11/21/00 19:38:25
| Comments: I Love Labyrinyh |
| Comments: Goblin King, Goblin King, where ever you may be, come and take me far away from here! iwishthegoblinswouldcomeandtakemeaway...rightnow. |
| Comments: haha, wierdness! fear it! I love my job... |
| Comments: Mwahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!! So, are you SCARED yet? .............You should be. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA! ;) |
| Comments: Very funny! Now honestly, when are you going to come to my window, cruel Jareth? |
| Comments: Very funny... Gotta love it. |
| Comments: Funny site! I always knew you had a sense of humor! No really, I thought it was cute and keep up the great work!!! |
| Comments: Cheese! Bea Arthur! Jareth! What more could you ask from a website? |
| Comments: How intriguing you would ask us if we like spam. Really Jareth I am half-suprised at your taste in food and other things presented here. Quite a laugh, very entertaining. If it wasn't I would not have signed your guestbook. Anyhow ta ta peach pits and all "one is never alone when one has a Cheshire Cat." ~Cheshire Cat the Ever-Present :-)) |
| Comments: i absolutely luved your site. it made me laugh so much. if you have any other sites please let me know where they are so i can take a good look at them. kudos to you. by the by do you know where i can get a copy of the book? i really really want one. lots of luv stef |
| Comments: i absolutely luved your site. it made me laugh so much. if you have any other sites please let me know where they are so i can take a good look at them. kudos to you. by the by do you know where i can get a copy of the book? i really really want one. lots of luv stef |
| Comments: |
| Comments: Goblin King Goblin King, whereever you may be. Take this job of mine far away from me. |
| Comments: Hi! I like your page and I like you even more! |
| Comments: your too cool...Peace. ![]() |
| Comments: i think you're a goodlooking and your voice is great. |
| Comments: Love you darlin' so when are you coming back over? I finally got that massage oil warmed up. |
| Comments: As it is written so shall it be. So when are you going to come and see me luv? |
| Comments: This reminds me of the page. *What page?* The page with the power. *What power?* The power of Jareth! *Jareth?* Jareth. *Now what the hell does that have to do with anything?* I have no idea. But the page is cool. *What page?* Now don't you start THAT again! |
| Comments: Nice page, though I have to admit, a bit simple, dearest. Perhaps one of these days you'll get around to putting up somehtign besides pictures. See you later, milord. |
| Comments: Jareth dear, I thought I should mention I am starting to post the "Mallow Wars" Saga online at my Site - seeing how I mention some rather.... explicit details aboout you, I thought you know. Please come home soon, the castle is getting rather cold and lonely... -Starlet |
| Comments: I love this page, it really makes me laugh, and the pictures...CLASSIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHHHAHAHAHHAHAH!!!!! Great job, simply SUPERB!!!!! ROTF!!!!! "Get in the car, Jareth, let's GO!!!!" |
| Comments: Hope to see more of you love From her royal vamp the princess Madettica of the dreamscape region |
| Comments: Very intertaining, loved the pic of Jareth and the woman and her child |
| Comments: Well, Hello Kidnap me!! LOL Okay, just e mail me then! Unless... you wanna kidnap me? |
| Comments: it's an...err, um...interesting page, milord. |
| Comments: I love the Labyrinth and you seem very cool. ~*~ |
| Comments: You win, I'll unlock my window tonight. did you really have to put that picture on this page?) GRRROOWWL.. |
| Comments: kewl page thats all i'm saying |
| Comments: I love your voice, especially when you're singing 'As the World Falls Down'. Can't wait to see more on your page. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<<~~~~~~<@ StormEmpress |
| Comments: You're crazy but that's why we love you. Great page. Maybe one day I'll give you a picture of me. |
| Comments: Jareth, I would really like to f#!k you like an animal. |
| Comments: Well Jareth, I must say I've found your page humorous, very humorous.... I must admit that I'm one of your newer admirers, but that is truely of litle importance...... Thsi page is truely YOU. All your vainty and personality reflects here. |
| Comments: Great page. should put a chat line in so we can talk to you. |
| Comments: And where is your lovely biographical tale, Winterborn? I realize that you aren't too fond of logic, but your temple of worship would be a wonderful place to keep it. |
| Comments: Jareth hon, I do love your page, it does look wonderful, but I do remember my favorite Goblin King requesting pictures of listians to add to his page and I believe I sent you one. After all, I figured since I have a whole page on my website dedicated to y ur lovely face, you could at least decorate one spot of yours with mine :) If you need my pic, email me, and while you are at it, visit my page, look at your lovely pics, and PLEASE sign my guestbook! Shall I grovel...don't get any ideas!! Have a wonderfu day my dear Jareth! |
| Comments: WOW, Jareth. . .and to think I only used to worry about you a LITTLE bit! I'd send you a picture of me to put on here, but first, I look like a 300 pound cow in every one taken, and second, I can't send pics through E-mail. I LOVE your lil' bit for Chris (Blueyes)! And that pic of Lady Sowelu is wonderful |
| Comments: I love your page. I can't wait to see what else you put up!!! ^_^ |
| Comments: j, i sent you my pic twice and neither times did it get posted. am i going to have to retaliate and go homicidal on that hot ass of yours?? |
| Comments: Lovely page. Didn't know that you were so fond of chesse! Maybe sometime I'll send my pic too (once I get one done that looks decent, of course!) What kind of stying products do you use? My hair never looks that good. |
| Comments: A most gracious webpage, Your Majesty. I loved all the pictures, especially yours, and of course your sense of humor is THE best! Yours loyally, Galen the Elven |
| Comments: A wonderful page you Highness. I shall be back soon to gander at it some more. *~Elfina Dritzy or just Elfy~* |
| Comments: My dearest king, I love your web page. I look foward to seeing more of your work. Oh, yes, I would most certainly love to send you my pix but I unfortunately am not able to find a good scanner. Magic forever Alethea aka Mystique Silver |
| Comments: Jareth, Jareth, Jareth--when will you ever learn that your attempts to force us into servitude and worship simply won't work? We're far too stubborn a bunch for that. But we love you (heaven help us) all the same. Oh, but let me just say that the page ould load a lot faster if the member pics were on a separate page...just a little webbing tip. Viva la tights! MadMarian |
| Comments: Jareth as my beloved Prince of tights and leige of hair,you still havent learned from the Sarah and Maed thing have you?I do like you web page but include some fanfic(I cannot beleive I'm saying this!)and maybe include somethung nice about the listens. Love Aradia |
| Comments: Nice page Jareth, but franky the picture of Bea Arthur really frightens me. |
| Comments: HRH will get my god damed picture when someone holds me down and snaps one of me! Patience is a virture Jareth my sweet. And you still have my frickin dream pillow! |
| Comments: I still think you need a green background. Interesting page, Jareth. I am considering sending you my picture, but I'm afraid it will frighten you. Good page, and definatly interesting. What's up with this cheese thing? Well, peaches and green forever, ~KJ ~ |
| Comments: Good job, YRT. I didn't see my pic, though. =( Maybe it would help if I actually sent any. |
| Comments: *laughs* Good start Jareth. It is a Vanity Page after all... I'm surprised you're resisting the temptation to overload it with pictures of yourself. uh-oh... I might have just given you the excuse. *laughs* Bye!!! |
| Comments: Lovely page you got here, I look forward to seeing what you'll do to it in the future :) Maybe you can give me a personal tour sometime *wink*... HA, HA, I hope you didn't actually fall for that one. Visit my page sometime, I'll be looking for you :) *Your humble minion, Crystal* (wicked grin) |
| Comments: Cute page. Uh huh. Actually, I epected more pics of you, a mirror, a link to your tights supplier, a link to your hair gel supplier, a link to your glitter supplier..... Like the pics of the listians...where's mine? Oh, haven't sent you the good one yet have I? Ok, ok, I'll get working on it. Have to cut someone out of the pic before I can send it to you. Can we all guess who THAT might be? *g* |
| Comments: I love the page, J! That picture at the beginning was too much!!! --Allie |
| Comments: J, J, J, you really do need help. I can recommend a few good psychiatrists, and a few bad ones, for that matter. When will you realize that you are not our king and we are not your subjects? Your ego astounds me. You're the only man I know who's ego i bigger than his... And by the way, we all know you do stuff. |
| Comments: My lord, and leige, you have my undying devotion, however, I do NOT wish to share your bed, nor your life. You may talk to me for hours on end, and I will never tire of your voice. BUt never think to take a hand or lip to me, lest your crystal balls be hattered! |
| Comments: ::bows:: I love your page your majesty. Well done! Love always, Kayla Ps: I signed your guestbook now you sign mine!!! |
| Comments: I know I already signed the book, but your stupid netgoblins sent it off before I was finished! Just wanted to say, you are certainly amusing when you want to be. I like reading your posts, as crazy as they are. |
| Comments: I came I saw I left |
| Comments: |
| Comments: i really enjoy seeing the faces of those writers i love so much. thanks for the oppertunity, your highness. good job! |
| Comments: Well Jareth...you finally got yourself a web-home...I'm proud of you...now come sign my guestbook, damn it!!! |
| Comments: A truly enchanting place you've got here, Your Tightness! Must hire a cleaning lady, though. The chickens are er, um...leaving a trail. |
| Comments: Weave your words Jareth and do be kind. You have seemed to be nice to my mortal seeming. In the meantime may you keep true glamour in your hearts where many may dig but few may find. |
| Comments: So far so good, Jareth. Let's see what comes of this little adventure, hmmm....? |
| Comments: Great start to the page you majesty. Very good for a beginner. I seem to remember a time when you didn't know a mouse from a monitor. :-) |
| Comments: Nice page, your highness. Hope to see more stuff up there besides yourself in the near future but the addition of the Listians is a good start *grin* Do stop by my page some time, I have put a lot of work into it and I think you would like it! (And sign my guestbook, no one sign's my guestbook! *sigh* Until later, Sweet Dreams! |
| Comments: Your Majesty, I'm very interested in your page and hope to see more of the listians up and less of you. *smile* You know I'm just kidding... Oh, I know you can see though that line! BTW, J, if I'm going to start the hobbie of kidnapping old men and having my way with them, I want you to be the first...OLD MAN! With much love and abomination, Reason for picking your nose |
| Comments: Great page, Your Majesty. Thanks for posting the pic of me. I actually look half-way decent in it. Can't wait to see what's next, and like I've said, enough with the cheese! |
| Comments: Great page, Your Majesty. Thanks for posting the pic of me. I actually look half-way decent in it. Can't way to see what's next, and like I've said, enough with the cheese! |
| Comments: Well, don't be shy, now. Sign away, my minions. |