Sitting on the chair, is Jellybean. I estimate she's over 11 years old, and still plays like a kitten. (When no one else is around except me, of course!) 'Bean is a tabby tortoise shell.
Socks looks like a siamese, but she is a Ragdoll. Soxie was given to me by a neighbor when I decided Bean needed some company. Soxie was born approx. 7 years ago.
These are my two "babies". |
**That Beanie sure does LOVE her perches! ** |
Here's Soxie... just hangin' around, being her little cool self..
She guards the inside of the house, and growls when the doorbell rings.. while the dog guards the outside of the house. |
This is Hank. He sure is a cutie cat, isn't he?
He was given to me by a friend in mid-August 1999. He sure keeps 'Bean and Socks on their toes!
He was named for one of my chat-friend's cats... I've nicknamed him Hankie-Panky, since he's always getting into SO much trouble around the house.
He was born in April, 1999, and from the way he's growing since I got him.. he's going to be quite a big Tom-cat when he grows up. One good thing is that he's extremely cuddly!
Here are some pictures of my dog, Lady. She was named by a very special friend when I got her in August of 1998. She's a good dog, learns quickly, and LOVES to be with people. |
Come back soon!
I always have more pics of my animals! ~Sue |
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