection of rare movies and pictures
on Woody Allen's work as an actor and director
(compressed quicktime movies and jpeg pictures)
Issue One - May 1999
The movies Woody interviews reverend Billy Graham (Quicktime - 1,9 Mb)
The nudity sketch (WA and Candice Bergen) file 1 of 9 (Quicktime - 2,1 Mb)
The nudity sketch, segment 2 (WA and Candice Bergen) file 2 of 9 (Quicktime - 1,8 Mb)
The nudity sketch, segment 3 (WA and Candice Bergen) file 3 of 9 (Quicktime - 1,6 Mb)
Woody acting his role in 'Stardust Memories' (Quicktime - 1,7 Mb)
The pictures
Woody as a guests of the Tonite Show, 1965
Woody directs a scene of 'Everybody says I love you'
Woody and photographer Carlo di Palma on the set of 'Radio Days'
A nice shot of Woody in Venice, 1996
Woody and Soon Yi in Venice, 1996
Woody directs Kenneth Branagh on the set of 'Celebrity'
... more on issue two, due out sometimes around June.
See ya!!!
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