The House of Andropolous
This page is dedicated to Helena's twin servants/boytoys, Ari & Andreas Andropolous.  Ari left Helena's service (NOT voluntarily) on October 14th, 1999. His twin brother Andreas made his debut on January 4th, 2000. In this site, you will find video captures, transcripts & photos. If anyone has any non-GH pix of Ari/Andreas portrayer that they are willing to share, please email me at Thank you & enjoy the site.
Ari Captures
January Captures
February Captures
March Captures
April Captures
June Captures
July Captures
August Captures
Docks Captures
Preparation Captures
Ari/Andreas Transcripts
Landon Wine/non-GH
Ari/Andreas fan fictions
Petition to give Andreas airtime & a story
Please do not take caps without permission. These caps were given to me by Rabet.
Very special thanks to Rabet for the video captures. I do appreciate it more than you know. Also, transcripts are courtesy of the GH Transcripts page:
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