Circumstances, and our Lady of the List, have suggested that it might be beneficial to me to have my own webpage. Seeing as how there is nothing else on the web to rival myself at this time, I have decided to aquire a site of my own.
Well, I shall be working on this page in between my usual hobbies of baby snatching, seducing young ladies, and being a much needed addition to the Labyrinth mailing list.
While no one will ever be as breath-taking to behold as I am, I have decided to post pictures of my minions none the less. This first picture was sent to me from the Lady of Reason, Ms. Jennifer Coon of Kansas. Her interests include writing, acting, kidnapping old men and having her way with them, yelling at small children, and burping folk songs.
This next picture is of one Blueyes. Blueyes lives inside of a large mushroom just outside of San Jose, California, and is interested in farming, taxidermy, tax evasion, chasing taxis, and dancing in the moonlight with pictures of Barbara Walters.
And here is my dear friend, Clara Gerl. Clara is a professional writer, and just a good person in general. She has several webpages, authors her own Ezine, and teaches CPR to nuns on her holidays.
And here we have our own Rachel, Labynymph. For some odd reason, this young lady has a burning desire to see me come to great harm. In all of her stories. I teeter at the brink of death. Rachel, Rachel, what did I ever do to you?
And this is Ms. Seaona Bellamy. Seaona is a professional dwarf-tosser. Seaona, oh how I could use someone like you in my employ.
And this lovely lady is my dear, dear, friend, Our Lady of the List, Lady Sowelu. I love you, Jenn
And this is Kitty. Her strength and courage are an inspiration to all of us. She is seen here posing with me and her daughter, Elizabeth
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