Major - "Sherman, it seems something ... err ... odd crashed nearby"
Sherman - "well it couldn't have been anything of ours,
I'd have heard about it from the Pentagon" roswell1.wav (177KB)
Sherman - "Alright ... lets just suppose Los Alamos or White Sands launch some ultra-experimental plane, rocket or whatever"
Jess - "they would be out looking for it"
Sherman - "maybe they are, maybe can't find it, that happens"
roswell2.wav (309KB)
Jess- "let me see your report Sherman"
Sherman - "I don't know what you are talking about"
Jess - "the hell you don't"
Sherman - "let me put it this way, if there was such a
report it would almost certainly be classified by now and you
would not be authorised to see it"roswell3.wav (276KB)
Sherman - "I can't do it"
Jess - "I out-rank you, and this is an ORDER"
Sherman - "it doesn't matter that you out-rank me, I'm
not answerable to you on this Jess. I make my reports to the Pentagon
directly, that is my mandate. We won a war by keeping our mouths
shut. If you have a problem with that I suggest you take it up
with Washington" roswell4.wav
Sherman - "scotch and soda"
Jess - "make that two"
Sherman - "what do you want ?"
Jess - "I want to know what was in that report. It's been 30 years Sherman, I think you can tell me now"
Sherman - "what report ?"
Jess - "July 1947"
Sherman - "first off I wasn't even here during that whole time, I wasn't on the base I was on leave"
Jess - "no, we went up to that ranch together"
Sherman - "if you believe that I can only tell you that your recollection is faulty because I wasn't here at the time alright"
Jess - "well no it's not alright" roswell5.wav (612KB)
"now the reason I'm not telling you anything is that I
want your honest, untarnished response and I don't care how far-fetched
or foolish it is" roswell6.wav
Sherman - "by the way, you weren't here today"
John - "that's what I figured ... was I with you ?"
Sherman - "I'm not sure yet ... but I'll let you know"
roswell7.wav (323KB)