My Friends!

Well Hey! Look way over there! I think I
see Jack and Marion in their sailboat. Yeah! That's
them they are waving back. HI! GUYS!! Boy do they
love to sail.They have been such wonderful friends
over the past 19 years. I was very fortunate when I
found them they have been the best and are "always
there for me kind of people"! You see I live on their property. Yes sir, near 19 years now. When I'm in
need and lord knows that seems like a lot lately,
they do for me as well as for others also, I might
add. We've never had a cross word between us, I pray
you might be lucky enough to have people in your
life, like I have In mine. I thank God

This is my cyber twin and very good buddy Mardi. We're sweet little angels, don't you think? Oh, don't let her tell you blondes have more fun, red heads do too, they just don't have to try as hard. Ain't that right Sweet Twin? See the grin on that little face? She know's I'm right. LOL!! HI ELDO! Eldo is Mardis gear-jammin' double-clutchin' eighteen-wheelin'other half...There's his baby.
WOW!! Would you look at that beauty! My, how well he keeps it polished. Mardi said next to her
it's his pride and joy.Go Eldo!

Little Mrs. Kathy of Koffee42. This wonderful Lady gave me a helping hand when I really needed it.
We became friends over a year and a half ago and our
friendship has been going strong ever sense. I have a friend for life. Thank You My Dear Lady Friend.

HI! Princess ~Kis!~ Thanks for all your
special help! Without your guidence I would have
never started this Home Page and that was a year and three or so months after I got my WebTv WOW.

HI! Dougie Sweetheart! Doug is a fine young man and a very dear friend I served two or three nights a week, after he got off work he would come in eat and relax before he went home to bed. Hay sweetie! Say Hello to your Mom Barbara for me. You guys keep the E-Mail coming I just love the jokes.

Hello also too my little friend from flordia
Mrs. Joyce this lady was the very first E-Mail buddy I had after I got my WebTv and she still is talking to me.

Good sweet hard working Velma I met her through
my friend Aaron.

Little Ms.Pat,(aka OKIE) This sweet lady gave me help with my sig when I needed it so bad and we have been friends ever since.She really keeps me on my toes. Thanks Pal

I want to say hello to all the rest of my
cyber friends and buddies who have helped and been
there for me for over the past years. I wish I could name you all because your all very special in your own ways. I thank you all so very much for chooseing to be my loving friends your all the GREATEST bunch of people I've ever met.

A big big "Thank You" to my dear friend Aaron of Spellsong, If it hadn't been for him I would have
lost my page, I would have given it up completely. He came in like a super hero who swooped in and saved me and this page so I'm now able to brag to you all
about his and my hard work he made it all work for me. So THANKS and GOD BLESS you Aaron your the greatest. Even though I've lost touch with you I still think of you offen and maybe you'll see this and know I still care or someone who knows you will tell you!

Also before you go I would like to share with you and have you meet another very dear lady and new friend whom I just met this last Aug. of '99. I had again given up on my site and she like Aaron came to my rescue. It seems after a few months of friendship and out of the blue this little lady ask me if she could do an interview of me for the Net 4 Voice. I was in a state of shock. I've never had anything so nice like this happen to me and after a day went bye and I read her E-Mail a couple dozen time I wrote her back and ask her if she was sure she had the right person. She wrote back and said It was me! I jumped up and down and said YES! OK! YEAH!....That was January of 2000 and with a tiny little nudge from her she got me up and going with excitement to fix up my sweet little home again. A great big HUG and an even bigger Thank You to Ms. Linda Anderson (the sweet leader of the wonderful group of people The Net Junkies) I bow in humbleness to this fine lady. Not only for the help this very busy lady gave me but she stopped everything in her busy life to help me. I'm
speechless. I bet some of you are happy to hear that. OK! OK! I'll shut up for "now anyway". LOL!!

Oh I'm sorry I know I said I was going to shut up BUT! I need to say A BIG HELLO to my adopted granddaughter "ROBBIE" Hi sweetie I love you hugs GRAMS.......
What a very exciting day this has been. A new home. I guess I better check the mail the box look's full. Oh boy do I love getting mail. Look here! There's some from some of my good old buddies and a few from some of the new friends I've made lately.
Well my dear friend and visiter ö¿ö I see your cup is empty. Oh, you don't care for anything else, well fine then! LOL! I have really enjoyed our visit, and we have done a lot today. Oh dear friend before you go maybe you would like to take a stroll through my garden. I'm so proud of It and love sharing It with others this is one of the big reasons I bought this home. Please enjoy!

I love hearing from folks!